Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Organizational Staffing Plan for a Coffee Shop Essay
Organizational Staffing Plan: Part 1 Organizational Staffing Plan: Part 1 The purpose of this paper is to provide the lending institution with the required staffing organizational plan for the start-up new small business. This plan will explain the major staffing areas planned for the new coffee shop and is based on approved human resource staffing principles. Employment Relationships My coffee shop will be a friendly environment for all people to come in and enjoy. The coffee shop will have plenty of space. Te shop will be able to donate to these different organizations around the area. Also, my employees will have b treated fairly and with respect. Nobody wants to work for a place that you cannot be yourself. The employees will†¦show more content†¦Also, we will have outings to get to know each other. Sometimes at work you cannot get to know one another and we need that extra time with each other. I want everybody to feel important within the company. I feel the managers and servers are very valuable to my company. External Influences to Staffing The reason employees can be influenced by the external economical environment is because these elements have a direct impact on a business’s operations and ability to perform. In turn, it can affect how an organization manages their employees. According to the International Development Research Centre, economic environments can impact an organization’s willingness to continue with projects. Things such as inflation and labor laws can hinder organizational growth, thereby touching employee morale, motivation and commitment. The employees should be motivated to get the job done. The employees are motivated towards they job things will work out for the employer. The social external environment can affect how employees feel toward their jobs. This will tell whether they will produce or not at work. If the employees do not feel negatively about their work, they will do a good job. When you good to work everybody wants to feel like they are doi ng a superior job. As a owner I will go out of my way to make sure the employees are very content and happy. Plan to Manage Employee Shortages or Surpluses The steps a business should take to maintain anShow MoreRelatedCoffee Shop1526 Words  | 7 PagesSample coffee shop business plan A sample business plan for a coffee shop which can be used to create your own business plan or help you assess the risks and benefits of opening a coffee shop or similar business. Sponsored Links [pic][pic]  |If you are planning to open a coffee shop, the very first thing you need to do is write a business plan. 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Friday, May 15, 2020
Comparison of the Treatment of Aging Parents by Asians...
Worldwide, with increase in life expectancy more women and men are experiencing the role of grandparent and length of occupancy in the role is increasing (Armstrong, 2003). However in America, after age 75, about 9 percent have difficulty carrying out activities of daily living (Berk, 2010). When considering the cultural approach of aging in late adulthood, we see that aging adults are treated differently depending on what community or cultural background they originated from. With the increase in life expectancy, many opportunities had been provided to psychologists to conduct research and practice with aging adults (APA, 2003). This has enabled many researchers to study aging in the United States and other countries. With those†¦show more content†¦In this case, the aging parents are not considered part of the nuclear family. So they don’t see it as their duty to personally take care of their aging parents instead they put them in nursing homes. Therefore in A merica, the system takes care of older people (PBS, n. d.), which they believe it is the best way to take care of the elderly. However, for Asian elderly immigrants, this might not be the best option since for the family members, their concerns around cultural values may not being respected, and there are questions language barriers and the sense of moral obligation. This revolves around the concept of filial duties (PBS, n. d.). In both cultures the family is consider the core of social values, however the family central value for Chinese and Korean are the expression of responsibility, respect, sacrifice, and family harmony that regulates children’s attitudes and behavior towards family-based support (Wong, Yoo, and Stewart, 2006). In many other cultures such as the one I grew up in, adult children including grand children are taught the value and the need to take care of the elderly. For example, at age 15, I had a duty to wake my grand father and bathe him every morning, not only because it was our family responsibility to take care of him, but also because it was as it was pass down to us, a source of blessings taking care of elderly inShow MoreRelatedA Brief Note On Diabetes And Its Effects3477 Words  | 14 Pagesexcess of urination (Fountia, 2006). In an article written by Krisha McCoy from Everydayhealth, Scientists and physicians have been documenting this disease for over thousands of y ears starting from the origin of its discovery to the breakthrough of treatments to it. In 1552 B.C., the first symptoms of diabetes were recorded by Hesy-Ra, an Egyptian physician. Frequent urination was one of the symptoms that the physician noticed as well as ants being attracted to urine of diabetic people. In 150 AD, theRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. 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In general, visitors were fairly patient and accepted waiting as part of the experience. In the past few decades, American parents that had grown up with Disney characters kept returning to the park with their children, relishing their childhood memories. In this way, the Disney culture was passed on from one generation to the next. Overseas Expansion in Japan and France Read MoreMarketing Mistakes and Successes175322 Words  | 702 PagesD program to do so. With its search engine, it raised advertising to a new level: targeted advertising. In so doing, it spawned a host of millionaires from its rising stock prices and stock options and made its two founders some of the richest Americans, just under Bill Gates and Warren Buffett. How did they do it? Starbucks is also a rapidly growing new firmâ€â€not as much as Google, but still greatâ€â€and a credit to founder Howard Schultz’s vision of transforming a prosaic product, coffee, intoRead More7 Megatrends 203026297 Words  | 106 PagesGLOBALIZATION FUTURE MARKETS T3 SCARCITY OF RESOURCES T4 THE CHALLENGE OF CLIMATE CHANGE T5 DYNAMIC TECHNOLOGY INNOVATION T6 GLOBAL KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY T7 SHARING GLOBAL RESPONSIBILITY START INDEX TRENDS CONTACT 5 SUBTRENDS GROWING WORLD POPULATION AGING SOCIETIES INCREASING URBANIZATION 8.3  billion  people  will  live  on  earth Median  age  will  increase  by  5  years  to  34  years 59%  of  the  world s  population  will  live  in  cities A. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Seven  global
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Story Analysis of DH Lawrences The Horse Dealers Daughter
The Horse Dealers Daughter In D.H. Lawrences short story The Horse Dealers Daughter, the author tells the tale of a young womans desperation to find some role in life when the world as she knew it was taken away from her. Her entire life has been spent as a well-to-do young lady on her fathers land, helping him rear and trade in horses but mostly focusing on taking care of the house and serving as hostess following the death of her mother. After the fathers unfortunate death, the strongest part of the young womans identity is taken away from her. She has defined herself as the hostess of the home and as caretaker but she must now discover a new identity. This is a psychological issue which is compounded by the grief she feels for the loss of the familys home and business. By the time the action of the story begins, the female at the heart of the story has lost all the markers by which she has created her individual identity and thus she sees no point in furthering her existence on the planet and decides to die . The main female character, Mabel Pervin, loses her family home as well as the family business because of a lack of financial success following the death of the family patriarch. Without him, the family falls apart completely. Mabel personifies women in England, particularly in low or medium income areas such as Nottinghamshire whose options in life were limited both by their gender and by the social classes into which they were born as well as the identity
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Reflective Procedural Meeting Communication
Question: Discuss about the Reflective Procedural Meeting Communication. Answer: Introduction Resolving conflicts, reinforcing skills and knowledge, accomplishing difficult tasks and enhancement of the leadership skills are some of the benefits of the group (Drew Coulson?Thomas, 2013). In this assessment, I will illustrate the difficulties we faced when we wrote the assignment and the good traits that I have learned from working as a group. Moreover, I will also explain my experience regarding the issues during purchasing of the products for the neediest group of the society that are the elderly people. Lastly, a conclusion will also be drawn that summarizes all my experience during the procurement procedure and how we maintained the effectiveness of the entire group. As stated by Bak et al. (2013), the term procurement refers to the judgment of efficient vendors or suppliers for acquiring and buying goods/services. In order to complete this assessment, we also have to buy products from competent suppliers and shops for elderly citizens of old age homes. The first thing that we have done is the listing of products that can be given to the senior citizen, who stayed in old age homes. We furthermore conducted a meeting, where these listing can be accomplished. Every member of our group presents that their ideas like providing health checkups, organizing an indoor game event, where they can participate enthusiastically or taking them out for a picnic. I also suggested them to set up a mini theater to project their all-time favorite movies or gifting them a CD collection of songs of their times. All my team members support my idea, as the plan needs less monetary resources compared to the one suggested by others. The next thing that we preceded with i s the process of supplier research and selection." We have selected the place from where we can get the desired objects. As a group, we have selected the nearest supermarket that is TESCO and we have selected some movie and music CD from there. Our group has decided to select this supermarket, as all the products are available at affordable price and we do not have to negotiate for any of the products. The next things that we did are to distribute the task among the team members like I was given the responsibility to select movie and music from older times that can attract the attention of senior people and can make them happy. The other group was provided the task of raising money for this charity so that we can raise enough money to purchase a projector and other accessories that can accommodate all the elderly people of the old age home supported by Home Instead Senior Care. Maniar and Modi (2013) stated that in recent time, social media technology attracts every individual as they help in building good communication with the known people and it is free of cost. Thus, we have also created a WhatsApp group name MISSION ELDERLY-SMILE." This WhatsApp group helps in communicating with all the team members and updates each other with the recent activities. The problem that we faced in this context is due to non-availability of the internet connection or poor internet connectivity in some areas. This results in the detachment of the communication, which on the other hand results in occurrence of conflict. We overcome this adversity by calling each on a conference call during that time and update everyone regarding our approaches. Moreover, we have conducted meeting twice in a week, where we planned for the rest of the things that is left to accomplish our plan. We also click pictures during the daytime as a memory of our experience while marketing and traveling to different places. Additionally, the teams who are collecting charity for those older adults have opened a stall in Grafton Street, a crowded city where more people can be attracted. They have also clicked pictures of their experience while collecting the money and approach to the leading organizations like Finance Ireland Groups and Central Bank of Ireland. Our team has selected these organizations as they can offer enough of monetary resources and we can get the opportunity to make them aware of our social approach. At the end of the meeting, we also share our experience and clicked pictures. These communications ensure our team effectiveness in carrying all the work. I also want to mention that we have to prepare a presentation reading our project to help older adults of Home Instead Senior Care and our approach. We have opted for a different part of giving a presentation to the professors and to the CPO for getting an approval of the procedure that we have selected. Each of our team members got a part of the assignment to describe and mu team give me the liability for arranging and assembling the presentation slides. We practiced a lot. During this session, I came to learn that I am facing problem while delivering my thoughts and my team members supported me during the practice session. This support enhances my self-confidence and we have successfully illustrated our entire experience and objectives behind our selected topic for procurement. The result is that our mentor and other judges were happy from our teamwork and approved our request for organizing a mini theater for elderly people. Conclusion Thus, I can say that I have learned a lot about the procurement chain that comprises of the formulation of the requirement that we have to fulfill and then select the source for purchasing the product. The event for which our team has selected to buy goods is to set a mini theater in Home Instead Senior Care for elderly people. In this mini-theater, the old people can watch movies and listen to music of their times. I have learned that communication is very important in teamwork and lack of this aspect can be the reason of conflict. As a group member, all my team and I supported each other and tried to rectify each others mistake. I have experienced the leadership trait in me for leading a sub-team for suggesting effective ideas and purchasing products from a good organization. I have also designed the presentation slide for our assignment; however, I faced difficulty in presenting my thoughts verbally but my team had helped me to overcome my difficulty by practicing our speech. Reference List Bak, C. A., Vogt, L. H., George, W. R., Greentree, I. R. (2013). Management by team.Logistics Information Management. Drew, S., Coulson?Thomas, C. (2013). Transformation through teamwork: the path to the new organization?.Team Performance Management: An International Journal. Maniar, A., Modi, A. (2013). Whatsapp and youth.EXCEL International Journal of Multidisciplinary Management Studies,3(10), 32-36. Choudhary, S. R., Momin, M. I. H., Kantharia, S. L. (2015). Facebook and Whatsapp: Beneficial or Harmful?.Journal of Evidence based Medicine and Healthcare,2(17), 2306-2311. Entertainment-books/dvd. (2016).tesco.com. Retrieved 28 December 2016, from https://www.tesco.com/direct/entertainment-books/dvd/cat12590010.cat Home Care - Home Help - Elderly Home Care | Home Instead Senior Care. (2016).Homeinstead.ie. Retrieved 28 December 2016, from https://www.homeinstead.ie/ Lehmann-Willenbrock, N., Allen, J. A., Kauffeld, S. (2013). A sequential analysis of procedural meeting communication: How teams facilitate their meetings.Journal of Applied Communication Research,41(4), 365-388. Levi, D. (2016).Group dynamics for teams. Sage Publications.
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