Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Why Johnny Can’t Add The Failure of the New Mathematics. Morris Kline. Random House Essay Example
Why Johnny Can’t Add: The Failure of the New Mathematics. Morris Kline. Random House Essay Morris Kline in his book Why Johnny Can’t Add: the Failure of the New Mathematics discusses issues regarding modern mathematics. He argues that modern mathematics merely introduces further confusion in the way mathematics is taught even though it was formed to correct errors in the traditional way that mathematics was taught.The book starts with a catchy introduction about how mathematics is taught using the new curriculum. Mr. Kline clearly drives home the point that modern mathematics confuses those who are taught under this curriculum. He mentions a teacher teaching mathematical concepts to students. Yet even though the teacher introduces many concepts during his lecture, he only leaves the students more confused than before he started the lecture.Mr. Kline mentions that traditional mathematics has its share of faults which prompted the move for the mathematics teaching reform. He stresses that traditional mathematics stresses on mechanical ways of solving problems instead of making students understand, which should be the goal in all types of teaching. Students end up memorizing steps and proofs without really understanding what the point was in solving mathematical problems.Further on he discusses the origins and evolution of the new mathematics. Mr. Kline’s exposition on the subject is detailed and comprehensive despite the fact that he mentions only the contribution of only a few groups which were committed to revamp the traditional curriculum. Many other groups contributed to the work that ultimately became modern mathematics, but the author argues that these works tended to be imitations of each other. Thus these groups can be considered to form a single movement that produced modern mathematics.In the succeeding chapter, modern mathematics is shown to be ineffective as a substitute for traditional mathematics. Whereas in the traditional method learners of mathematics mostly relied on rote memory, modern mathematics more often than not ju st confuse its learners. The author made his point very clear with his exposition on the deductive approach to solving problems.The deductive approach relied too much on rules and logic. This might be a good thing if the rules were at least made clear beforehand, but modern mathematics did not properly define such rules. The learner is also faced with a ton of them to use. Such structure based on rules and logic is then contrasted to the fact that the masters of mathematics from antiquity up to more recent times relied on intuition in solving mathematical problems. Modern mathematics in effect leaves the learner to memorize proofs instead of really understanding concepts thus defeating the purpose for which modern mathematics was made.Other problems the author exposes in the book with regard to modern mathematics are rigor and language. It seems that modern mathematics is obsessed with making problems that have to be solved by as much rigor as possible. It is also obsess ed with trying to make problems as rigid as they can come with respect to language. It makes it a point to leave no room for ambiguities. At this part, it can be seen that the author has a keen way of showing the absurdity of such an assumption. Students end up being more confused. Readability and even comprehensibility of mathematics texts are sacrificed. With such language the author argues that only experts would understand the text, but such texts are forced into novices.The insular way of promoting mathematics is also a point in the author’s case against modern mathematics. Mathematics divorced itself from fields where it is being useful. The author expresses alarm at this trend by arguing that students have become less appreciative of the subject. They don’t see math applied to relevant situations. The situation is further aggravated by the introduction of new concepts such as set theory, matrices, symbolic logic, abstract algebra, and congruence. Such subjects a re used almost purely in the study of pure mathematics unadulterated by fields such as engineering and astronomy!Formulators of the new mathematics curriculum did this in an attempt to present mathematics in a logical and orderly manner. Yet the author argues to his readers that what this does is just further confuse learners under this new curriculum.Nevertheless, the strongest argument Mr. Kline has against modern mathematics is the way it was developed and eventually accepted. There were no experiments to test whether the new curriculum would be better than the old or traditional curriculum. They were directly imposed upon students. Nevertheless, Mr. Kline does admit that testing for positive results or even negative results of the teaching modern mathematics can be difficult. Courses that claim to be modern may just be mixtures of traditional and modern concepts. Only â€Å"smart†students may have been enrolled under the new mathematics while those who were not as smart were left with the traditional method.The author, however, points out criticism from those who worked with the development of new mathematics to clamor for a change in how mathematics is to be taught. To give a darker tone to the new mathematics curriculum, the author mentions ulterior motives. Teachers who may have struggled with topics suddenly see easy and logical proofs as teaching tools. This may seem easy to them who have some mathematics background, but it may not be the same case for first time learners. Teachers who wanted to be recognized began writing modern mathematics textbooks. Publishers who wanted to profit from the controversy joined in. Soon there was no turning back. Students are now stuck with modern mathematics.The book shows that the author was passionate in his campaign for a reform in the teaching of mathematics. The traditional methods were not sufficient. Thus it was replaced by the new mathematics curriculum. Yet the new mathematics still did not make the cut. In fact it merely added more confusion in the teaching of mathematics. His use of exposition plus some sarcasm and good natured humor and common sense forms an informative and interesting text.The text also makes readers into thinkers. In a world where modern mathematics has largely replaced traditional mathematics, one is left wondering with many questions after reading the book. What if I learned mathematics in the traditional way? Could I have loved math then? Should we reform modern mathematics as Mr. Kline argues in the book? Would it even make a difference if the way of teaching mathematics is to be reformed? Would there come a time when ordinary students would eventually love math?Yet in conclusion, even though the book is almost light in its approach to the subject, it does it with a readability that warrants attention to its arguments.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Letting Go - Freewrite Store
Letting Go - Freewrite Store This is a guest post by Dorothy R. Santos. Dorothy is a writer, editor, curator, and educator. She served as the managing editor for Hyphen magazine. Her essay â€Å"Materiality to Machines: Manufacturing the Organic and Hypotheses for Future Imaginings,†will be published The Routledge Handbook of Biology for Art and Architecture in 2016. She teaches at the University of California, Santa Cruz in the Digital Art and New Media department. Every morning, I flick at my smartphone screen and read the news. I watch for some of my favorite writers in art, technology, and cultural criticism. I used to marvel at how quickly some of my favorite writers and journalists could produce content in such a prolific manner. But having done that made me spiral into some major neuroses about my writing as well as assuming the impostor syndrome. Sure, I make a fine editor because it's always easy to critique anyone else's writing but your own. It's also easy to say to yourself that you're never going to meet the same ranks as the writers you admire. So, when I asked myself, "what is a successful writer?" I went way back into my grammar school days. I remember being in English class when I was growing up and thinking how amazing it was to learn about subjects, predicates, nouns, and conjugating verbs. I think that was in large part due to the fact that I grew up in a household where multiple languages were spoken. To some degree, it helped and would stick with me for a long time. But it was also relatively confusing. How would I communicate in the long run? How would I use language? Over the years, I forgot how passionate I was about learning language until I had to serve as an editor in chief in college and in hindsight, it was probably because I was easy to work with and could be told what to do (and very impressionable). Overall, after all this time, I think what makes a writer successful is doing one thing - letting go. You might ask, what do you mean by letting go and this just sounds like so many other self help books and a little too easy? That's not real advice, you might be saying. But take it however you want. It's not about resignation, that's different. When you are resigned, you don't try, you don't fight, and you don't care. Letting go isn't about having an "IDGAF" attitude either. You must respect yourself as a writer to know what you are passionate about and commit. If you're the only one on earth that wants to write about the creation of the microprocessor or fascinated by the proliferation of #whatarethose meme, well, write about it. Write to yourself. Write for yourself. As writers, I understand the need for an audience, I mean, let's face it, readership is important as a writer. But your reader reads your work because they see that you care. Another question you might be asking yourself is, "Okay, let go of what exactly?" It's been challenging because I was born and raised in an immigrant family that did not exactly foster my passions in the arts and humanities. When my mother immigrated to San Francisco in 1978, she didn't exactly know what she was stepping into, but rallied her resources as best as she could and sent me to private school for as long as financially possible. Right away, she saw my love for the arts and language as a little girl. Yet she wanted me to grow up skilled in something practical that would yield me the life that she didn't have in the Philippines. That being said, your past and upbringing have a lot to do with the way you define success. What you do and how you make your mark have a lot to do with personal histories and experiences and, sometimes, letting go of what you have been told time and time again will result in precarious living, doesn't hold true when you let go and start living the life you want. It's challenging, it's tough, as a writer, but for all of the writers I know and deeply admire, I notice the one thing they did along the way that has led to what I perceive and acknowledge as success is to let go. Letting go of naysayers, unproductive criticism, feeling like an impostor, perfection, the need to be right, the fear of being wrong, rigid structures that prevent you from growth, toxic people/personalities, habits that prevent you from actually writing. I've said "I wish I just had more time" as well. But don't we all? You gotta let go of that too. So, what would you do with that extra time? Where is that extra time going? At the end of the day, being a successful writer actually doesn't mean writing for the biggest news outlets or even writing the best essay, article, or book. Being a successful writer means that you've written something you believe in and it can help illuminate something for someone. It doesn't have to be perfect and it doesn't have to be award winning. But it has to be something you feel the world needs and couldn't live without because if you don't write it, it doesn't exist and if it doesn't exist, it probably never will. At least not from your perspective, your vision, and your experiences. Don't worry about someone misunderstanding or not getting it, that's actually not a part of being successful. There will always be people that don't get something because they genuinely don't get it or because they intentionally don't want to understand. Remember that it's not your job to make people understand. It's your job to think, read, write, and initiate the thoughts of others into thinking deeply about the world around them. You may be the only person writing what you write. Or, you might say that that's been written before. Whatever the case, write gibberish, write crap, then look at what you write and start over. Writing is the place where you can command language and expand on it however you want. It's really up to you to do what you want with it. But taking responsibility for the things you write is another aspect of writing that you need to take into account. You can always change your mind. In the long run, it's also about a nice long conversation with culture itself an d how it's changed and where you want to see it go and how you're making your mark as well. So, what are you waiting for? Let go. Letting Go - Freewrite Store This is a guest post by Dorothy R. Santos. Dorothy is a writer, editor, curator, and educator. She served as the managing editor for Hyphen magazine. Her essay â€Å"Materiality to Machines: Manufacturing the Organic and Hypotheses for Future Imaginings,†will be published The Routledge Handbook of Biology for Art and Architecture in 2016. She teaches at the University of California, Santa Cruz in the Digital Art and New Media department. Every morning, I flick at my smartphone screen and read the news. I watch for some of my favorite writers in art, technology, and cultural criticism. I used to marvel at how quickly some of my favorite writers and journalists could produce content in such a prolific manner. But having done that made me spiral into some major neuroses about my writing as well as assuming the impostor syndrome. Sure, I make a fine editor because it's always easy to critique anyone else's writing but your own. It's also easy to say to yourself that you're never going to meet the same ranks as the writers you admire. So, when I asked myself, "what is a successful writer?" I went way back into my grammar school days. I remember being in English class when I was growing up and thinking how amazing it was to learn about subjects, predicates, nouns, and conjugating verbs. I think that was in large part due to the fact that I grew up in a household where multiple languages were spoken. To some degree, it helped and would stick with me for a long time. But it was also relatively confusing. How would I communicate in the long run? How would I use language? Over the years, I forgot how passionate I was about learning language until I had to serve as an editor in chief in college and in hindsight, it was probably because I was easy to work with and could be told what to do (and very impressionable). Overall, after all this time, I think what makes a writer successful is doing one thing - letting go. You might ask, what do you mean by letting go and this just sounds like so many other self help books and a little too easy? That's not real advice, you might be saying. But take it however you want. It's not about resignation, that's different. When you are resigned, you don't try, you don't fight, and you don't care. Letting go isn't about having an "IDGAF" attitude either. You must respect yourself as a writer to know what you are passionate about and commit. If you're the only one on earth that wants to write about the creation of the microprocessor or fascinated by the proliferation of #whatarethose meme, well, write about it. Write to yourself. Write for yourself. As writers, I understand the need for an audience, I mean, let's face it, readership is important as a writer. But your reader reads your work because they see that you care. Another question you might be asking yourself is, "Okay, let go of what exactly?" It's been challenging because I was born and raised in an immigrant family that did not exactly foster my passions in the arts and humanities. When my mother immigrated to San Francisco in 1978, she didn't exactly know what she was stepping into, but rallied her resources as best as she could and sent me to private school for as long as financially possible. Right away, she saw my love for the arts and language as a little girl. Yet she wanted me to grow up skilled in something practical that would yield me the life that she didn't have in the Philippines. That being said, your past and upbringing have a lot to do with the way you define success. What you do and how you make your mark have a lot to do with personal histories and experiences and, sometimes, letting go of what you have been told time and time again will result in precarious living, doesn't hold true when you let go and start living the life you want. It's challenging, it's tough, as a writer, but for all of the writers I know and deeply admire, I notice the one thing they did along the way that has led to what I perceive and acknowledge as success is to let go. Letting go of naysayers, unproductive criticism, feeling like an impostor, perfection, the need to be right, the fear of being wrong, rigid structures that prevent you from growth, toxic people/personalities, habits that prevent you from actually writing. I've said "I wish I just had more time" as well. But don't we all? You gotta let go of that too. So, what would you do with that extra time? Where is that extra time going? At the end of the day, being a successful writer actually doesn't mean writing for the biggest news outlets or even writing the best essay, article, or book. Being a successful writer means that you've written something you believe in and it can help illuminate something for someone. It doesn't have to be perfect and it doesn't have to be award winning. But it has to be something you feel the world needs and couldn't live without because if you don't write it, it doesn't exist and if it doesn't exist, it probably never will. At least not from your perspective, your vision, and your experiences. Don't worry about someone misunderstanding or not getting it, that's actually not a part of being successful. There will always be people that don't get something because they genuinely don't get it or because they intentionally don't want to understand. Remember that it's not your job to make people understand. It's your job to think, read, write, and initiate the thoughts of others into thinking deeply about the world around them. You may be the only person writing what you write. Or, you might say that that's been written before. Whatever the case, write gibberish, write crap, then look at what you write and start over. Writing is the place where you can command language and expand on it however you want. It's really up to you to do what you want with it. But taking responsibility for the things you write is another aspect of writing that you need to take into account. You can always change your mind. In the long run, it's also about a nice long conversation with culture itself an d how it's changed and where you want to see it go and how you're making your mark as well. So, what are you waiting for? Let go.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Managing change implementation for B&B Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Managing change implementation for B&B - Essay Example There are competitive advantages that benchmarking provides, alongside setting a company on a path to growth and industry success. To initiate a change that would enable Kynance House to provide meaningful competition to industry giants like Imperial Plymouth Guesthouse, benchmarking will involve looking into the aspects of the business in which the latter excels. Imperial Plymouth Guesthouse is first of all situated in a strategic place just outside the city centre, and also near tourist attractions. Business location is important and determines performance in many cases, but that shouldn’t worry Kynance House much to the point of wanting to relocate to a different location. It would be one of the costliest moves. What Kynance needs to do is to observe Imperial guesthouse in terms of how it carries out business and its prioritized investments. It really wouldn’t be necessary to adopt every single practice observed at Imperial Plymouth Guesthouse. The greatest benefit that Kynance House should derive from benchmarking with Imperial Plymouth Guesthouse is to learn the art of the business. It gives a picture of how to best conduct the business. Kynance should then decide if it wants to better those practices or pursue them as they are. To initiate a change to would make Kynance House competitive alongside B & B industry giants such as Imperial Plymouth, the management should recognize the fact that money must be spent to get more money. Some of the practices at Imperial Plymouth Guesthouse are cost-effective; quite a sum of money would be spent to get some of the structures in place. Initial spending, however big, would be an obligation, not a choice. Customer’s complaints revolve around some of the things Imperial Plymouth excels in. The management must make all the necessary adjustments if it needs to maintain customers and attract
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Law and ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3
Law and ethics - Essay Example Management failures have occurred in the past due to which policy makers were promoted to create the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Managers are involved in the act of providing misleading (overly positive) information regarding their organization. Similar kind of activities took place before the crises of 2008 and when the real valuation of the financial products were realized, the offloading of investments took place and odds turned against the managers. Due to this change in policy, several banks increased the amount of their investments and provided huge amount of loans and the end result was that some of the major banks of US lost all their liquidity and were on the verge of going bankrupt. John C. Coffee asserts that there are three main causes of the crises of 2008, these include: Failure of gatekeepers which in this case is the rating agencies, managerial failures which in this case is that the mangers gave precedence to their own interest over the interest of their investors and lastly because the regulations were relaxed by the Securities and Exchange
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Banking Comparison Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Banking Comparison - Essay Example First, the institution to be picked must be able to guarantee safety of the deposits made. Further, it should ensure be able to provide both long term and short term investment opportunities. Moreover, with the increasing technological advancement, it must be able to provide online banking services at affordable rates. The choice taken must be able to guarantee ATM services within the area of residence and other locations as well. Interest should also be placed on the checking accounts and the fees that are associated with them. The institution should also be able to ensure access to the services internationally as well as a safe deposit box. The fees charged on the money transfers should also be a point of concern. Finally, the location of the institution should be convenient and the interest earned on the savings program should be considerate. Indeed, a financial institution that guarantees all these will be the best. The methodology that will be adopted in carrying out research to ascertain the most appropriate financial institution to join will include both primary and secondary. Secondary will involve searching the online information available regarding the institution including the website and other articles. Further, there will be primary approach where an in-depth interview will be carried out to ensure that adequate first hand information is gathered from the bank personnel. This will be done through the visiting of the banks as an individual and doing a face to face interview with the institution’s staff on the services offered. Finally, the data collected through both the primary and secondary approach will be compared with the individual needs in order to come up with the very best option. After carrying out research on Bank of America, CITI, and Chase bank, it was clear that the banks offer almost similar services of interest. Indeed, having visited the branches for in-depth interviews, it almost became difficult to
Friday, November 15, 2019
Singapore Differ From Other Countries In Asia Geography Essay
Singapore Differ From Other Countries In Asia Geography Essay As one of the Four Tigers of Asia, Singapore has been widely acclaimed for its rare economic phenomenon that caused its rapid growth and promotion to the status of a developed country. However, what truly sets Singapore apart from the rest is that amid the fast paced industrial development and rapid urbanization, Singapore was able to at achieve a high level of environmental standards that allowed it to be renowned in the region as a â€Å"Garden City†. Therefore, it is of great interest that we discuss the key factors to Singapores success in achieving a clean and green physical environment and the extent of its achievement. Through comparison with other Asian countries, we will also aim to identify the difference between these attempts. â€Å"Brown†Policy Upon independence in 1965, Singapore was faced with a number of critical environmental issues such as removal of waste, lack of clean water supply, land pollution etc. While at the same time, the nation also had to tackle economic and social issues, which further complicates the efforts in environmental planning. In other Asian countries that experienced similar rapid economic growth, most of these countries adopted the â€Å"Grow First, Clean Up Later†policy and thus have the tendency to neglect the environmental issues and concentrate more on economic and development growth. (T.Rock, 2002) For instance, the larger cities in South East Asia such as Bangkok contributes to half of Thailands economic growth, however it still faces numerous environmental problems such as air and water pollution that are still not given due attention. (Refer to Excerpt 1.1) Therefore, we can see that the importance attached by the government to environmental issue is a key factor to the success of its environmental management programme. (Chia, 1987) (Source: Extracted from Tapvong, C., and Kruavan, J., Water quality improvements: A contingent valuation study of the Chao Phraya River, EEPSEA Research Report, 1999.) Unlike its counterparts, the Singapore government adopted the â€Å"Brown†Policy which gives priority to developmental goals such as urban expansion and economic growth while at the same time ensuring that pollution issues that arise be addressed appropriately. (Teo, Yeoh, Lai, Ooi, 2004) Through this policy, economic growth and environmental management becomes partners in national development rather than nemesis. For example, while Singapore government greatly promoted industrialization in the 1970s, legislations such as the Clean Air Standard Regulations (CASR) and Trade Effluent Regulations (TER) were introduced that requires industries to follow stringent standards in effluents and air pollution control. Relocation efforts of the population to public housing estates were also packaged with environmental management plans such as the establishment of sewage and sanitation system and solid waste collection and disposal facilities. (Teo, Yeoh, Lai, Ooi, 2004) Government Support Noting the importance of governmental support, Singapore became among the earliest countries in the world to introduce a Ministry solely focused on environmental issues. The seriousness of environmental management efforts differentiated Singapore from the rest of the NIEs in the region in the 1970s. (Teo, Yeoh, Lai, Ooi, 2004)The creation of Anti Pollution Unit in 1970 under the Prime Minister Office and Ministry of Environment in 1972 signaled to polluters the governments commitment to environmental issues. (T.Rock, 2002) (Source: Adapted from Chia, L.S. (Ed) (1987), Fig 2, pg 117, Environmental Management in Southeast Asia.) The Ministry of Environment formed in 1972 changed its name to become Ministry of Environment and Water Resources in 2004. Under the Ministry are 2 statutory boards, namely the National Environmental Agency and Public Utilities Board. The trio forms the main institution group in charge of environmental issues and sustainability. (Ministry of Environment and Water Resources, 2008) With the establishment of Ministry of Environment, environmental policies were translated into legal framework with cooperation from other governmental agencies. Adequate legal support thus provided the support necessary for enforcement. The extensive organization structure of the Ministry of Environment also allowed for an encompassing approach towards environmental issues. (Source: Adapted from Chia, L.S. (Ed) (1987) Fig 3, pg 119, Environmental Management in Southeast Asia.) To keep up with the complexity and changing nature of environmental issues, legislation passed by the Ministry were also amended frequently. One such example will be on the control of air quality and traffic congestion. To aid in solving the air pollution problem, the Singapore government passed legislation in 1st May 1990, which instituted a system of limiting the growth of motor vehicles by requiring all citizens to bid for a Certificate of Entitlement before gaining the right to own a car. (Didier Millet and the National Heritage Board, 2010) After observing that this does not effectively decrease the traffic congestion problem in CBD areas, the government was quick to implement the Electronic Road Pricing system with rates that will be adjusted where necessary to minimize congestion on the roads. Implementation and Enforcement To ensure effective implementation and enforcement, the Ministry of Environment was also vested with the direct authority to enforce the environmental legislation it introduced. This distinguishes Singapore from other countries that have well-defined environmental legal framework but lack the effective enforcement. A unified environmental authority responsible for policy formulation, implementation of environmental programme and coordination of other agencies backed with substantial monitoring, enforcement and inspection capabilities no doubt contributed to the success of environmental management in Singapore. (Chia, 1987) The National Environmental Agency (NEA), formed in 1st July 2002, becomes the main institution empowered by National Environment Agency Act to effectively check on industries and to enforced and implement the environments standards as per required by the respective environmental legislations passed by Ministry of Environment and Water Resources. (Ministry of Environment and Water Resources, 2008) (Source: Adapted from Chia, L.S. (Ed) (1987), Appendix 1, pg 161, Environmental Management in Southeast Asia) In contrast, countries in the region such as Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia without an unified umbrella environmental institution faces the fragmentation of environmental responsibility among their governmental agencies, which often impedes progress in environmental planning. (Chia, 1987) For instance, Indonesias environmental impact management agency, the BAPEDAL under the State Ministry of Population and Environment (SMPE) lacks legal authority to inspect and enforce the standards they have implemented. For example, only the Ministry of Industries (MOI) and the local police had the authority to enter factories to take emissions samples and they rarely did so, thus it becomes extremely difficult for BAEPAL to monitor and enforce industrial emission. Moreover, the court refused to grant legal standing to the emission standards or to the result of monitoring by BAEPAL, which effectively made it virtually impossible for prosecution of polluters. (T.Rock, 2002) Extent of Singapores Success As a result of the above factors, Singapore can be said as the most successful country in ASEAN to meet the environmental standards set by the World Health Organization and US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). In Figure 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3, we can observe that Singapore has achieved the most remarkable result in Ambient Air and Water Quality as compared to other East Asian Newly Industrializing Economies. (Source: Extracted from T.Rock, M. (2002). Table 1-2, pg 4, Pollution Control in East Asia, Lessons from the Newly Industrializing Economy. ) (Source: Extracted from T.Rock, M. (2002). Figure 7-1, pg 144, Pollution Control in East Asia, Lessons from the Newly Industrializing Economy.) (Source: Extracted from T.Rock, M. (2002). Figure 7-2, pg 145, Pollution Control in East Asia, Lessons from the Newly Industrializing Economy.) As compared to 1980s, Singapores has also improved greatly in its air pollution control, with its air quality performing way below the standards set by USEPA in 2008. For example, the Sulphur Dioxide level in 1978-1989 fluctuates around the range of 30-40 ÃŽ ¼g/m3 , while between 2006-2008, the Sulphur Dioxide level is controlled around the range of 11-12 ÃŽ ¼g/m3 . (Source: Extracted from Sani, S. (1993). Overall Pollution in Singapore, Pg 90, Urban Environment in ASEAN: Changing Regional Concerns and Approaches. In M. Seda, Environmental Management in ASEAN.) Pollutant Averaging Time Unit 2006 2007 2008 USEPA NAAQS1 Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) Annual ÃŽ ¼g/m3 11 12 11 80 Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) Annual ÃŽ ¼g/m3 24 22 22 100 Carbon Monoxide (CO) 1-hour3 mg/m3 3.7 2.3 2.3 40 8-hour3 mg/m3 2.6 1.7 1.5 10 Ozone 8-hour4 ÃŽ ¼g/m3 127 140 103 1476 Particulate Matter PM10 24-hour3 ÃŽ ¼g/m3 2282 69 57 150 Particulate Matter PM2.5 24-hour5 ÃŽ ¼g/m3 802 35 30 35 Annual ÃŽ ¼g/m3 23 19 16 15 Lead Quarterly average ÃŽ ¼g/m3 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.157 [Fig 4.5: Environment Clean Air Statistic from 2006-2008] (Source: Adapted from Ministry of Environment and Water Resources. (2009, August 31). Key Environmental Statistic: Clean Air.) In a short span of 30-40 years, with a sound environmental management program coupled with strong government commitment on environmental issues, Singapore has successfully developed itself from what may described as a slum in 1965 to a world recognized â€Å"Green†city in the 1990s onwards. Differences in Situation Even as Singapore can be proud of its achievement in environmental planning and management, we have to keep in mind that it is also due to a difference in situation as compared to our neighboring states that these can be accomplished. Firstly, ever since independence in 1965; Singapore has been ruled by the main political party, People Action Party, without any significant contest from oppositions. This has simplified and resulted in easier coordination of law enforcement with strict administrative measures of environmental legislation. In addition, a one party rule in Singapore has allowed for high degree of commitment across all governmental agencies and resulted in a more effective set up of administrative structure, provision of funding and manpower for the building of pollution control and waste disposal facilities. (Chia, 1987) As there is little change in political powers in Singapore, the PAP government were also able to adopt the Long-Term, Integrated Planning principles which is to align all our policies from energy to transport to industry and urban planning and take a long term and complete view of our needs and circumstances (Inter-Ministerial Committee on Sustainable Development, 2009). The mandate given to the PAP government assured them that there will be not be any unforeseen change in their political power in the near future and thus allowed them to have the decisiveness and flexibility to enact long term policies, a strong advantage that countries like Thailand with a dynamic unstable political system may not enjoy. (Sani, 1993) Furthermore, geographical advantage has prevented the Singapore government to face natural adverse conditions that often complicates the implementation of environmental policies such as earthquakes, flooding, drought, volcanic eruptions that our neighboring countries have to deal with constantly. Conclusion In conclusion, Singapores success in environmental management is largely due to the commitment and emphasis placed by the government in this area. With adequate legal, financial and manpower support, coupled with close cooperation between governmental agencies has allowed establishment of environmental facilities, institution and implementation of environmental legislation to proceed in a coordinated, well-planned manner. However, it is also due to the small area size of the city state, the political monopoly of PAP and the absence of natural disaster that has also made it easier for the government to manage. Bibliography Chia, L. S. (Ed) (1987). Environmental Management in Southeast Asia. Singapore: National University of Singapore, Faculty of Science. Didier Millet and the National Heritage Board. (n.d.). Certificate of Entitlement. Retrieved February 25, 2010, from Singapore: The Encyclopedia: Inter-Ministerial Committee on Sustainable Development. (2009). A Lively and Liveable Singapore: Strategies for Sustainable Growth. Singapore: Ministry of Environment and Water Resources and Ministry of National Development. Ministry of Environment and Water Resources. (2008, June 02). About MEWR: Our History. Retrieved February 16, 2010, from MEWR Official Website: Ministry of Environment and Water Resources. (2009, August 31). Key Environmental Statistic: Clean Air. Retrieved February 24, 2010, from MEWR Official Website: Sani, S. (1993). Urban Environment in ASEAN: Changing Regional Concerns and Approaches. In M. Seda, Environmental Management in ASEAN (pp. 83-110). Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. T.Rock, M. (2002). Pollution Control in East Asia, Lessons from the Newly Industralizing Economy. United State of America: Resources for the Future and the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. Tapvong, C. a. (1999). Water quality improvements: A contingent valuation study of the Chao Phraya River. Thailand: EEPSEA Research Report. Teo, P., Yeoh, B. S., Lai, K. P., Ooi, G. L. (2004). Environmental Planning and Management. In Changing Landscapes of Singapore (pp. 19-33). Singapore: McGraw-Hill Education(Asia).
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Jim Crow Laws :: essays research papers
     Jim Crow Laws The name for the Jim Crow Laws comes from a character in a Minstrel Show. The Minstrel Show was one of the first forms of American entertainment, which started in 1843. They were performed by successors of black song and dance routine actors. The first Minstrel Show was started by a group of four men from Virginia, who all painted their faces black and performed a small song and dance skit in a small theater in New York City. Thomas Dartmouth Rice, a white actor, performed the Jim Crow Minstrel Show. Rice was inspired by an old black man who sang and danced in Louisville, Kentucky (Clay, 1). The skit ended in the same chorus as the old black mans song which was â€Å"Wheel about and turn about and do jis so, Eb’ry time I wheel about I jump Jim Crow.†Rice’s song and dance got him from Louisville to Cincinnati to Pittsburgh to Philadelphia and then to New York City in 1832. Finally, Rice performed throughout Europe, going to London and Dublin, where the Irish especially liked Rice’s performance (      In the north, slavery was just about non existent, so blacks could be seen free in a lot of cities in the north. In some cities even, blacks and whites lived together without a problem so segregation was not seen completely throughout America. Before 1890, segregation was not seen in most of the south, which was where 80 percent of the black population lived (Massey, 17- 20).      Segregation actually started in the north, but when it moved into the south, it became much worse (Woodward, 17). It was thought that segregation came along with slavery, but there were more reasons, like pure racism. Cities had ghettos where all of the blacks lived in a community, away from the whites. After slavery ended, the north did treat the blacks with more respect, but not much more. In the north, slaves could not be separated from their families and they could not be legally forced to work. Even though the blacks in the north were not slaves anymore, they were still treated poorly in some cases. Towards the end of the Civil War, the north was really showing their racism (Woodward, 21). Most hotels, motels and restaurants would not let blacks inside, so shortly after the Civil Rights Act of 1875, the blacks tested their rights on all sorts of public utilities. They did not, however, take advantage of these rights so they would be assured to keep them. The south still treated blacks with disrespect.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Effects of Slavery on America
Effects of Slavery on American History Andrew Avila US History 1301 Dr. Raley April 18, 2013 The U. S. Constitution is primarily based on compromise between larger and smaller states, and more importantly, between northern and southern states. One major issue of the northern and southern states throughout American history is the topic of slavery. Although agreements such as the Three-Fifths Compromise in 1787, and the Thirteenth Amendment in 1865 were adapted to reduce and outlaw slavery, it took many years for slavery to be completely abolished and allow blacks the freedom they had been longing for.The Three-Fifths Compromise was a agreement reached at the Constitutional Convention of 1787 in Philadelphia in which three-fifths of states’ slaves would be counted as representation regarding distribution of taxes and apportionment of members to the House of Representatives[1]. This meant that slave owners would be taxed on the number of slaves they owned as well as states receiv ing representation for the allotted 3/5, or â€Å"Federal ratio,†of slaves owned.During the Continental Congress of 1783, a committee was appointed to decide upon a method to be integrated in the Articles of Confederation to prevent states from ignoring their fair share of the tax burden. The proposed fix was to tax based on population rather than property value. Delegates who opposed slavery only wanted to count all free inhabitants of each state, while supporters of slavery wanted to count all slaves for representation purposes only and not for taxation.Being that southern states were heavily populated with slaves, naturally, northern states feared that the south would gain a political upper-hand and become extremely powerful[2]. Seeing such opposition from northern and southern states, representatives James Wilson and Roger Sherman came up with a plan that stemmed from the one proposed at the Continental Congress. The Three-Fifths Compromise, which was designed to meet th e demands of both sides, gave the south their much anticipated representation, while easing the fears of the north of being politically overpowered by the south[3].After the Virginia Plan was rejected, the Three-Fifths Compromise seemed to guarantee more political power to the south. As a result, southern states dominated the Presidency and Speakership of the House. While the south gained more representation because of the higher ownership of slaves, the north gained very little. However, the longterm results of the Three-Fifths Compromise did not work well to the southern states’ advantage[4]. The increased importation of slaves to the south upset the north leading to the Missouri Compromise.The Missouri Compromise prohibited slavery in the former Louisiana Territory north of the 36o 30’. By 1820, the northern states began to grow faster than southern states resulting in the fall from southern representation in the House of Representatives. The Three-Fifths Compromise paved the way for the Thirteenth Amendment in 1865 which outlaws slavery. However, the Thirteenth Amendment was meant to guarantee slavery. In 1863, Abraham Lincoln issued an Emancipation Proclamation declaring that any people held as slaves would be free[5].Many people questioned the validity of the Proclamation as well as President Lincoln’s power. Because President Lincoln failed to mention that slaves in the loyalist states would be free in the Proclamation, many doubted the effect would last beyond restoration of the states[6]. Although the Emancipation Proclamation declared that slaves would be free, it did not actually free any slaves in border states nor did it abolish slavery. President Lincoln and other supporters decided it was necessary to include an amendment to the Constitution abolishing slavery.The Thirteenth Amendment was the first amendment proposed in 60 years. The Thirteenth Amendment was the only slavery-related bill to oppose and abolish slavery while o ther bills protected slavery[7]. Eventually, the bill was taken to the Senate and passed on April 8, 1864. Although the bill was passed as an effort to keep the country united, it was stopped from being ratified as the south began to secede and the Union dissolved. This prevented the bill from becoming an actual law. President Lincoln took active measures to get the proposed bill on the Republican Party platform for the 1864 presidential election.After several months of debate, the bill finally reached the two-thirds vote on January 31, 1865, although the signed amendment’s archival copy states the bill was passed February 1, 1865[8]. After the approval of the Thirteenth Amendment, Congress passed four statutes known as the Reconstruction Acts. The Reconstruction Congress was required to pass two laws that implemented the Thirteenth Amendment[9]. The first was the Civil Rights Act declaring that freed slaves were allowed to enjoy the same rights as white people. This law made it a crime on the federal level to deprived freed slaves of these rights.The second was the Anti-Peonage Act of 1867 which made the holding of any person as a slave unlawful[10]. The Thirteenth Amendment completed the abolition of slavery in the United States. The process to abolish slavery began with President Lincoln’s issuing of the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863. Although the Thirteenth Amendment outlaws slavery and involuntary servitude, officials had to selectively enforce laws such as vagrancy forcing blacks to be subject to involuntary servitude. The southern states' attitudes towards abolition made it nearly impossible for blacks to shake being ex-slaves.After the abolition of slavery, life for Black Americans got even more difficult before it could get better. Public beatings and lynchings became and everyday occurrence through â€Å"white supremacy groups†such as the Ku Klux Klan. Segregation between whites and blacks had become widespread at the time a s well. Many blacks found it difficult to survive off the poor wages they received and terrible living situations. Slavery was not legal or illegal until each individual state made it so. Up until that point, slavery was an accepted common law practice.However, after slavery was declared illegal in individual states and had been outlawed, many slave owners, and slaves alike, needed to adjust to the newly acquired changes. Needless to say, this was a change that would take many years to adapt to. To this day, these movements are still discussed as the judicial system . Many people still do not support the abolition of slavery. The United States Constitution states that slavery and involuntary servitude are illegal unless ordered by the court. However, this does not mean that any individual may own a slave.This simply means that if a person is convicted of a crime, said person may be ordered to prison or community service. This however does not mean that there are absolutely no cases of slavery in America today. Although in slightly different form, slavery still exists today despite the trial and error endured by the American government to abolish slavery in its entirety. Slavery today is known as human trafficking. Not only does human trafficking include involuntary servitude and forced labor, but various other acts that are to be carried out by those who are being held as slaves.Human trafficking is one of the biggest crimes committed today. Throughout history many measures have been taken to prohibit and outlaw slavery. However, documents such as the Three-Fifths Compromise and the Thirteenth Amendment were two of the major stepping stones in the direction of abolishing slavery. The issue of slavery has been around since the beginning of the United States and has undergone many changes over time. With agreements such as the Three-Fifths Compromise and the Thirteenth Amendment, slavery was able to be decreased and eventually abolished.Bibliography Peter Robins on. Uncommon Knowledge: A Slave to the System? Thomas Jefferson and Slavery. Hoover Institution, 2009. Garry Wills. â€Å"Negro President†: Jefferson and the Slave Power. Houghton Mifflin Company. New York, 2003. Herman Belz. Emancipation and Equal Rights: Politics and Constitutionalism in the Civil War Era. New York, 1978. Michael Vorenberg. Final Freedom: The Civil War, the Abolition of Slavery, and the Thirteenth Amendment. Cambridge University Press, 2001. Report of the Brown University Steering Committee on Slavery and Justice.The House Joint Resolution proposing the 13th amendment to the Constitution, January 31, 1865; Enrolled Acts and Resolutions of Congress, 1789-1999; General Records of the United States Government; Record Group 11; National Archives Harp Weekly. Ratification and Results. 2008. Oman Nathan. Specific Performance and the Thirteenth Amendment. Minnesota Law Review, Forthcoming. 2008. Unknown Author. â€Å"The Slavery Compromises†. University of Louisiana-Lafayette Computing Support Services. Unknown Date. Gilder Lehrman Institute. The Three-Fifths Compromise. Digital History. 2013. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- [1] Gilder Lehrman Institute. The Three-Fifths Compromise. Digital History. 2013. [2] Peter Robinson. Uncommon Knowledge: A Slave to the System? Thomas Jefferson and Slavery. Hoover Institution, 2009. [3] Unknown Author. â€Å"The Slavery Compromises†. University of Louisiana-Lafayette Computing Support Services. Unknown Date [4] Peter Robinson. Uncommon Knowledge: A Slave to the System? Thomas Jefferson and Slavery. Hoover Institution, 2009. [5] Herman Belz. Emancipation and Equal Rights: Politics and Constitutionalism in the Civil War Era. New York, 1978. 6] Michael Vorenberg. Final Freedom: The Civil War, the Abolition of Slavery, and the Thirteenth Amendment. Cambridge University Press, 2001. [7] 3Herman Belz. Emancipation and Equal Rights: Politics and Constitutionalism in the Civil War Era. New York, 1978. [8] 3Herman Belz. Emancipation and Equal Rights: Politics and Constitutionalism in the Civil War Era. New York, 1978. [9] Oman Nathan. Specific Performance and the Thirteenth Amendment. Minnesota Law Review, Forthcoming. 2008. [10] Oman Nathan. Specific Performance and the Thirteenth Amendment. Minnesota Law Review, Forthcoming. 2008.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Free Essays on Freefall
Why does a baseball that is thrown follow a parabolic path? This question is central to the study of projectile motion. Galileo was one of the first to study projectile motion. He correctly deduced that part of the motion of a projectile (such as the baseball) was accelerated and part of its motion was uniform. Suppose that a bullet is loaded into the barrel of a gun. Another identical bullet is held at the same height as the bullet in the barrel of the gun. At the moment that the bullet is fired from the gun, the held bullet is dropped. Which hits the ground first? The correct answer? They both hit the ground at the same time! According to Newton's first law of motion (the law of inertia), the bullet fired from the gun will continue in motion at the same speed unless acted upon by an outside force. The horizontal motion of the fired bullet is constant. The downward motion of both bullets is the same as a body in free-fall. Vertically, both bullets are uniformly accelerated by gravity. Both bullets are identical and are dropped from the same height. The only thing that makes the bullets hit the ground is gravity, and it acts on both the same. The result - both bullets hit the ground at the same time. The curved path of the baseball, or any projected object, is the result of both of these two motions occurring simultaneously. The projectile's horizontal motion is constant and its vertical motion is accelerated by gravity. Demonstration Horizontal Motion of a Projectile Imagine that a ball is launched horizontally at 2 m/s. Calculate its position at 0.05 sec intervals. time in seconds position in centimeters 0.05 sec 10 cm 0.10 sec 20 cm 0.15 sec 30 cm 0.20 sec 40 cm 0.25 sec 50 cm 0.30 sec 60 cm 0.35 sec 70 cm 0.40 sec 80 cm 0.45 sec 90 cm 0.50 sec 100 cm Vertical Motion of a Projectile Hang strings with washers on the ends on a meter stick representing the vertical motion of a ball in free fall at 0.05 ... Free Essays on Freefall Free Essays on Freefall Why does a baseball that is thrown follow a parabolic path? This question is central to the study of projectile motion. Galileo was one of the first to study projectile motion. He correctly deduced that part of the motion of a projectile (such as the baseball) was accelerated and part of its motion was uniform. Suppose that a bullet is loaded into the barrel of a gun. Another identical bullet is held at the same height as the bullet in the barrel of the gun. At the moment that the bullet is fired from the gun, the held bullet is dropped. Which hits the ground first? The correct answer? They both hit the ground at the same time! According to Newton's first law of motion (the law of inertia), the bullet fired from the gun will continue in motion at the same speed unless acted upon by an outside force. The horizontal motion of the fired bullet is constant. The downward motion of both bullets is the same as a body in free-fall. Vertically, both bullets are uniformly accelerated by gravity. Both bullets are identical and are dropped from the same height. The only thing that makes the bullets hit the ground is gravity, and it acts on both the same. The result - both bullets hit the ground at the same time. The curved path of the baseball, or any projected object, is the result of both of these two motions occurring simultaneously. The projectile's horizontal motion is constant and its vertical motion is accelerated by gravity. Demonstration Horizontal Motion of a Projectile Imagine that a ball is launched horizontally at 2 m/s. Calculate its position at 0.05 sec intervals. time in seconds position in centimeters 0.05 sec 10 cm 0.10 sec 20 cm 0.15 sec 30 cm 0.20 sec 40 cm 0.25 sec 50 cm 0.30 sec 60 cm 0.35 sec 70 cm 0.40 sec 80 cm 0.45 sec 90 cm 0.50 sec 100 cm Vertical Motion of a Projectile Hang strings with washers on the ends on a meter stick representing the vertical motion of a ball in free fall at 0.05 ...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
The Controversial Election of Thomas Jefferson in 1800
The Controversial Election of Thomas Jefferson in 1800 The election of 1800 was one of the most controversial in American history, and was marked with intrigue, betrayals, and a tie in the electoral college between two candidates who were running mates on the same ticket. The eventual winner was only decided after days of balloting in the House of Representatives. When it was settled, Thomas Jefferson became president. That marked a philosophical change, which has been characterized as the Revolution of 1800. The electoral result represented a significant political realignment as the first two presidents, George Washington and John Adams, had been Federalists, and Jefferson represented the ascending Democratic-Republican Party. The contentious result of the election revealed a serious flaw in the US Constitution. Under the original Constitution, candidates for president and vice president ran on the same ballot. And that meant running mates could essentially be running against each other. The Twelfth Amendment, which changed the Constitution to prevent the problem of the election of 1800 from occurring again, created the current system of presidents and vice presidents running on the same ticket. The nations fourth presidential election was the first time candidates campaigned, though the campaigning was very subdued by modern standards. And the contest was also noteworthy as it intensified political and personal animosity between two men tragically linked in history, Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr. The Incumbent in 1800: John Adams When the nations first president, George Washington, announced that he would not run for a third term, his vice president, John Adams, ran and was elected president in 1796. Adams became increasingly unpopular during his four years in office, especially for the passage of the Alien and Sedition Acts, repressive legislation designed to stifle freedom of the press. As the 1800 election approached Adams was determined to run for a second term, though his chances were not promising. The Role of Alexander Hamilton Alexander Hamilton had been born on the island of Nevis, in the Caribbean. And while he was technically eligible to be president under the Constitution (having been a citizen when the Constitution was ratified), he was such a controversial figure that a run for high office never seemed feasible. However, he had played a formidable role in the administration of George Washington, serving as the first secretary of the treasury. Over time he came to be an enemy of John Adams, though they were both members of the Federalist Party. He had tried to ensure the defeat of Adams in the election of 1796, and hoped to see Adams defeated in his run for a second term. Hamilton did not hold governmental office in the late 1790s, a time when he was practicing law in New York City. Yet he built a Federalist political machine in New York and could exert considerable influence in political matters. Aaron Burr as a Candidate Aaron Burr, a prominent New York political figure, was opposed to the Federalists continuing their rule, and also hoped to see Adams denied a second term. A constant rival to Hamilton, Burr had built a New York political machine, centered around Tammany Hall, which rivaled Hamiltons Federalist organization. For the 1800 election, Burr threw his support behind Thomas Jefferson. Burr ran with Jefferson on the same ticket as the vice-presidential candidate. Thomas Jefferson in the Election of 1800 Thomas Jefferson had served as Washingtons secretary of state, and ran a close second to John Adams in the election of 1796. As a critic of the Adams presidency, Jefferson was an obvious candidate on the Democratic-Republican ticket that would oppose the Federalists. The Campaigning in 1800 While it is true that the 1800 election marks the first time that candidates campaigned, the campaigning that year mostly consisted of writing letters and articles expressing their intentions. President John Adams did make trips to Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania that were construed as political visits, and Aaron Burr, on behalf of the Democratic-Republican ticket, visited towns throughout New England. In that early period the electors from the states were generally chosen by state legislatures, not by popular vote. In some cases the elections for state legislatures were essentially substitutes for the presidential election, so any campaigning actually took place at a local level. A Tie in the Electoral College The tickets in the election were Federalists John Adams and Charles C. Pinckney, and the Democratic-Republicans Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr. The ballots for the electoral college were not counted until February 11, 1801, and it was discovered that the election was a tie. Jefferson and his own running mate, Burr, each received 73 electoral votes. John Adams received 65 votes, Charles C. Pinckney received 64 votes. John Jay, who had not even been running, received one electoral vote. The original wording of the Constitution, which didnt distinguish between electoral votes for president and vice president, led to the problematic outcome. In the event of a tie in the electoral college, the Constitution dictated that the election would be decided by the House of Representatives. So Jefferson and Burr, who had been running mates, became rivals. The Federalists, who still controlled the lame-duck Congress, threw their support behind Burr in an effort to defeat Jefferson. And while Burr publicly expressed his loyalty to Jefferson, he worked to win the upcoming election in the House of Representatives. And Alexander Hamilton, who detested Burr and considered Jefferson a safer choice to be president, wrote letters and used all his influence with the Federalists to thwart Burr. Many Ballots in the House of Representatives The election in the House of Representatives began on February 17, 1801, in the unfinished Capitol building in Washington. The voting went on for several days, and after 36 ballots the tie was finally broken. Thomas Jefferson was declared the winner. Aaron Burr was declared vice president. And it is believed that Alexander Hamiltons influence weighed heavily on the eventual outcome. Legacy of the Election of 1800 The fractious outcome of the 1800 election led to the passage and ratification of the Twelfth Amendment, which changed the way the electoral college functioned. As Thomas Jefferson was distrustful of Aaron Burr, he gave him nothing to do as vice president. Burr and Hamilton continued their epic feud, which finally culminated in their famous duel in Weehawken, New Jersey on July 11, 1804. Burr shot Hamilton, who died the next day. Burr was not prosecuted for killing Hamilton, though he later was accused of treason, tried, and acquitted. He lived in exile in Europe for several years before returning to New York. He died in 1836. Thomas Jefferson served two terms as president. And he and John Adams eventually put their differences behind them, and wrote a series of friendly letters during the last decade of their lives. They both died on a noteworthy day, July 4, 1826, the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Calotropis procera extract leaf root stem Research Paper
Calotropis procera extract leaf root stem - Research Paper Example The plant has a number of medicinal uses in the treatment of: leprosy, fever, menorrhagia, malaria, and snake bites a factor that makes the extraction of its juices fundamental. Below are brief discussions of how its most fundamental juices are extracted: Water is the most basic of the three and the easiest to extract. The plant has deep roots that reach the water tables and additionally some of its roots fly right below the ground surface to tap all the rain water in the light showers that may be experienced in the desert. Slicing right through the stem of the plant opens the two very fundamental structures; the phloem and the xylem. This exposure results in the xylem dripping the water that was being transported to the roots and other parts for photosynthesis (Sharma & Sharma, 1999). Oil is also easy to extract from the plant. Since water is easily lost through transpiration from plants, this plant faces an acute shortage of the commodity. To preserve the little it has, it opts to carry out any other transportation system through its body in oil form. Oil is thick and viscous and is not easily lost in any process. With an appropriate solvent, one can easily absorb oil from the stem of the plant (Ramar & Vincent, 1997). Alcohol is a product that the plant produces in the process of photosynthesis. It is produced from the reaction of water with carbon dioxide and is stored right beneath the back of the stem (Cronquist, 1981). Hanukoglu I (Dec 1992). "Steroidogenic enzymes: structure, function, and role in regulation of steroid hormone biosynthesis. Steroidogenic enzymes: structure, function, and role in regulation of steroid hormone biosynthesis. Oxford: OUP Mensink, R. P.; Katan, M. B. (1992). "Effect of dietary fatty acids on serum lipids and lipoproteins. A meta-analysis of 27 trials". Arteriosclerosis and thrombosis : a journal of vascular biology / American Heart Association 12 (8): 911–919. Sharma, P. & Sharma, D. (1999).
Friday, November 1, 2019
Strategy, Business Information and Analysis Essay - 1
Strategy, Business Information and Analysis - Essay Example In particular, Porter has contributed mainly the following: five forces model (1980); generic competitive strategies of cost leadership, product differentiation, and focus (1980; 1985); competitive advantage (1985; 1987); four corners model (1980); value chain (1985); diamond model (1990), and market positioning strategies. Since Porter’s contributions have created a pervasive influence on business theory and practice, a lot of strategists from different fields have considered examining, recommending or applying his ideas. Nonetheless, given that his contributions have received widespread attention, it is the case that his ideas have been subject to criticisms. As a matter of fact, despite the fact that it made his 1980 book entitled â€Å"Competitive Strategy†the ninth most influential management book of the 20th history (Bedeian & Wren, 2001: 223), Porter’s five forces model received criticisms. In this regard, this paper delves mainly at critically analyzing and evaluating Michael Porter’s contribution to the field of strategic management. In order to give more focus and attention to the works of Porter to the strategic management area, this paper is limited to evaluating only three contributions. Basically, it aims at answering three points. First, it plans to look at Porter’s concept of competitive advantage. After analyzing the concept, second, this paper examines one of the specific types of strategies, his five forces model. The consideration of choosing this particular contribution is because of the fact that despite this model made his book the ninth most influential management book of 20th history, still, it received criticisms. Third, it also intends to assess his generic competitive strategies of cost leadership, product differentiation and focus. This work is selected because he considers such strategies to be generic. Meanwhile, the exigency to critically assess Porter’s contribution is because there is a need to understand why he has happened to be one of the most influential characters in the field of strategic management. This paper is of significance because it offers a deeper understanding of key concepts, ideas and debates in the said field. Likewise, the importance of this paper is that it can offer a critique of Porter’s work. To pursue the objective of this paper, this paper is structured in giving initially an overview of each contribution of Porter which is then followed by a particular critique of his work: competitive advantage, five forces model, and generic competitive strategies of cost leadership, product differentiation and focus. Lastly, it discusses the outcomes of this critical assessment. A Critical Assessment of Michael Porter’s Contribution to the Field of Strategic Management Overview of Competitive Advantage As a concept, competitive advantage is meant by Porter (1980) as a competence achieved via attributes as well as resources in order for higher level performance relative to
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