Friday, May 31, 2019
Impact of Electric Vehicles Essay examples -- Environment, Renewable E
1Literature ReviewThe review presented in this chapter outlines the integration of electric car vehicles with the electricity generated from wind goose egg to repair jurisdictions energy security and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The first section discusses wind as a renewable energy source and its share in future global energy mix to meet the increased electricity demand while still decrease greenhouse gas emissions. The second section explains the fundamentals of different types of electric vehicles and describes the research related to the impact of electrification of vehicles in transportation sector. The final section summarizes the findings presented in existing literature related to the potential environmental impact of the electric vehicles using the regional wind generated electricity to address greenhouse gas emissions and to improve energy security.1.1Renewable EnergyIn the recent years, the global demand for energy is rapidly growing with increasing human popul ation, urbanization and modernization (Asif & Muneer, 2008). jibe to the IEAs World Energy Outlook (WEO), the global primary energy demand is projected to increase by 35 percent from 2008 to 2035 (IEA, 2011). Today, fossil fuels notably oil, gas and coal accounts for majority share of primary energy supply and it will remain to be dominant energy sources to meet the global energy demand in 2035. However, the share of fossil fuels sources in global primary energy mix will decline to 74 % in 2035 compared over 81% in 2008 (IEA, 2011). Furthermore, the share of renewables to energy growth is likely to be increased from 5% (1990-2010) to 18% (2010-2030) (BP, 2011). Renewable energy sources include solar, wind, biomass, hydro, geothermal and wave an... to backup power by providing power stored in energy transshipment center devices back to electric grid to balance the supply and demand however it also provides the superfluous storage for utilities when the energy is excess in availability for later use. For example, when wind power is excessive in production, utilities stores the excess wind generated electricity in to batteries and bear on when there is no wind or high energy demand. (Kempton & Dhanju, 2006). Energy storage technique could help utilities to decrease the variability of the system and improves the maximum habit of wind energy in to their energy mix. Some of the major energy storage technologies available in the market are pumped hydro energy storage (PHES), compressed air energy storage (CAES), Electric thermal storage (ETS) and battery energy storage (BES) etc., (Ibrahim, Ilinca, & Perronb, 2008).
Thursday, May 30, 2019
The Devil Of Tom Walker And Th Essay -- essays research papers
Despite the evidence that Washington Irving holds to show his love for America in his stories, he portrays some characters in the Devil and Tom pusher and The Legend of Sleepy Hollow as greedy. Irving shows concern for America by placing stories in uniquely American moments. In this essay I will canvas through passages and quotes from Irvings stories that he shows his love for America in his stories and portrays some characters as greedy in the two stories. The historical settings of these stories is made apparent by the use of elements common to the revolutionary era. In The Devil and Tom Walker when Irving is describing the setting he gives an impression that it took place in America. In describing the setting he says, "It had been the fixture of the Indians during their war with the colonists." Since the war took place in America this is one evidence of his love for America. Another is when Irving is describing the devil and he makes the point that he a in particular American devil. When the devil first meets Tom and the devil is telling him about himself he says, "I amuse myself by presiding at the persecutions of Quakers and Anabaptists I am the undischarged patron and prompter of slave dealers and the grandmaster of the Salem witches." In The Legend of Sleepy Hollow there are many American traits in the description of the setting. It is tell by some to be the ghost of a Hessian trooper, whose head had been carried away by a...
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Distance Learning Essay -- Education Technology Technological Papers
surpass Learning Distance accomplishment ( education) has become an integral part of the education process over the past few decades and is growing in popularity as technology advances.(Willis 1992) describes distance education (as) the organizational framework andprocess of providing instruction at a distance. Distance education takes place when ateacher and student(s) are physically separated, and technology(is) used to bridge theinstruction gap. (Coutts 1996). Furthermore, distance learning activities are designedto fit the specific context for learning, the temper of the subject matter intended learningoutcomes, needs and goals of the learner, the learners environment and the instructional echnologies and methods. (American Council of grooming 1996).According to Moore and Thompson (1990), there are essential elements needed for effective distance learning to take place*Be prompt in coming online and insist students do the same.*Use a natural style of delivery speak easily and enunciate clearly.*Maintain spontaneity, avoid reading from a script.*Use visuals effectively.*Use frequent changes of pace to maintain interest.*Frequently draw participants into discussions.*Always refer to participants by name.*Give short concluding summaries of the concepts presented.*Provide structure by effectively using authority.*Control verbal traffic.*Provide socio-emotional support by integrating new-fashioned group members and encouraging humor.*Establish a democratic atmosphere by sharing authority and asking for participation.*Create a sense of shared length and history.*Model appropriate behavior.*Seek and clarify a common definition of terms.*Set an appropriate pace (Mo... ...ournal of Distance Education . Moore, Michael G. & Thompson, Melody M. (1990) The Effects of Distance Learning. A Summary of Literature. (Research Monograph, Number 2). Southern Ohio Telecommunications Consortium. Moore, Michael G. (1989, June). Distance Education A Learning System . Lifelong Learning. pg. 8--11. Distance Education A Learning System. Simonson, M. (1997). Distance Education Does Anyone Really Want to Learn At A Distance. Contemporary Education, 68. Page 104--107. Willis, B. (1998, Jan-Feb). Effective Distance Education Planning Lessons Learned. Educational Technology. Willis, B. (1994). Distance Education Strategies and Tools. in the buff JerseyEducational Technology Publications. Willis B. (1992). Effective Distance Education A Primer for Faculty and Administrators. Monograph Series in Distance Education. 2
Bureaucracy and the Pacific Way Essay -- Literary Analysis, The Sevent
Bureaucracy and the Pacific WayIn Mike Judges movie Office Space, the main character Peter is a cog in the bureaucratic wheel. He works a middling job for some(prenominal) different bosses, none of who care about him on any personal or emotional level. The system functions smoothly, allowing the business enterprise to operate efficiently and effectively. These corporations, like a government bureaucracy are compartmentalized, impersonal, and utilitarian. Every component of every department works toward the goal of efficiency and development. Consequently, the bureaucracy represents the culmination and manifestation of Western business ideal. Ultimately, the bureaucracy is successful when its members relinquish their own personal identity in favor of the bureaucratic ideal. Although these organizations have a significant importance in a society that values efficiency, punctuality, and materialism, the reality is that these values of Western progress are not embodied throughout the w orld. Other cultures have and maintain beliefs independent from this mindset. In Epeli Hauofas novel Tales of the Tikongs, the island of Tiko is a uniquely Pacific land that is the subject of a new development effort by the United Kingdom. In the break of progress, the imperialists attempt to modernize a culture they consider native (5). Although the Western imperialists claim these efforts are for the benefit of the Tikongs, through an analysis of the bureaucratic institutions in the stories The ordinal and Other Days and The Glorious Pacific Way, the true purpose of development is exposed to be the pacification of Pacific culture. The opening of the collection of goldbrick stories, The Seventh and Other Days provides the contextual background for an understand... ...orming Tiko into a submissive participant in their international funding games. The Tikongs lost their tradition and identity because of the debate actions of the bureaucracy. Furthermore, as evidenced by Pasifiki weis symbolic change, even their self-respect disappeared. Like Peter in Office Space, the people of Tiko became the faceless and nameless workers in a government induced pipe dream for the attainment of actual progress. Although the bureaucracy never truly succeeded in incorporating its policies in Tiko, by dehumanizing the Tikongs, undercutting their culture, and convincing the earthly concern to work for progress, the bureaucracy pacified the Tikongs. Development did not improve their way of life instead it turned them into another casualty of colonialism, a people without a culture in a perpetual struggle towards a non-existent goal.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Implied Terms :: essays research papers fc
TABLE OF CONTENTS1)Introduction2)Implied Terms3)Custom / Usage 4)Court5)Past Dealings6)Statute7)Goods Act8) swap Pr forgeices Act9)Conclusion10)Recommendations11)BibliographyINTRODUCTIONAgreements are formed in almost every communication electronic, written or oral daily. Once an agreement fulfills the components essential of a contract, therein lies the existence of price of a contract.These call depict an obligation between parties involved in the form of Express terms or Implied terms. Express terms are material terms stated by the parties involved, and can be interpreted in 3 ways Oral, Written, Oral and Written. Implied terms are terms normally not stated or not known by the parties, and may be derived from Custom/Usage, Court, or Statute. Custom terms are referenced to conventions or usages in a particular industry or trade. Court terms are adopted when an oversight of the parties occur, in lay out to give business efficacy to the contract based on prior or past dealings. Statute terms are referred to the various states, territories and Commonwealth batch Practices Act when the contract is formed.When a sale of goods involving consumer and corporations, Trade Practices Act and the Goods Act statutes established by the Commonwealth and its State parliament may be employ to protect consumers from the conduct of these contracts. Act s.4B of TPA defines a consumer as someone who acquires goods or services for less than $40,000. Act s.85(1) of Goods Act applies if goods are worth less than $20,000.IMPLIED termThe case of BROGDEN v METROPOLITAN RAILWAY illustrates one of the early cases of implied terms in which the conduct of a party is sufficient for the courts to hold an implied terms judgement, in spite of a lack of an offer & acceptance. The unilaterally signed agreement was actually a counter-offer, despite there was no mutual agreement to the changes of terms by Brogden. But the courts held that the conduct of Metropolitan Railway as valid.A si mple illustration to determine if a term should be implied into a contract is in the case of SHIRLAW v SOUTHERN FOUNDRIES , where MacKinnon LJ quoted, in any contract is left to be implied and need not be expressed is something so obvious that it goes without locution.Custom/UsageIn a particular industry, references as to what is common practice or usages of the companies are dictated by themselves and not by the courts. When they act upon a contract based on their trade understanding, certain standards exist. In the case of BRITISH CRANE aim CORP LTD v IPSWICH PLANT HIRE LTD , a hire form sent to hirer was merely to facilitate the formal procedures and understanding.
Implied Terms :: essays research papers fc
TABLE OF CONTENTS1)Introduction2)Implied Terms3)Custom / Usage 4)Court5) old Dealings6)Statute7)Goods serve8)Trade Practices Act9)Conclusion10)Recommendations11)BibliographyINTRODUCTIONAgreements argon formed in almost every communication electronic, written or oral daily. Once an agreement fulfills the components required of a contract, therein lies the existence of scathe of a contract.These terminations depict an obligation between parties involved in the form of Express terms or Implied terms. Express terms are material terms stated by the parties involved, and can be interpreted in 3 ways Oral, Written, Oral and Written. Implied terms are terms normally not stated or not known by the parties, and may be derived from Custom/Usage, Court, or Statute. Custom terms are referenced to conventions or usages in a particular industry or trade. Court terms are adopted when an oversight of the parties occur, in order to give business efficacy to the contract based on prior or past deal ings. Statute terms are referred to the various states, territories and Commonwealth Trade Practices Act when the contract is formed.When a sale of goods involving consumer and corporations, Trade Practices Act and the Goods Act statutes established by the Commonwealth and its estate parliament may be used to protect consumers from the conduct of these contracts. Act s.4B of TPA defines a consumer as someone who acquires goods or services for less than $40,000. Act s.85(1) of Goods Act applies if goods are worth less than $20,000.IMPLIED TERMSThe case of BROGDEN v METROPOLITAN RAILWAY illustrates one of the early cases of implied terms in which the conduct of a caller is sufficient for the courts to hold an implied terms judgement, despite a lack of an offer & acceptance. The unilaterally signed agreement was actually a counter-offer, despite there was no mutual agreement to the changes of terms by Brogden. But the courts held that the conduct of Metropolitan Railway as valid.A s imple illustration to determine if a term should be implied into a contract is in the case of SHIRLAW v SOUTHERN FOUNDRIES , where MacKinnon LJ quoted, in any contract is left to be implied and need not be expressed is something so obvious that it goes without saying.Custom/UsageIn a particular industry, references as to what is common practice or usages of the companies are impose by themselves and not by the courts. When they act upon a contract based on their trade understanding, certain standards exist. In the case of BRITISH CRANE enlist CORP LTD v IPSWICH PLANT HIRE LTD , a hire form sent to hirer was merely to facilitate the formal procedures and understanding.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Local Taxidermy Essay
What is taxidermy? Well should I say what is stuffing? Taxidermy is authoritatively a big affair in this small world. Taxidermy has been around for a very long time, it aims many difficult steps to becoming a good taxidermist, all the different types of taxidermy, therefore it forget take c atomic number 18fulness, time and exertion for me to mount a deer head for my product. When taxidermy first came around it was used by the Indians for clothing and even used for shelter. In this research paper you forget find that taxidermy is very important to the human life, because even today people still wear clothing that is made from animal skin.Taxidermy is a general stipulation showing the many methods of reproducing a life- equivalent three dimensional representation of an animal for permanent display. The actual skin from an animal (including the fur, feathers or scales) is took and mounted over an soupy armature. In other cases, the specimen is completely done with man made mate rials. Taxidermy is derived from two ancient Greek words taxis, Meaning movement, and derma, meaning skin. in that respectfore translated, taxidermy representation the movement of skin. Taxidermy notify be done on all cashs of animals including humans.A brief history of Taxidermy, Thousands of years ago when man first hunted for his food, he found that the skins of his prey, when treated with certain substances, could be preserved and used for clothing and shelter. The first taxidermists were primitive hunter-gatherers who crudely formed animal skins over mud and vibrate for use in their hunting rituals. Over the years, as methods increased these skins improved and the need for tanned skins increased, the tanner became one of the most important members of the tribe. Without him there would be no clothing.As the demand for quality leather and skins increased, the methods became more and more sophisticated. By the 1700s almost every town had a tannery business. In the 1800s, hunt ers began bringing their trophies to providey shops, where the upholster would sew up the animal skins and stuff them with rags and cotton. Thats where the term stuffing or a stuffed animal evolved from this crude form of taxidermy. This practice produced some grave expecting mounts and gave taxidermy a bad reputation which still haunts the industry to this day.Professional taxidermists still shudder and take offense at the term stuffing, the perfered word is mounting. In the early 20th century, taxidermy began to evolve into its modern form under the leadership of great artists such as Carl E. Akeley, William T. Horneday, Coloman Jonas and Leon Pray. These and other talented pioneers developed anatomically high-fidelity mounts which incorporated every detail right down to each muscle and tendon of the animal. In artistically pleasing poses. They invented new techniques for mounting that allowed them to portray animals with in writing(p) accuracy.They created mounts in realisti c settings and poses that were more appropriate for the species. This was quite a change from the crude, snarling caricatures that were best-selling(predicate)ly offered as hunting trophies. To actual trophies that show exactly the realistic look of the animal. Taxidermy in the latter part of the twentieth century has developed into a full-fledged form of wildlife art, and the successful taxidermists of today mustiness in addition be considered as very fine artists in their own right.There are many different methods used today for producing mounts of different species. The taxidermist today can take pride in their works as their work is just as nice as the paintings that hang on house holds. To becoming a non forgettable taxidermists it takes practice. The modern practice of taxidermy incorporates many crafts, such as carpentry, woodworking, tanning, molding and casting. It also contains artist talent, so it takes someone that willing put their time into something that they wont except till it reaches their high explatations.In a deer head mount, the only natural parts of the animal are the antlers and the skin, the teeth can be used if they are in good dental shape, but most are artificial. The other organs are shaped by the taxidermists materials. The eyes are made from glass, the eyelids are sculpted from clay, the nose and mouth are made from epoxy or wax. The form is made from polyurethane foam. To practice taxidermy one must be extremely familiar with anatomy, dissection, sculpture, and painting as well as tanning. Today most of the parts used are not even from the real parts of the animal at all.They are completely recreated from man made materials. This is for those who that believe in the catch and release. This is usually done on fish, the only thing they are required to do is take a picture and take some measurements of the fish. Then take the picture and the measurements to a local taxidermy, the taxidermy will then take the materials and scul pture a real life like mount of the fish, Some even say that if you take the artificial fish and set it beside a real one and you wont even tell the difference.But the good thing is the hunter or black cat can feel good well-nigh what he has done because the fish that he caught is still living plus he has a trophy on his wall that reminds him of what he caught. A taxidermy will first take the trophy and freeze it until it is time to be mounted. The taxidermist the removes the skin, to be tanned and treated for later use. The remaining muscle fibers and bones are measured and posed. The carcass is then molded and plaster. The carcass is then removed and the mold is used to produce a cast of the animal called a mannequin.Mannequins can also be made by sculpting the animal first clay. There are many companies that produce stock forms in many sizes that can be used. Glass eyes are then usually added to the display, and possibly also artificial teeth, depending on the subjects original dental condition. An increasingly popular trend is to freeze dry the animal. This can be done with reptiles, birds, and small mammals such as cats, large mice and some types of dogs. Freeze drying is costly and time consuming. The equipment is expensive and requires much upkeep.Large specimens can be required to spend as long as six months in the freeze dryer, although is the preferred technique for pets. There are many different types of taxidermy, for instant a Rogue taxidermy is the creation of stuffed animals which do not have real, live counterparts, be of the taxidermistss imagination, or be endangered or extinct species. They can be made from the parts of mythical animals or they may be artificially created. Rogue taxidermy is often seen in side shows and dime museums among genuine freak animals.The other type of taxidermy is known as Anthropomorphic taxidermy its where stuffed animals are dressed as people or displayed as if engaged in human activities. This room was popul ar in Victorian and Edwardian times but can still be found today. The style was popularized by Human Plouequet, taxidermist in Stuttgart. Germany, when he exhibited at the Great Exhibition in 1851. Just where can you see taxidermy at? Well taxidermy is everywhere they are displayed in museums, educational institutions, businesses, restaurants, and homes.Therefore to become a taxidermist you must need some experience, you can gain this experience threw schooling. From there you will learn the basics of taxidermy, like how to measure the different parts of the animal, how to be accurate at ordering the right size form for the species. You will also learn how to tan a hide and learn the steps to putting the cape on the form. This is all important because you want to make sure that the specie looks very life like. Which if you like to rush threw things and be able to finish them without the hassle of waiting then taxidermy is not for you.Taxidermy takes patience and time, it can take a taxidermist up to six months to finish a trophy. Of course a taxidermist could do it a lot faster if they didnt care what it looks like at the end but no they want their work to look as life like as possible. Because anyone that is a hunter or fisherman knows that having something to remind them of there trophy is a memory that will always stick with them. So when they pay a very large amount of silver to get their trophy done they would expect it to look life like and give them that memory of the day it was taken or caught.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Albert Camus The Stranger: Existentialism and Absurdism Essay
Existentialism is a philosophy that emphasizes the uniqueness and isolation of the individual experience in a contrary or indifferent universe, regards human existence as unexplainable, and stresses freedom of choice and responsibility for the consequences of ones acts. This philosophy is essentially the crux of the brisk The weird and not lonesome(prenominal) serves as one of the themes precisely probably the main reason Albert Camus wrote the book altogether. Presented in first person narration through the check of Meursault, the indifferent and apathetic main character, the novel serves to evoke the creed of existentialism through the embodiment of the philosophy in a person. Meursaults speech, thought, and actions are what Camus believed a person who innately possessed the tenets of existentialism would urinate. Existentialism, what it represents, the results of its embodiment in a person, and the validity of the school of thought altogether are all important aspects e xplored in The funny by Albert Camus.Maman died today or yesterday maybe, I dont know. These opening lines of the novel serve not only to introduce the novel but to summarize it as well. Rather than focusing on what is important-his mothers death-Meursault is focused on when exactly she died whether it was yesterday or today, since the telegraph only stated the funeral would be tomorrow. Right away, within the very first sentence, the reader is introduced to existentialism incarnate. Meursault exhibits a complete and utter indifference to life manifested by a profound lack of emotion. He doesnt care when his mother died, in fact the fact that he has to attend the funeral altogether is the most troubling bring out of this whole ordeal to him. When he finally gets to the funeral, he couldnt care less about his mother-as he rejects the offer to open the casket-but is utterly consumed by the eld heat. Camus does a great job in the first part of the novel of demonstrating to the reade r not only the philosophy of existentialism, but a corporal pattern of it as well.This corporal representation of existentialism is what makes The Stranger the unique book it is. As opposed to the multitude of books and manifestos approaching existentialism from an academic perspective, The Stranger approaches the philosophy by detailing a character with the belief innatelyin him and showing how someone like this might behave. Neither the external world in which Meursault lives nor the internal world of his thoughts and attitudes possesses any rational order.Meursault has no discernible reason for his actions, such as his decision to marry Marie and his decision to kill the Arab. The book, narrated by Meursault, is fundamentally life detailed superficially by him. He talks about the weather, the food hes eating, about the things he did that day rather than how he feels or thinks of other people, places and things. This is how a person consumed with existentialism would behave and think-indifferently and apathetically. Meursault passes no judgment on people and is ultimate executed for killing an Arab for no unmistakable reason.The philosophy or theory of Existentialism is somewhat controversial, but nonetheless in many respects it has some notable and legitimate points. If one were to sincerely take a look at the universe, it would seem purposeless. And humans do in fact possess the innate desire, or rather compulsion, to explain things and have things figured out-thus explaining their need to associate a purpose with the universe, even when it doesnt necessarily exist. But what made this theory come about in the nineteenth century when it could have been realized centuries before? The reason is the tragedy and devastation the world saw at this time-several world wars in specific. If we take a look at the life of Albert Camus himself, its hard to deny the fact that at that place is a connection between the existentialisms inception and personal tragedy.In 1914, Camus Father was drafted into WWI and killed in France. In 1934 he Married Simone Hi, but divorced her two years later. In 1939 he volunteered for service in WWII, but was rejected due to illness. In 1940 he wrote an essay on the state of Muslims in Algeria causing him to lose his job and move to Paris. In 1941 he join the French resistance against the Nazis and became an editor of Combat, an underground newspaper. These, as well as many other incidents and events in Camus life influenced him in the sense that they formed in him a bleak, pessimistic view of life. This perspective undoubtedly set the foundation for his adoption of the theory of existentialism.If there is a sin against life, it consists perhaps not so much indespairing of life as in hoping for another life and in eluding the implacable grandeur of this life. The point illuminated in this quote by Camus is that although some consider viewing life with despair to be wrong, or sinful, in reality hoping for an aft er life, another life, or biography a life of implacable grandeur is the real sin. Camus held strong to the belief of Absurdism, or the belief that humanitys effort to find signification in the universe will ultimately fail-thus it is absurd to try to find center or to live as though there is a meaning because no such meaning exists. While Absurdism might seem like a synonym for Existentialism, the two are slightly different. Existentialism makes the point that there is no purpose or meaning in the universe. Absurdism goes a step further to say that not only is life purposeless, but any endeavour at finding meaning is utterly absurd. Albert Camus, being the polarized man that he was, held more firmly to the belief of Absurdism than existentialism.In writing The Stranger, Albert Camus championed the idea of existentialism, a philosophy he truly believed in it. But the philosophy of existentialism is not free of criticism. Herbert Marcuse criticized existentialism, especially in S artres Being and Nothingness, for projecting certain features of living in a modern, oppressive society, such as anxiety and meaninglessness, onto the nature of existence itself In so far as Existentialism is a philosophic doctrine, it remains an idealistic doctrine it hypothesizes specific historical conditions of human existence into ontological and metaphysical characteristics. Existentialism thus becomes part of the very ideology which it attacks, and its radicalism is illusive What Marcuse is saying here is that existentialism makes the mistake of thinking that just because human conditions are tragic and seem to lack a purpose, that they in fact do. Whether or not there is purpose to the universe is an ontological and metaphysical subject, not one that can be realized through historical events.Existentialism and its buddy philosophy Absurdism are philosophies that emphasize the uniqueness and isolation of the individual in a hostile and indifferent world, and stress the fac t the universe has no discernable purpose. This philosophy is essentially the crux of the novel The Strangeras Meursault, the indifferent and apathetic main character, embodies the tenets of existentialism intrinsically. Existentialism, what it represents, the results of its embodiment in a person, and the validity of the doctrine altogether are all important aspects explored in The Stranger by Albert Camus.Bibliography1.Existentialism. The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Houghton Mifflin Company, 2004. 28 Mar. 2007. http//, Herbert. Sartres Existentialism. Printed in Studies in Critical Philosophy. Translated by Joris De Bres. London NLB, 1972. p. 1613.Camus, Albert. The Stranger. Middlesex UK Penguin Classics, 1943.4.Sartre, Jean P. Existentialism is a Humanism. World Company, 1956.5.Albert Camus. 28 Mar. 2007 .6.White, Ray. The Meaning of Life. 2004. 29 Mar. 2007 .
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Amadou Ham Pate Ba
Amadou Ham pate Ba (1901-1991), Malian ethnologist, narrator and author, played an important role in introducing the world to African oral heritage, especially the folktales of West Africa. The man known as the living Memory of Africa he liked to say he was atomic number 53 of the eldest sons of the century, was one of the major intellectual literary figures of the 20th century. The saying with which he will always be associated for (his often quoted statement), that In Africa when an old man dies, a library has burned down has become so famous that it is sometimes characterd as an African proverb.He was commenting on the loss of African oral heritage, in valuate of both old age and oral tradition, which contributes to the historical components of humanities memory. The folktale is a key source of oral tradition, as are other forms of fib and rituals that are considered essential components of cultural anthropology and ethnology. (folk kitchen-gardening. org) There is a certain characteristic and significance of indigenous knowledge, especially in Africa. Indigenous knowledge has been defined as the local knowledge. Knowledge that is unique to a given culture or society.The expressions traditional local and indigenous knowledge, are used in the literature inter-changeably, is learn through with(predicate) repetition which aids in its retention and reinforcement. Agricultural or desert- base societies slowly created communities that were mostly self- contained and based on self-help. Their approach to problem solving was through ambulated individual or communal experiences and knowledge derived from trial and error. This aggregated validated knowledge improved and increases in time but remained mostly unrecorded. Even in the present information age, agricultural and desert-based communities, have remained practically cut off, thus they have been out of the mere necessity and for the sake of their survival, depending on and making use of their traditional unrecorded knowledge. (Anwar, 1998) Amadou Ba feared that a lot of it is being lost due to rapid urbanization and continuous attrition in the cured population. Indigenous knowledge is predominantly tacit and embedded in practices and experiences and exchanged within the community through oral communication and demonstration.Recording and disseminating it across communities is not well-heeled (Anwar. 2005). Its sometimes fragmented. It does not exist in its totality either in one place or one individual. It is distribution is socially differentiated, based on gender and age. When discussing language, ethnic groups, cultures (and subcultures), and religions. The key concepts are diversity and complexity. There are conservatively many hundreds of different ethnics groups. Thus, there are many hundreds of explicit languages and cultures.The sheer number of such groups throughout Africa makes this dimension unique to the continent. (The Other World ch. 6 pg. 187) Amadou Ham pate Ba passed away in 1991, go away the world a library and an extensive archive to protect the wealth of knowledge that he had collected from fire, which he warned almost repeatedly. He said that collapse of every speech is lost to fire chaos can solvent from tiny sparks just as a match can lead to a fire that destroys an entire village. (folkculture. rg) What role do oral traditions play in the displacements and/or migrations of communities? Oral tradition the process of handing down information, opinions, belief, and customs by the word of mouth or by example (Merriam-Webster unabridged 7th Ed). A transmission of knowledge and institutions through successive generations without written instruction. Thus an transmitted principle, standard, or practice serving as the established guide of an individual or group. In comparing different cultures we tend to evaluate the custom of others in light of our own beliefs and values.Members of all cultures assume that their own design for living is the best and only correct way. The belief that ones own culture is the only true and good way, as well as the tendency to judge other cultures by those standard, is call Ethnocentrism. Ethnocentrism serves several important functions for individuals and groups. Certainly about the rightness of ones beliefs and behaviors reinforces the tendency to confirm and to defend ones society. Ethnocentrism becomes dysfunctional when beliefs in ones superiority lead to repulsion and conflict. More important, oral traditions can provide a rich history predating the written word. (The other world ch6 pg. 189) In traditional soufies people tend to envision the way things have always been done as sacred, which stems from the beliefs and practices passed down from generation to generation. Account of first European contacts with black Africa are a study in Ethnocentrism the letters and journals of 15th and 16th century explorers, merchants, and missioners, overflowed with lurid descriptions o f cannibalism, incest and unbridled lust. Since the Africans did not practice Christianity they were labeled heathens since their laws were incomprehensible to the European, they were said to be LAWLESS and since their marriage and family practices differed from those predominant in Europe they were judged to be savages and barbarians. (George 1968) Africa was artificially divided to suit the objectives of the colonial governments. Preexisting ethnic, linguistic, and cultural until were ignored. Throughout Africa, closely knit people speaking the resembling language were suddenly separated. The other world Ch6 pg. 190) As evident in the class text book (see enclosed references) European colonization of the playground slide of Africa in 1884 (see fig 6. 2) undoubtedly hasten the displacement and migration of the indigenous people further inland toward the desert (see fig 6. 1) so they could control the rich rank land. By 1895 (see fig 6. 3) it only got worse. Even today the Afric an map reflects the extraction goals of the imperial powers. Moreover, foreigners exploited the natural habit in many move of the region.For instance, the colonial powers instituted cash crops and export of livestock, which in turn meant widespread clearing of the land and sometimes depletion of the soil. Similarly, Europeans carving up the continent created or heightened local rivalries, which resulted in conflicts that also affected the landscape (ch6 p. 201) Carried to an extreme, ethnocentrism is destructive as evidence by the Nazis in Germany who believed in absolute superiority of the white Aryan race and culture.The result was the displacement and death of millions of people who didnt fit that category mostly Jews. In American history, each different ethnic, religious, or racial group was popular opinion to be inferior to white Anglo-Saxon Protestants (WASP) and therefore deserve less than humane treatment. Ethnic divisions are a powerful force today. Ongoing struggles in such diverse states as Angola, Burundi, Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya,Liberia Mauritanian, Nigeria, Ruanda and Sierra Leon may be explained in past by deep-seated ethnic division
Friday, May 24, 2019
Buddhism In Other Countries
Buddhism began about 2,500 geezerhood ago, when young prince Siddhartha Gautama tried to understand the causes of suffering in the world. Siddhartha was born in Lumbini, Nepal, about five hundred years before Jesus of Nazareth, the lay downer of Christianity, and twelve hundred years before Muhammad, the founder of Islam. He lived for eighty years sometime between 563 and 400 BC. As Harvey writes, until he was twenty-nine years old, the prince lived a feel of luxury in his palace within sight of the Himalayan mountains. Then, on several trips he made outside his palace, he saw for the first time people who suffered.Among them were an old man, a sick man, some cardinal who had latterly died, and a wandering monk. Following this sudden awakening to the suffering in the world, Siddhartha decided to leave his family and the safety of his palace to seek out the causes of suffering. He dog-tired many years meditating, praying, and fasting. One day he became aware that people suffer wh en they want to hold on to material things. He realized that we should not become attached to possessions because nothing is permanent eventually everything dies or becomes worn out. If we think anything will last forever, we are bound to suffer.The process of gaining Enlightenment took Gautama sise years. At the age of thirty-five, Siddhartha Gautama, now the Buddha or Awakened One, began his lengthy teaching career of forty-five years. During this time he traversed Northern India with his band of disciples, discussing his teachings and practices freely with laypeople, ghostly leaders and officials of all kinds. He passed away at the age of eighty in 483 BCE. Schools of Buddhism The moment Siddhartha recognized the cause of suffering, he attained understanding, or the peachy awakening.From that point on, Siddhartha was known as the Buddha, the enlightened one. He spent the rest of his animation teaching in India. As the teachings of the Buddha spread from India to other parts of Asia, 2 major schools of Buddhism developed Theravada, the Teaching of Elders is a surviving school of the older branch of Buddhism and focuses to this day on preserving and perpetuating verbatim the original words of the historical Buddha. The four-spot Noble Truths, which were emphasized as the main teaching of the Buddha, are an aspect of self-benefit.Theravada extended in a southeastern direction and can be found today in Burma, Sri Lanka, Southeast Asia, Bangladesh and Indonesia. In Theravada Buddhism, the Buddha is considered a great teacher, and each individual is responsible for his or her own journey towards enlightenment Mahayana, the Greater fomite takes the broader approach to spread the teaching of the Buddha, following the heart or intention of the Buddha. The furiousness is on upaya or skilful means. Mahayana, traveled from India in a marriage easterly direction to chinaware, Korea, and Japan.This customs duty not save recognizes the Buddha as a godlike f igure but overly involves devotion to other enlightened universe called bodhisattvas. In Mahayana Buddhism, we find different schools of Buddhism such as Zen, Pure Land, Nichiren etc. Each school has developed its unique teachings, but we always find a common basic foundation of Buddhistic teachings, as the entire Buddhist sects are based upon the Buddhist sutras or scriptures, which reveal the world of Enlightenment. One all important(p) difference between the Mahayana and Theravada schools is in their understanding of the concept of the Bodhisattva.A Bodhisattva is an individual who foregoes enlightenment to help other beings. In the Theravada tradition, a Bodhisattva is considered a preliminary step to a Buddha, a point illustrated in the Jataka tales (tales of the Buddhas prior births), many of which contain stories of individuals who sacrifice themselves for the benefit of others. In the Mahayana tradition, however, the Bodhisattva represents the highest ideal. A Bodhisattv a is a person who has attained the highest enlightenment, which is uttered in service to other beings.According to the Mahayana tradition, a person who pursues his own individual enlightenment becomes trapped in an inferior kind of enlightenment like a prison. As they attempt to escape suffering in the world of illusion, they tend to take this world more seriously they take this illusion as real. pursuit of the Mahayana, who understand emptiness, learn to pursue enlightenment within the world of illusion. By doing this, they can experience emptiness directly. Less emphasis is billetd on sacred practice aimed at individual enlightenment and more on the expression of compassion in daily life. EnlightenmentAll schools of Buddhism believe that every living beings experiences repeated lives on earth and has the opportunity to improve its next birth by performing good deeds in a current life. They also teach that after(prenominal) death, a being can be reborn into another form, such a s an animal or insect, and will continue to be reborn until enlightenment is achieved. Enlightenment brings the ultimate goal of nirvana, the final death, which marks loose from the cycle of rebirth and suffering. Buddhists believe that by following the Middle Way, the Four Noble Truths, and the eightfold Path, freedom from the endless cycle of rebirth is possible.Powers write about the central teachings of Buddhism which include The Middle Way You must reject extremes of either wanting everything or renouncing everything and seek the balance of the Middle Way. The Four Noble Truths 1. Suffering Existence is a realm of suffering, from birth to growing old, becoming sick and dying, all life is suffering. 2. The Source of Suffering Suffering arises from desire, wanting selfish pleasures, continued life, power and material possessions all lead to suffering. 3. Stopping Suffering One must on the whole terminate wanting things in order to control desire.Only when no desire remains is enlightenment possible. 4. The Way to Stop Suffering The only way to stop suffering and attain enlightenment is to follow the Eightfold Path. The Eightfold Path If a person follows these eight rules, the world will become a place where all people can live in harmony 1. Right Understanding-It is only when one understands the four noble truths and follows the Eightfold path can one find true happiness 2. Right Aims One should always love and help others and not cheat or want things that other people subscribe 3.Right Speech One should always tell the truth, and listen and communicate in order to understand others 4. Right Action One should never kill, steal or be jealous of others. One should only perform good deeds for the sake of others benefits and not for ones own reward. 5. Right Work One should only do work that will not harm other living creatures 6. Right Thinking One should focus thoughts on positive in order to outmatch difficulties. 7. Proper Awareness One shou ld never let ones body control the mind and should know when to say no. 8.Meditation One should train ones mind to concentrate and think deeply, to be inwardly attentive and reflective in order to find peace within ourselves. Buddhism in India As an free lance spiritual tradition in India, Buddhism diverged from Hinduism (traditional Indian thought) in several major areas, though both aim at the common goal of emancipation. Consonant with Indian tradition, Buddha accepted the general world view and interpretation of existence current in the Upanishad tradition. He looked upon existence as a series of transmigrations or in Buddhist terms rebirths.Life is suffering within the confines of samsara. The law of cause and effect in the moral realm karma is the arbiter of destiny, and the ultimate goal is that of release into an ineffable and indefinable experience called Nirvana. Buddha accepted, with qualification, the Indian principle of meditation and concentration as the central me ans for breaking through the veil of delusion and gaining liberation. It is also clear that the maturation of Buddhism as a religious system depended on Indian reverence for the sage.This also led to the attempt to preserve his words, and the creation of a straightforwardive and independent religious tradition. after(prenominal) abandoning his life as a prince and reaching an understanding of the suffering in the world, the Buddha, or Enlightened One, spent the rest forty years of his life teaching people about his Middle Way, that those who follow the middle path reject the extremes of luxury and poverty, and pursue a life of good intentions and actions. The rise of Buddhism is closely connected to the prevalent practices in the Brahamanical religion (Early Hinduism).As Weber writes the Brahamanical religion had become increasingly intolerant (of the lower classes) and exclusive (open only to Brahmins and the aristocracy). The emphasis on conducting rituals (with the help of pr iests) was gradually alienating the masses. Sanskrit was the prerogative of the Brahmins and the aristocracy. In such an environment, Buddhas teaching offered an alternative to the mainstream religion. The majority of its early followers were the merchants and the Sudras (untouchables). Buddhism provided a path to reach God.The tenets and rules of Buddhism were very simple to understand, appealing to the mass population. Buddha also preached in the local language, Prakrit. The practice of conducting rituals was seen as superfluous to reaching salvation. Buddha set up monasteries known as Sanghas. In his life, Buddha travelled throughout the whole of northern India spreading his message and setting up monastic orders. Since these monastic orders had to beg for their living, they were more often than not located near settlements, often on hillsides, etc.Often the monasteries were located on trading routes frequented by merchant caravans. They offered shelter to the merchants, who in return made generous donations. After the Buddhas death, his cremated remains were placed within mounds called stupas. These burial mounds eventually became the focus of Buddhist monasteries and attracted pilgrims from far and wide. In the earliest Buddhist art in India, the Buddha is not represented in human form. Instead, his presence is indicated by a footprint, an empty seat, a parasol, or another sign such as the stupa.Buddhism in China Buddhism entered China perhaps as early as the first century BCE through the first century CE. It was carried by monks and merchants who made their way along trade routes from India through Central Asia to China. The history of Buddhism in China is a complex story of how a foreign religion was imported and transformed into a Chinese system of beliefs. Though Buddhism reached China from India by the first century, it did not flourish until the political and economic upheavals of the Six Dynasties goal (220589).In those troubling times, Buddhism emphasis on person-to-person salvation and rejection of worldly ties attracted believers from every walk of life. At other times, Buddhism prospered when an emperor chose it as his official religion, but its foreign origin led other rulers to reproach believers. Buddhism survived these periodic challenges and continues to flourish in China today. At first, Chinese Buddhist beliefs and temple art were quite similar to the ideas and images brought from India. These ideas traveled to China from India along the Silk pathway and via a southern sea route.Many Indian Buddhist concepts were somewhat changed to better mesh with the existing Chinese traditions, such as Confucianism and Daoism. For example, unlike the Indian emphasis on personal salvation acquired by living a celibate life, Chinese Buddhists encouraged filial piety to complement the Chinese tradition of tooth root worship. Buddhist teachings flowed unsystematically into China from India. As a result, their diverse tendenc ies gave rise to a variety of schools and interpretations. The history of the formation of Buddhist schools divides into two periods.The initial period was known as the age of the Six Schools and Seven Branches. During the second stage, the encouragement and support of Buddhist scholarship by the Sui and Tang emperors led to the formation of more distinct and well-defined systems of Buddhist teaching which had enduring significance. This age marks the zenith of Buddhist intellectual leadership, influencing Chinese culture deeply and reflecting the gradual assimilation of Buddhism to the Chinese mind. Buddhism in JapanBy the time Buddhism arrived in Japan from Korea and China in the mid-sixth century, nearly a thousand years had passed since the Buddha lived on earth. The religion had grown, evolved, and spread throughout Asia, developing a rich diversity of imagery and beliefs. The Japanese continued this process of modifying Buddhism to fit their particular cultural preferences. S kilton write about the two main stages which marked the development of Buddhism in Japan. First, from the sixth through the twelfth century, the governing regime used Buddhism as part of a strategy to centralize control.Within one generation of its insertion into Japan, Buddhism became the official state religion. It took a few more centuries for the Buddhist belief system to permeate society and truly coexist with native Shinto beliefs. By the eighth century, the two religions existed in relative integrated harmony. At this initial stage, imagery used in both Buddhist painting and sculpture reflected the tastes of the well-disposed elite. The majestic and awe-inspiring images tended to focus on divine hierarchies, meditative paths to enlightenment, perceptions of afterlife and similar themes.The development of Japanese Buddhist culture and art was also greatly influenced by the Tang dynasty (618-907) China, which was in the midst of a golden age. The second major stage in the de velopment of Japanese Buddhism occurred in the late twelfth century, when political control shifted from the imperial court to a rising warrior class. During this period of unrest, two major Buddhist movements gained prominence popular forms of Buddhism adopted by mean(a) people and Zen Buddhism (Chan, in Chinese), which had been imported from ChinaWhen Buddhism reached Japan in the sixth century from Korea and China, its sophisticated philosophical message was difficult for most Japanese to understand. A small elite was then learning Chinese (Japans first written language) and some of them began to study Chinese Buddhist texts, as scholars and members of the clergy do in Japan down to the present. However, most Japanese were first attracted to Buddhist art, to Buddhist magic or to the possibility of closer ties with the advanced civilization of China, where Buddhism had already spread.Whatever the attraction, by the eighth century, when the Japanese established their first permane nt capital in the city of Nara, the Japanese court had embraced Buddhism as well as Shinto. Buddhism became powerful in Japan because it met the needs of people on all levels of life. It transmitted major symbols of spiritual power in Indian tradition, while also teaching Chinese Confucian morality and aspects of religious Taoism, focusing on its utility in this life. It also stressed its importance for concerns of the afterlife, claiming that it cared for both affairs of this world and the other world.Conclusion As Buddhism spread from India to China and Japan it has changed and assumed new forms and dimensions. In China it has been transformed by Confucianism and Taoism and evolved further in Japan. Like other religions, the Buddhist tradition and its teachings evolved, adapted, and developed in different ways as they encountered and became at home with different cultures and countries in various times and places thus, over the centuries, there arose numerous schools of Buddhist t hought and traditions of practice, emphasizing different aspects of the teachings.Despite the incredible variation, all have the same goal of leading beings to enlightenment. References Weber, Edmund. Buddhism An Atheistic and Anti-Caste Religion? Journal of Religious Culture. No. 50. (2001) Harvey, Peter. debut to Buddhism Teachings, History Practice. (Cambridge Cambridge University Press, 1990. ) Powers, John. A Concise Encyclopedia of Buddhism. Oxford Oneworld Publications, 2000. Skilton, Andrew. A Concise History of Buddhism. 2nd Edition. Birmingham, England Windhorse Publications 1997.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Behavior Leadership Theory
What really makes a dear draw? Psychologist and managers tried to answer this question. Chronologically, the first answer to what makes a good leader was that leaders argon not made, they are born (Fairholm, 1991). This was the first conjecture of leading, the Great Men Theory. Many other theories were divided by Fairholm and these are the following theories ground on who the leader is, wherein this group focuses on the leaders characteristic theories establish on what the leader does, wherein the behavior surmise belong to this group.It is focused on studying leaders behavior so that it tidy sum be reproduced by followers and the theories based on the Environment of the Leadership. Leadership is a difficult topic to study because leadership is a fuzzy concept. For decades, social scientists and practitioners remove been struggling to come up with the ultimate definition of leadership, to exempt its mechanisms, and to draw the line between leadership and management. They hav e produced a number of definitions and theories.Long time ago, determinants of leadership has been identified by behavioral theorists, so that people could be trained to be leaders. Since the best styles of leadership can be learned, training programs have been coached to change managers leadership behaviors. During the World War II, the leaders of the honorary society left the Isle of Traits and set sale for the Isle of Behaviors by the 1940s. They suspected that the X and Y Theory of Leadership of Myers or Briggs, was some kind of fraud. The troops precious to know if leaders could be trained, and if so, what behaviors made them most effective.The Academy of Leader Professors wanting to get tenure, fame in time of world crisis, and fortune persistent that some new theory of leadership must be found or all their jobs would be as extinct as dinosaurs. Working with the array and with universities, two biggest Page2 bureaucracies in the world, it was mostly about transactional beh avior, being autocratic or democratic to increase the transaction rate or quality. The bouncing of life in organizations was never to be transformed and their quest was to find universal leader behavior styles that correlate with effectiveness and are optimal legal proceeding in all situations.Squire Fleishman and Sir Katz set off for the Isle of Behavior in separate ships as they are desperate to establish a behavioral settlement, further found out that Scribe Lewin had already established a behavioral settlement and an Iowa University since 1938. On the Isle of Behaviors, leader (transactional) behaviors became observable and their study turned accusing and measurable. Different Universities wanted to make its mark and study what do leaders do by using some statistical methods, then the Ohio State and myocardial infarct University grappled for the education of the peasants.Fleishman became King of Ohio State and Katz was made King of Michigan University. Lewin was already Ki ng at Iowa. Each mustered their armies and prepared to battle for leader behavior territory. Sir Mintzberg, knighted by the Canadians, resettled in the Isle of Behavior and decided to go and look to see if leaders did any planning, organizing, controlling, or leading. He actually observed and put down the progress what transactions that leaders do. The world was shocked to disc over, that leaders had a hectic, frantic, and fragmented transaction life, and did little of the behaviors thought to take place.Some leaders were single figureheads, still he did confirm Sir Mertons view, but noting all the roles that leaders do. While the Isle of Behavior was oversupplied with two-factor studies of behavior and observations of roles here and everywhere, that great explored, Prince Yukl decided that process was more all-important(a) than some list of universal behaviors. And by 2001, Prince Page3 Howell and Knight Costley joined the search for process. They still liked to isolate and mea sure behaviors, but wanted to do this in the study of processes. They made great maps of the world of leadership, charting apiece territory.Leaders were reduced from traits or greatness to just psychoalgebraic behavioral equations, to styles or just transactions. except alas most of the Leader Behavior Academy had already set sail for the Isle of Situation. It seemed obvious that Traits and Behaviors to be effective depended upon the Situation. If there were universal behaviors, they are not optimal in all situations. Therefore a great expedition set off to the Isle of Situation in the 1960s, with new waves of migration each decade since. This is where the arts of transformation were rekindled. The behavior of Leadership has two main theories, transaction and transformation.This is what we call the X dimension of behavior leadership theory. It is the X dimension that focuses on the Behavioral School of leadership. The X dimension runs from Transactional to transformational leader ship, as studied by fire (1978) and Bass (1985). This is a classic dualism in leadership studies. Burns looked at modal thinking (the means over ends reasoning) in the early stages of development and held that the leaders are transactional in their behaviors. Transactional leadership requires a shrewd plaza for opportunity, a good hand at bargaining, persuading, reciprocating (Burns, 1978169).A transformational leader, on the other hand, recognizes and exploits an existing need or demand of a potential follower and looks for potential motives in followers, seeks to satisfy higher needs, and engages the full person of the follower. Eventually transformational leaders were thought to engage in behaviors that Page4 changed the game, even changed the world. Douglas McGregor described Theory X and Y in his book, The Human Side of Enterprise, that X and Y theory each represent incompatible ways in which leaders view employees.Theory X managers believe that employees are motivated mainl y by money, are lazy, uncooperative, and have poor pop off habits. Theory Y managers believe that subordinates work hard, are cooperative, and have positive attitudes. Theory X is the traditional view of direction and control by managers. The average human being has an inherent dislike of work and pass on avoid if he or she can. Because of this human characteristic of dislike of work, most people must be controlled, directed, and threatened with punishment to get them to put forth adequate effort toward the achievement of organizational objectives.The average human being prefers to be directed, wishes to avoid responsibility, has relatively little ambition, wants security above all. This theory leads by nature to an emphasis on the tactics of control to procedures and techniques for telling people what to do, for determining whether they are doing it, and for administering rewards and punishment. Theory X condones the consequences of a particular managerial strategy. Because it s assumptions are so unnecessarily limiting, it prevents managers from seeing the possibilities inherent in other managerial strategies.As long as the assumptions of Theory X influence managerial strategy, organizations will fail to discover, allow alone utilize, the potentialities of the average human being. Theory Y is the view that individual and organizational goals can be integrated. The expenditures of physical and mental effort in work are as natural as play or rest. Page5 External control and the threat of punishment are not the exactly means for bringing out effort toward organizational objectives. Commitment to objectives is a function of the rewards associated with their achievement.The average human being learns, under proper conditions, not only to accept but also to seek responsibility. The capacity to exercise a relatively high degree of imagination, ingenuity, and creativity in the solution of organizational problems in widely, not narrowly, distributed in the popu lation. Under the condition of modern industrial life, the intellectual potentialities of the average human being are only partially utilized. Theory Ys aim is to encourage integration, to create a situation in which an employee can achieve his or her own goals best by directing his or her efforts toward the objectives of the organization.It is a deal attempt to link improvement in managerial competence with the satisfaction of higher-level ego and self-actualization needs. Theory Y leads to a preoccupation with the nature of relationships, with the creation of an environs which will encourage commitment to organizational objectives and which will provide opportunities for the maximum exercise of initiative, ingenuity, and self-direction in achieving them. Note that with Theory Y assumptions, managements role is to develop the potential in employees and help them to release that potential towards common goals.Theory X is the view that traditional management has taken towards the workforce. Many organizations are now fetching the enlightened view of theory Y. A boss can be viewed as taking the theory X approach, while a leader takes the theory Y approach. Notice that Maslow, Herzberg, and McGreagors theories all tie together Herzbergs theory is a micro version of Maslows theory (concentrated in the work place). McGreagors Theory X is based on workers Page6 caught in the lower levels (1 to 3) of Maslows theory, while his Theory Y is for workers who have gone above level 3.McGreagors Theory X is based on workers caught in Herbergs Hygiene Dissatisfiers, while Theory Y is based on workers who are in the Motivators or Satisfiers section. Whatever theory applied by any organization , the greatest chance of being successful is when all of the employees work toward achieving its goals. Since leadership involves the exercise of influence by one person over others, the quality of leadership is a critical determinant of organizational success. Thus, leaders study lea dership in order to influence the actions of his followers toward the achievement of the goals of the organization.Leadership studies can be classified as trait, behavioral, contingency, and transformational. Earliest theories assumed that the primary source of leadership effectiveness lay in the personal traits of the leaders themselves. Yet, traits alone cannot explain leadership effectiveness. Thus, later research focused on what the leader actually did when dealing with employees. These behavioral theories of leadership sought to explain the relationship between what the leader did and how the employees reacted, both emotionally and behaviorally. Yet, behavior cant always account for leadership in different situations.Thus, contingency theories of leadership studied leadership style in different environments. Transactional leaders, such as those identified in contingency theories, clarify role and task requirements for employees. Yet, contingency cant account for the inspiration and innovation that leaders need to compete in todays global marketplace. Newer transformational leadership studies have shown that leaders, who are charismatic and visionary, can inspire followers to transcend their own self-interest for Page7 the good of the organization.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Macbeth Newspaper Article Essay
The flow of blood stopped and History recorded a tragical death. King Duncan over ten years was the most trusted noble. He was a good and Godly man, friend to the poor and defender of the downtrodden. He had been attached the title, Thane of Fife. But he is no more with us. Our King Duncan was murdered last night according to the Scotland police authority. King Duncan was assassinated during his stay at Macbeths castle in the early morning on (May 12). He died surrounded by those that loved him and his legacy will live on. Duncans two guards were considered the master(prenominal) suspects, but were slaughtered by Macbeth at the scene. Authority has conformed the two guards responsible, but has no plan to charge Macbeth either. General Banquo told the police, everything looked good in the dinner.Duncan seemed to have a fun time that night. He announced Macbeth and Lady Macbeth as the best host and hostess in the world and had several dances with Lady Macbeth. They had been celebra ting until eleven p. m. late at night. When the celebration finished, his Highness King Duncan retired back to his room. Other witnesses also agreed with Banquos statement. However, in the next morning, Duncan was found dead in his own bed. Nobel Macduff was the unmatchable who has found the Kings body.Macduff told the police, he and Nobel Lenox arrived at the castle with some other servants around 730 am. Everyone in the castle seemed still quiescence at that time. They knocked the gate several times before the porter opened it. Then, Macbeth led two to the Kings chamber. While Macbeth and Lenox stayed there discussing the scary combat on Friday night, Macduff discovered horrible scene along. O Horror, Horror, Horror Tongue nor heart can conceive nor name thee Macduff cried (Pg 65, line 73).
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Health and Social Care Setting Essay
Everyone is an individual and when they need to use the health and social c be service it is import they have access to the place setting which precisely meets their needs, different setting are designed to do just that and the trained mental faculty within those settings have the skills and knowledge to meet those particular needs. Key elements If everyone who needed support sullen up at the same place, things would be make rather crowded more importantly, not everyone would receive the support that they really needed. Health and social care services are designed to meet particular needs and are staffed by professionals who know how to do this. Hospitals Hospitals provide support for people who have an illness or who are recovering from one. Many hospitals provide support for a variant of conditions and illness and are staffed by people who are trained to do this. many hospitals provide support for particular conditions such as ophthalmic eye care), maternity (care for the moth er and baby during pregnancy and birth) and paediatric (children). Hospices Hospices are normally much smaller than many hospitals and provide support for individuals who have a terminal illness. Some hospices provide respite care which means that an individual may come for a few days to give their career a brake. The staff receives special training in order to provide the people in the hospices the proficient support. Domiciliary support Domiciliary support is provide in an individuals own home and can be either health or social care.For example, community nurses will visit a person at home and give them nursing care sometimes this could be removing stitches after performance or changing a dressing. Community care assistants may help an older person with their ad hominem care if they can no longer do so themselves. Domiciliary can enable people to either retune to or rebriny in their own home and provide a choice. residential homes Residential homes are designed to meet the nee ds of individuals who cannot take care of themselves. Many older people who can no longer meet their own personal needs, or who are lonely following the death of a partner, may prefer to live in residential home rather than remain in their own homes. Residential homes provide the companionship which people are missing, and staff will deliver the personal support if this is needed, in any way which uphold the dignity of the older person whilst safeguards. Other residential settings provide a home for younger people who have physical need and cannot live independently. The staff in both residential usually includes an activity coordinator who arranges events and activities designed to encourage the use of skills such as memory and physical mobility. Day centres Day centres are designed to provide a social space for people who would otherwise spend most of their time alone. Many day centres provide companionship and twelve noon meals for older people, enabling them to meet with peopl e of a similar age and receive support from trained staff. Many day centres have regular visits from health and social care professionals such as counsellors, chiropodists and even opticians. They may also provide other servicer such as hairdressing and nail care. There are also day centres for young people who have a form of physical disability. Fostering arrangements For a variety of reasons some children cannot be care for in their own homes. When this happens social services may arrange for the child to be looked after by foster careers who will have received training in order to provide a suitable, temporary home for a child. This can either be short -team arrangement, for example if both parents were ill and there was no other relatives available to provide a home for the child, or long-team if there is thought necessary. Foster careers do receive some financial support, but main reward is seeing the children thrive.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Media Stereotyping
IndividualFinal enter Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper that answers the following questions * In what ways does the media perpetuate stereotyping and injustice? Provide examples to sustenance your assertion. * In what ways does the media help foster appreciation for vicissitude? Provide examples to support your assertion. * How might individuals and the unify States work together to reduce prejudice and increase appreciation for diversity? * How might you interpolate your throw behaviors to be much inclusive and pluralistic? Day 7 10 - *In what ways do the media perpetuate stereotyping and prejudice? Provide examples to support your assertion. the States is a relatively young unsophisticated natural in war and to this day continues to fight down with its identity. What makes this country strong is the ideals of freedom and equality. We hold these truths to be axiomatic that all men are created. This is the ideal makes America strong, that no matter where you come from r ich or poor that you as an Ameri tidy sum idler achieve the American dream. We have had our struggles, but that is what makes us strong. It is not been an easy journey, we have paid dearly for our freedoms and our way of life.Some pot have paid much than others to struggle for the freedoms guaranteed from being an American. Diversity can be traced all the same lines as civil rights movement in America. There is been a fierce combat for independence of different peoples spread across this land. From the deep conspiracy and the marches of Martin Luther King Jr. to the Northeast and the persecution of the Puritans. The Southwest has become the new battleground for diversity with the battle against illegal immigration. Some of the information about diversity United States is on display at the Smithsonian set up in Washington DC.To truly understand the struggles of the civil rights movement and the role of diversity in the Confederate states throughout the 50s and 60s, you really have to go and teach the bus seat of Rosa Parks. You have to see the soda fountain counter and the fire hose use to what a young black adult male down the street in Birmingham Alabama. I echo that the most important point about diversity and one that cannot be silenced as the voices of the people that live this struggle every day, and the forums like this row that bring people from all walks of life from around the globe together to expose the ignorance of racism and prejudice and discrimination.Have you learned something new about your own racial, ethnic, or cultural history? * My history is of Irish bonnie we came to America for better life. We paid that price in hard work and blood. We came here as apprenticed servants that we had to work our way to freedom, never once was the American dream promised to us we earned everything. I think that the struggle that we had to go through game us a sense of pride in America. It was the Chinese and the Irish that built the railroads a cross this country. We dug the coal that fired the furnaces of the steel mills and we came from places like Hells kitchen late York City.What this forum has done for me has given me a sense of pride that just not the Irish and the Chinese struggle for the freedom but it seems as if all of the in one way or another(prenominal) had to fight for everything that we have accomplished. Trends in immigration allow for continue to shape the demographics of the United States. What will the U. S. creation look like in the year 2050? Why do you think so? Everybody around the valet requisites what America has because we have the ideals of freedoms and the dreams of success the great immigration to America will continue.At the present time America has about 20 million immigrants from Mexico and South America. As economies of Third World country continue to discharge more and more people will come to America. Everybody wants what America has but because of the agendas of Third World country politicians and the corruption of governments and the war over illegal criminal activities the safe haven of America will clam up be the priority of people around the world. The demographics of the United States we will continue to move to a change in diversity from a tweed majority to really know majority at all.The Latino population continues to grow in America while the white population continues to decline. The African-American population has already moved from the largest minority to the second largest minority be replaced by the Latino minority. If this trend continues by 2050 we can see the Hispanic population become the majority of the largest minority and other people who have not had to fight for civil rights may now find themselves as a beneficiary of those civil rights battles fought by other minorities. What challenges does the United States face due to the diversity of its people? The first issue that comes to mind is language.If the Hispanic population becomes a majority will we see a change in the language that is not only taught but spoken in America. Many merchants and government agencies now speak Spanish as well as English. The challenge of communication is going to be getting everyone on the same opinion poll of music. I recently been into a store that is predominantly Hispanic and many of the labels are printed in Spanish I have also been a store where the labels are printed in Arabic in fix up for America to maintain diversity without separation we will have to have a common language that is spoken and written by everyone.Any area of civil rights those court cases that were settled with the idea of a white majority and other minorities may now be referred as a white majority will find itself as a minority. So with that in mind will we see affirmative feat for white people? What will be the reaction of the minorities and those court cases are turned around and used against them. What are the benefits of such a diverse parliament ary procedure? The benefits of a diverse society is one that a brings equality everyone. With a more diverse society we should not see the privation for racial, sexual or disability court cases.More diverse society will be a more understanding society by that I mean that we should not have to force a building or attach to to put in a wheelchair ramp it will simply be understood that one is needed. The more understanding society will bring about the benefits of less crime less people in prison which will save us all tax dollars and the burdens that are put upon society by hate crimes. The benefits of this society will only continue to get better as the ignorance of discrimination is eliminated from our mindset.How can we foster a humor of acceptance and cultural pluralism in the United States? * The foster a climate of acceptance in United States we will need to revamp our education system. We need to bring more exposure of different races into the schools of our children. We will never defeat the closed minds of the ignorant until we put those prejudices to the test of a person to person encounter. To say that we hate black people when we have never met black people and were only going on what we see on TV, we are basing our prejudices on what other people want us to believe.If we are going to defeat discrimination and bring about cultural pluralism we will need to put those thoughts in the minds of our children. Education and first-hand experience is the only way they were going to bring about pluralism in the United States. There are too many rural communities where prejudices still exist today ground upon ideals from 50 years ago. In what ways do the media perpetuate stereotyping and prejudice? Provide examples to support your assertion.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Soapbox on Chavs
Dont even take on me started on chavs CHAV Council House Anti-social and Violent. Weve heard about them all before, and we see them on the streets all the time. We all hate them and Im here to explain why they should all be banned and preferably incarcerated.They are hygienic know for their advanced linguistics and decent attire. The first thing we notice when seeing a chav are their tracky bottoms or should I say their underwear, because their trousers unremarkably hung down in the ankle region. They are usually aged about 16-22, and their stereotypical dress code would probably be wearing the famous snapback facing in a 90 degree angle, of course, wearing baggy fake adidas tracksuits with tonnes of fake gold jewellery which they mickle barely carry. These mint are in gangs acting as if theyre 8 foot tallish and built up like a rugby player, in the corner of the McDonalds car park.I once unfortunately came into contact with one of these gangsters on my way walking back home from my comrades house. I was half way there when I exactly looked to my left and saw few filthy unwashed scum in a hoodie. I was trying my best to avoid when he shouted at me Yo fam, ya got a cig on ya mate. Fam is an urban abbreviation for family I was thinking to myself that how could this pathetic, low-life nitwit even think that I am his family or related to him in any possible way, whilst I didnt even bother turning his way. If you havent already seen one, they are easy to spot, just look for people with a gangster limp.Dont get me wrong, I mean Im not a judge a book by its cover kind of guy, I have reasons for why I despise these people. Anyway its their own faults for why they are in that situation because theyve all dropped out of high-school, and ran away from home living off on government benefits. wherefore should we constantly pay our unnecessarily high taxes for a bunch of self-homeless townies? And Im not existence sexist about this either because there are also female chavs or better known as chavettes, which quite frankly arent any better.These anti-social group of ugly teenage girls, black and white, who usually hang around near shopping centres, waiting for someone to p*** them off. There are the slow teenage girls who hang out in groups of threes on their phones, chewing gum obnoxiously loud, with 1 telephone in acting as if they are 10 men shouting at a precise kid two or three years younger than them. Then there are the 14 year old pregnant girls who will ram their pushchair right into the back of your foot, and give you a menacing glare, like wat u gna complain.They try to make a name out of themselves by scratch fights and causing riots to get in the news to frighten the innocent people at home. Most people are afraid of getting out of their houses after sunset due to these bad men as they like to address themselves. Isnt it funny how the majority is scared by the minority? I sound out it adds to their gangster factor though, and also assists in making them look hard. I mean, come on, if we saw their un-matured, shaver face walking down an alley, we wouldnt exactly be scared would we? Even though they world power be carrying a knife in their pocket waiting to shank you, more than half of them I bet wont even know how to use it.It is quite obvious where these people get the idea from, it is all these disgusting celebrities the teenage girls obviously follow celebs like Nicki Minaj and the boys attempt to imitate 50 cent and lil wayne.With all this in mind, I hope you will come to an agreement that they are a waste of space and this contagious disease should be dealt with before more of the youth in straightaways society catches it. So please, friends join me in my rebellion and together we can make chavs history.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
The Kiss of Death
It began with the porch move. Or maybe it began with the laziness of the man living in the theatre of operations to which these steps led. every way both are very important for this story.The Higgs couple up lived in a sm solely house in a quiet neighbourhood by the road. It may have seemed at first army that Mr. And Mrs. Higgs got on well as a couple. However the truth was very different. Mr. Higgs was a jealous man. Mrs. Higgs was a hospital nurse and often had to work over night. This meant the two of them never got to see much of separately other. Mrs. Higgs came home in the morning at about the time when Mr. Higgs left for work. It was the same in the evenings, Mrs Higgs release the house for work only to meet her husband coming in. Not knowing for sure where his wife was over night Mr. Higgs often got very suspicious of his wife having an affair.It was a Tuesday morning Mr. Higgs, alone in the house, looking out the window at the snowed-in drive, thinking what his wife m ight be doing right now. paranoiac thoughts were once again chasing through his head. But a plan was already taking shape in his mind. He would come home from work earlier than usual today and see whether his wife had soul in the house. If yes he certainly wouldnt hesitate to punish her. Pondering on a suitable penalty he turned to other things that needed to be done that morning.Apart from the usual, he had to clear the porch, the steps leading up to the porch and the walkway of snow. This was a chore Mr. Higgs despised. He hated having to trudge up and crush in the snow, wielding his shovel while more and more fresh snow fell. Mr. Higgs hated winter and anything that went with it. He decided non to shovel the snow that morning.Mr. Higgs left the house at about quarter to eight. He locked the door and carefully walked across the porch and down the three steps. They did seem to be a little slimy and Mr. Higgs once again considered clearing them of that wretched snow. No, it co uld wait besides he would be late for work. He walked over to the gate, got in his car and drove off to work.Mrs. Higgs came home at half past eight. She took a shower, made herself some breakfast and then sat down into an armchair with a book. She wasnt expecting anyone. She knew about Mr. Higgss suspicions but they were all told false. She wouldnt be surprised if he came marching in at that very moment demanding where she hid her secret sports fan and then went on a rampage around the house searching closets, and wardrobes. She smilingd to herself at the thought of that happening. Her smile didnt last long. At that moment a loud thump came from outside. henry the postman undecided the Higgss gate. The Higgs couple didnt have a mailbox hanging on the gate. Instead they chose to place directly on the main(prenominal) door. Probably so they wouldnt have to walk that far when retrieving their mail. Lazy. He went through the gate and strode across the tend toward the Higgss door. Couldnt even take care of the snow, people these days This was probably one of Henrys last thoughts because as he was about to take the third step up the small stairs leading to the porch his foot slipped and Henry the postman fell to the ground, hitting his head on the porch steps with a loud thump.Mrs. Higgs sat there, waiting for her husband to come bursting through the door. When the door remained closed she walked forward and threw it open only to find not her husband but the local postman sprawled on the porch steps. Luckily for Henry Mrs. Higgs was a nurse and knew on the nose what to do in such a situation. She crouched down next to him and reached out looking for a pulse. in that respect it was, slow but steady. Henry the postman was still alive. His breathing seemed to be weak and irregular.She would have to have-to doe with It was about at this moment that Mr. Higgss car came to a halt in front of the house. Unfortunately Mrs. Higgs didnt line up instead she leaned o ver Henrys body, her lips touched his and as she exhaled air was pushed into his lungs. By this time Mr. Higgs had gotten out of his car and all his attention was on his wife kissing the local postman that was laying there on the porch.Mr. Higgs opened the gate, stepped through and closed it forcefully behind him. The clash of the gate made Mrs. Higgs look up. She immediately realise what she is doing must look like. She stood up and took a few steps down the stairs and into the garden toward her husband. empennage her Henry was waking, lifting his head, dazed.I know what this must look like Paul, but its nothing like that Mrs. Higgs stuttered. He slipped and fell. I was giving him the kiss of deportment.Mr. Higgs stood there staring into her eyes It might have been the kiss of life for him but its the kiss of death for you. It was the way he said it, a slow deliberate complain that made Mrs. Higgs react the way she did. Turning back toward the house she ran. Mr. Higgs didnt say anything to warn or immobilise her. He knew she wouldnt get far.Mrs. Higgs running back to the house forgot all about how slippery the porch steps were. She was well-nigh on the third step when her foot shot from under her. Mr. Higgs watched as if in slow action as Mrs Higgs turned in the air and fell, hitting her head on the bottom stair. There was a sickening crunch and then silence. It ended as it began, with the porch steps.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Thai Research Report
Annenberg Pubic indemnity Center casing 25. 1 A study by the Annenberg Pubic Policy Center investigested ane major area of business decision pricing practices. Specificially,the study addressed consumer knowledge and attitudes about the practices of online retailers adjusting their outlays correspond to customer characteristics,such as how frequency they buy from the retailer. For example ,a website selling cameras charged different prices for the same sit around depending on whether visitor to the site had previously visited sites that supply price comparisons.In general,charging different prices is called price discrimination and well-grounded unless it discriminates by race or sex or involes antitrust or price-fixing laws . The Annenberg study consisted of telephone interviews conducted with a sample of 15,000 adult,screened to find persons who had affaird the internet in the preceding 30 days. The questionnaire gathered demographic breeding and data about Internet usage .In addition,the interviewer read 17 statement about basic laws and practices related to price discrimination and the targeting of consumers according to their shopping behaviors. Respondents were asked whether each of these statements was true or false. Case Exhibit 25-1 Exhibit 25. 1-4 re-start some of the results from this study Questions 1. The information provided here is not detailed enough for a formal report,but turn in that you are making an information report in a preliminaly stage of the reporting process.Which of these findings do you lack to emphasize as your main point? wherefore? 2. Prepare a writtrnt summary of the findings,using at least(prenominal) two table or chart 3. Prepare two tables or charts that would be suitable to practise an oral presentation of these results. Are they different from the visual aids you prepare for question 2? Why or Why notM Case Exhibit 25. 1-1 Selected Information about the Sample Sex Male 48% Female 52% Online Connection a t Home Dial up connection only 31% Cable modem 18% DSL 25% Cable or DSL with another method 13% dont know 4% No connection at home 9% Self-Ranked expertness Navigating the Internet Beginer 14% Intermediate 40% Advanced 34% Expert 12% source turow,Joseph,Lauren Felfman,and Kimberly Meltzer, spread out to ExploitationAmerican Shoppers online and Offline, APPC report,June 2005,p15 dowloaded at http/annenbergpubicpolicycenter. org/Downloads/information_and_society/turow_appc_report_web_final. pdf,accessed August 22,2011 Case Exhibit 25. 1-2 Responses to Selected Knowledge Questions Statement Response true(a) False Dont Know Companies today have the ability to follow 80% 8% 12% my activity across many sites on the web It is legal for an online store to charge 38% 29% 33% different people different prices as the same time today By law a site such as Expedia or Orbitz 37% 32% 31% that compares prices on different airlines must include the lowest a irline prices. It is legal for offline store to charge 29% 42% 29% different people different prices as the same time today When a website has a privacy policy,It 59% 25% 16% means the site will not share my information with other website or companies *When the number do not add up to 100%. It is because of a round errow Boldface type indicates the correct anwer. Source turow,Joseph,Lauren Felfman,and Kimberly Meltzer, Open to ExploitationAmerican Shoppers online and Offline, APPC report,June 2005,p20 dowloaded at http/annenbergpubicpolicycenter. org/Downloads/information_and_society/turow_appc_report_web_final. pdf,accessed August 22,2011 Case Exhibit 25. 1-3 Respones to select Attitude Question Statement Response Agree Disagree Nature Dont know It okeh if a store charges me price based on what it knows about me 8% 91% - 1% It okay if an online store I 11% 87% 1% 1% use charges different prices for the same products during the sam e hour It would bother me to learn that76% 22% 1% 1% other people pay less than I do for the same product It would bother me websites I 57% 41% 2% 1% shop at keep detailed vior buying beha It okay if a store I shop at 50% 47% 2% 1% frequency use information it has about me to create a picture of me that improves the services it provide for me. *When the number do not add up to 100%. It is because of a rounding errow Boldface type indicates the correct anwer. Source turow,Joseph,Lauren Felfman,and Kimberly Meltzer, Open to ExploitationAmerican Shoppers online and Offline, APPC report,June 2005,p22 dowloaded at http/annenbergpubicpolicycenter. org/Downloads/information_and_society/turow_appc_report_web_final. pdf,accessed August 22,2011
Thursday, May 16, 2019
“On Dumpster Diving†by Lars Eighner Essay
eldest appearanceOn Dumpster Diving-by Lars Eighner, is a write up of a man discussing his life macrocosm homeless and how he came to acquire his livelihood by scavenging through dumpsters, or in the authors words Dumpster Diving. The story begins with Eighner telling us, the readers virtually how he was al looks fascinated with the word dumpster before being homeless and excessively while being homeless how he forged food, beverages, and other miscellaneous items in public dumpsters. Lars Eighner tells us nothing of how he became homeless, just he tells the life of him and his wife (Lizbeth) as Dumpster Divers. In this passage Eighner discusses the topics of shame, and rob. I will write about both(prenominal) of these themes in two separate paragraphs, while showing both ar relevant to us as college students. Dumpster Diving talks about many college students and how wasteful they flock be especially when it is unnecessary. Lars Eighner said, Students throw food away arou nd breaks beca practice they do not hit the sack whether it has louse up or will spoil before they return. Eighner besides says, Some students, and others, approach defrosting a deep-freeze by chucking out the whole lot. (Page 22) The story of this mans life is and should be humbling, also simultaneously a life lesson for us all to follow as an example of how to be economical and pry all that we possess. ostentationThe theme of pride was the first topic Eighner discussed when referring to a dumpster addle-head. At first the new scavenger is filled with disgust and self-loathing. He is ashamed of being seen and may lurk around. Eighner- (Page 23) The scavenger or dumpster diver is showing that he or she has pride, although in need they are apprised of what society might think of them. Eighner also speaks of pride in a different understanding as well. He shows us that by the refuse of others, the items being discarded is also pride in the ones that project more than enough. To the readers Eighner shows us their apathy for what they have and how they take it for granted as if these things will always be available. Pride is a terrible thing to have at times. Society looks at those who ask for assistance or a helping hand as weak but it takes a strong several(prenominal) to set pride to the curve and ask for help.Just as the dumpster diver scavenging through the trash although it seems disgusting, when in need one must do what one has to. take downThe next theme which was discussed was shame but in a more subliminal way. Eighner- I live from the refuse of others. I am a scavenger. I think it a sound and honorable niche. (Page 20) Eighner always made the term dumpster diver seem elegant. This word for many would imply filthiness, and impoverished. Eighner subtly edifies the word to hide the shame that was entangle from the memories of being homeless and eating out of the trash one would naturally do the same as Eighner. Shame is something that is felt b y all at different points in our lives just as the divers felt. Eighner tells us that While Lizbeth and I lived in a shack we began to eat from the dumpsters. (Page 20) Eighner felt shame and embarrassment from the things he and Lizbeth were doing. While reading about this particular proposition time in Eighners life, there is no way that anyone could not be humbled by his words. This way of living is well below modest it is nigh unreal the way he lived. It is impossible to fathom how this can be and that is what Eighner wants us to realize. Eighner wants us as the readers to not see the trouble of peoples shame but the struggle from the shame, because we should appraise where we are now, no matter how difficult life is or may seem because it could always be worse.Pride and ShameAs we take a look at both themes Eighner shows how they both coincide in reference to the dumpster diver. In the life of a dumpster diver Eighner explains how he felt pride and a sense of being in a better state of living as opposed to those more aureate and he explains how he felt shame as he was reduced to this decadence. In one particular memory Eighner says, Every bit of glass may be a diamond, they think, and all that glisters, gold. (Page 24)Now in this sense Eighner talks about how particular dumpster divers take everything they see of some value and they go over board but nonetheless they take pride in the things that others call trash. Eighner himself speaks of how he took pride in his vast findings. I am grateful, however, for the number of good books and magazines the students throw out. (Page 26)Although Eighner talks about pride he shows us the shame that liesin dumpster diving and how they are closely related. Eighner- Dumpster diving is outdoor(a) work, often surprisingly pleasant. (Page 27) I have no better place for her than a dumpster. And after(prenominal) all, it is fitting, since for most of her life her livelihood has come from the dumpster. (Page 26) Now eve n though Eighner finds joy in his life, he also finds discomfort and embarrassment. Pride and Shame coincide and simultaneously differ and the two emotions left Eighner unsure about him and Lizbeths future.ConclusionAfter reading On Dumpster Diving I am given to agree with Eighner, Take what you can use and let the rest go. (Page 27) In life if we use or take more than we truly need, we never learn the value of things nor do we learn to appreciate them. I believe this because I have been given so a great deal in life and use so little, whether it was food, money or time. I believe that us as Americans waste so much that we have forgotten the value of truly living and remembering others less fortunate I know I have. While reading this passage it has changed my outlook on life and how much I fine-tune and will consume in the future. I believe I will use less and appreciate what I do have, while encouraging others to do the same. Also while reading I felt remorse and sympathy for t hose less fortunate like Eighner. In conclusion this story is very contemptible and uplifting. Eighner shows us that no matter what life may throw our way we can survive and fudge the odds, no matter how much they are against us.
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