Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Marketing Planning Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Marketing Planning - Coursework Example Intense competition amongst big three firms in global wind market with global market share differential of only 0.7% between Siemens and its close competitor- Vestas (Zawadzki, 2015). One of the fundamental issues facing Siemens Wind Energy is the inability to set foot in the Chinese market which happens to be one of the fastest growing markets for wind energy. This is owing to stiff competition from rivals such as Ming Yang , Goldwind and United Power which continue to dominate top positions in their home country (Gosensa & Lu, 2014) . Previously, European solar power manufacturers have been virtually eliminated by cheaper Chinese competititors. In conjunction to this is the threat of overinvestment which has left many, including the Danish Vestas, on the verge of bankruptcy (Lund, 2014). Another major issue confronting Siemens is the cost of electricity generation from offshore turbines which, at 14 euro cents a kilowatt-hour, is still higher than the cost of fossil-fuel electricit y generation in Europe (The Economist, 2014). Unless binding targets of renewable energy consumption are set by EU towards its member states, Siemens may expect falling demand for offshore wind turbines in European countries. This is reflected in the fact that the Europe and Middle East market, which is currently the largest global market for wind energy, is expected to contract to 34% down from 40% by 2030 (Reuters, 2013). Next, the company is facing the brunt of vague political efforts and direction in the field of renewable energy. Planned projects have consequently been delayed as main offshore wind markets such as Germany suffer from policy restructuring, thereby reducing the targeted capacity for offshore wind energy (Schaps, 2014). Finally, a major issue lies in the faulty manufacturing process of bearings used in wind turbines from a particular supplier
Monday, October 28, 2019
HR management Essay Example for Free
HR management Essay HR management forms a valuable and effective administration concerned mainly with working category. It evaluates the steps to be implemented to make the working category into further industrious, satisfied and happy. As an integral fraction of society of human resource management policies, the team have supported that the strategies need to encourage the companies to provide pioneering and flexible plans that are highly benefit. The work-life policies laid forward by the SHRM proved to be highly beneficial to employees. However, there are several human resource factors, which influence an organization to adopt the work-life plans as a vital division of SHRM practices and plans. Majority of the factors that stressed upon work life policies incorporates the demographic variation occurring with the prospective workforce, variation in social characteristics, role and responsibility changes in organizations and other governmental factors. Women make an essential part of almost all types of organization in the most modern era. Most of the working class woman wishes to conjointly take the responsibilities of their family as well as the employment terms. This was considered as an apparent factor that resulted in the emergence of family friendly plans. This plan was further termed as work life policies and rapidly gained importance in the area of SHRM. The next vital factor associated with demographic variation forms the ageing employees that raised the value of the work life policies. As per the plan, the aged workgroup may remain in the organization. However, they only need to work for very few hours or may change their shift timings as per their comfort. Most of the working people hold the responsibilities for bringing up their kids and take equal responsibilities for their aged parents. The plan allows even the aged people to support their children with their responsibilities. With the advance of modern technology, the labor market gets tightens and requires more and more skilled laborers. The organization needs to implement the work life policies to influence and regain employers who might have left the organization previously due to some or other cause. As per a study conducted by IRS, the most important motive behind the management to initiate the work life plan is strongly associated with recruitment of staffs as well as retention. As majority of leading organizations work on a 24 hour per day basis, increasing the working hours. However, there is strong requirement of flexible plans to cover these elaborated hours with efficiency. Surveys shows that adaptation of faster work pace has lead to organizational stress and most of the workers experience severe problems such as anxiety, stress, workload and inadequate personal time. These variations make the organizations to breach the government induced rules. Evaluating with respect to a legal outlook, all the working categories have a role on self care and protection and work life policies influence this particular concept. With the policies of work life, every employee may endorse a healthy and happy job environment and understand more about their social errands as a working personality. Thus, the policies offer high benefits to the employees as well as appropriate guidance with proper management to the employers.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
The Missouri Compromise :: American America History
The Missouri Compromise A compromise is when two or more parties in disagreement reach an agreement that does not give all sides exactly what they want, but enough of what they want so that they can be happy. Compromise is the best possible solution to a conflict however it does not always work. One needs only to look at situations such as the Bosnia-Herzegovina to see that. During the events prior to the American Civil War, many different compromises were made in an attempt to impede the growing disagreements. However this merely prolonged the inevitable. The differences between North and South were far to great and compromise did not stand a chance at preventing the impending conflict. This was most clearly shown in the ways in which the three main compromises, the Missouri Compromise, the Compromise of 1850 and the Kansas-Nebraska Act, failed. In 1820 Missouri wanted to join the Union as a slave state. As this would ruin the balance between Slave states and Free states in the Senate, Henry Clay proposed the Missouri compromise. This arranged it that while Missouri was admitted as a Slave state, Maine was also admitted as a free state. It also created an imaginary line along the 36o latitude, where slavery was allowed below it but prevented above it. However they limited themselves by only applying the Compromise to lands gained in the Louisiana purchase. This led to conflict after the Mexican war in which America gained new territories in the West. This doomed the Missouri Compromise, which was probably the most promising of the three. Had the Compromise been applied to all American lands then perhaps it could have succeeded. Instead the Missouri Compromise failed and only led to further conflict between north and south in the future. In 1849 once again the Union was facing the same crises it had faced in 1820. California now wanted to be admitted as a free state. Once again Henry Clay came up with a compromise to resolve this conflict. California would indeed be admitted as free while the rest of the Southwest territories would decide the slavery issue by popular sovereignty. It would also abolish slavery altogether in Washington DC and initiate a stronger fugitive slave law to appease the South. This last concession angered people in the North however. Free blacks were concerned as now a Southerner could accuse any black person as being a runaway slave.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
HR Training Class Essay
Justify the use of a needs assessment of your company’s proposed employee customer service training, stressing five (5) ways in which such an assessment would expose any existing performance deficiencies. An employee needs assessment is an asset to have in the retail industry. In this demanding line of work it is imperative that we have employees who are fully capable of doing their job well and quickly. Therefore, the needs assessment is needed to help shine the light on those candidates who best fit our needs. One way that a needs assessment may expose any existing performance deficiencies is by looking at the candidates’ individual needs. A needs assessment would help the company see which candidates need what type of training and save time not training the right person incorrectly. Another way that a needs assessment would expose any existing performance deficiencies is by looking at the organizational performance. This will help figure out the skills, knowledge and abilities that an agency needs from a candidate and help the organization recruit only those individuals that will help them and not hinder them in any way. The other way that a needs assessment can help expose any existing performance deficiencies is through an occupational needs assessment. This assessment examines the skills, knowledge, and abilities required for affected occupational groups. Occupational assessment identifies how and which occupational discrepancies or gaps exist and analyzes how well an employee is doing a job. It then determines the person’s capacity to do new or different work. Another way that a needs assessment can expose any existing performance deficiencies is by conducting a personality test. Not all individuals are capable of working in retail or with other individuals in that capacity so they would not be good candidates. The 5th way that a needs assessment would expose any existing performance deficiencies would be to assess an individuals’ mental capacity to perform. Retail is a stressful field and if a person is not able to handle the demands they could crack under the pressure. Develop a customer service training implementation plan and determine how the method of training (i.e., presentation, discussion, case study, discovery, role play, simulation, modeling, or on the job training). Training in the retail industry is very important and will be the starting point for every single individual who works for our company to understand how they are representing the company. It will also give new hires a chance to learn more about the company history and what makes the company a unique one to work for. There are several ways that new hires should be trained when working in retail customer service including: presentation, case study, role play, modeling and on the job training. All of these trainings include a way to train individuals who learn differently, such as auditory, visual and kinetic. This is the best way to train new hires if there are a large group of individuals so that everyone is able to learn the information and apply it. This eliminates any way for a new hire in the retail industry to not understand the material. Justify why you selected the training method that you did. I selected the presentation method because I believe that this is one of the best ways to help individuals learn. With a presentation the individual is not only hearing the information but they are also seeing the information and able to follow along visually. This makes sure that the individual has an auditory recall of the information as well as visual. The case study selection was picked because it helps new hires to see the typical day to day activities in the retail industry. By knowing what to expect, the individual is more prepared for the customers and the other duties that a retail employee must be able to handle at all times. Role playing will help enforce the case studies. It is easy for a new hire to read through a case study and read the solution. The role play helps the new hire fully appreciate how things may happen in the retail industry. By role playing kinetic learners are able to get up and apply the information that they have been taught. This is good for all retail new hires because they can see what may or may not happen while at work. This type of exposure will help cut down on confusion when a real world problem presents itself. Modeling is great for new hires in the retail industry because they are able to see how a situation should play out if handled properly. By modeling the correct behavior and activities in front of a new hire the organization is able to ensure that the employee was taught the proper way by someone in the field who is an expert at what they do. On the job training is beneficial to any new employee, especially in the retail industry. By shadowing other employees who have more experience and learning along the way is the best way to train. All three learning areas; auditory, visual, and kinetic, are being tapped into. The employee is able to pick up more quickly because it is in the moment. Retail organizations should always include on the job training for their new hires so they can make sure that their employees are trained properly and fully aware of how the company should be running. All of these training methods that I selected are helpful and highly recommended in the retail industry. They each offer a different method of training that is intertwined with another method to offer a stair step affect. Propose two (2) ways to motivate an employee who has no interest in attending a training class. Training classes are not the first thing a typical new hire wants to do before they are able to go out into the field and really get a grasp of their duties and how to handle customers. In order to handle employees who have no interest in attending a training class the HR department must look at ways to implement fun activities that enforce the information that they need to learn. The first way that an employee could be motivated who has no interest in attending a training class is to start a professional development course that will help employees advance in the workplace. This course would encourage employees to attend trainings and in return give credits for the course. When an employee reaches a certain level of credits and has accrued a certain amount of credit hours they will be eligible for a promotion. This is a positive way to increase the likelihood of an employee wanting to atte nd a training and help promote the retail organization as one that believes in the whole person and wants to develop their employees. Another way to motivate an employee who does not want to attend a training class is by paying for training and offering that pay on the first paycheck. By paying the employees for their time before they officially start working for the company shows the employee that they are valued for their time. Employees would also know that initial training is mandatory for employment. It is imperative for employees to know how to do their jobs correctly and efficiently. If an employee is not able to dedicate their time to training they will be asked to leave. This will encourage employees in a positive way and also reinforce the organization’s standing with attendance and expectation of their employees. This may be off putting to some employees but it shows that the organization that they work for is serious about their employees’ futures and their time that they invest into everyone who comes to work for the company. This could also be a good promotion for the retail organization because it sets them apart from competitors. By being more strict and enforcing policies a company could attest that they are interested in developing the whole person and that they are dedicated to providing all of the training and development that an individual needs to be a part of a winning company. Develop a survey to collect feedback from the employees who attend the training. 1. The objectives of the training were clearly defined. 2. Participation and interaction were encouraged. 3. The topics covered were relevant to me. 4. The content was organized and easy to follow. 5. The materials distributed were helpful. 6. The organization understands the services of my store. 7. Overall how satisfied are you with the amount of communication between you/your store and the organization? 8. This training experience will be useful in my work. 9. The trainer was knowledgeable about the training topics. 10. The trainer was well prepared. 11. The training objectives were met 12. The time allotted for the training was sufficient. 13. Customer service representatives are well trained. 14. Customer service representatives adhere to professional standards of conduct. 15. Customer service representatives act in my best interest. 16. Customer service representative are well supervised. 17. The meeting room and facilities were adequate and comfortable. 18. Overall I am satisfied with the customer service representatives who conducted my training. 19. What did you like most about this training? 20. What aspects of the training could be improved? 21. How do you hope to change your practice as a result of this training? 22. What additional customer service trainings would you like to have in the future? 23. Please share other comments or expand on previous responses here. Developing a training program for customer service individuals in the retail industry takes time and dedication because of the impact that these positions play in the company. In order for an organization to be successful they must understand that all employees are important and that it starts with the entry level position all the way to the CEO for effective customer service as well as experiences shopping. When a company puts thought and emphasis into the new hires in the company they are establishing a culture that promotes all employees from day one. This culture is very powerful and determines how the organization is ran for a long time. It is up to the HR department to make sure the proper needs assessments are being administered so they can find the best candidate possible for the position. The HR department must also understand that having the proper methods to train the new hires is what encourages individ uals to stay with the organization long term. This method is probably the best way for employees to see that they are being taken care of. By conducting a training survey the organization is able to collect data that will tell them how they are doing with their training process and this will help the HR department improve their training methods. This also gives the new hire and other employees the opportunity to give feedback on the process that they went through. If they saw room for improvement or really thought that a particular part of the training was very successful they can voice their opinions there and help improve the process for future trainees or keep parts of the training that worked well. References Customer Service Tips. (n.d.). 21 for Better Customer Relations. Retrieved August 22, 2014, from Retail Customer Service Training. (n.d.). Course. Retrieved August 22, 2014, from Stewart, G. L., & Brown, K. G. (2012). Human resource management. (2nd ed.). Danvers, MA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Cooper Pharmaceuticals Inc. Essay
Bob Marsh He was initially rated as a highly sincere, aggressive, enthusiastic fast learner and his references were outstanding. ï‚ § He had been working in the retail pharmacy before joining CPI ï‚ § For assessing CPI’s move of letting Bob Marsh go, we need to identify the reasons for this action and determine if those reasons can be justified. ï‚ § John Meredith had rated Bob Marsh’s performance as â€Å"Below Standard† Marsh wasn’t responsive to management directives ï‚ § He had a tendency to pre-judge customers and promotional programs ï‚ § Bill Couch (highly experienced supervisor who was held in high regard) rated Marsh as a well above average detailer and had also assigned him an additional responsibility of overseeing a distributor ï‚ § Jim Rathbun who was a young energetic manager expressed his concern in Marsh’s inability in introducing new products to physicians, his poor penetration with dentists among other issues. He put Marsh on a 90 day probation where he was given specific goals to achieve failing which his service would be terminated ï‚ § By 1990, his then manager Ted Franklin asked him to improve upon all the qualities that he was once hired for The reason why Bob Marsh could deliver consistent results and build such rapport despite being an organizational misfit has to be studied to know if the mistake was on the part of CPI of Bob. Marsh was operating in his home territory and very clearly he had built a very personal rapport with his customers. He was already a pharmacist and must have leveraged on his existing contacts so much so that irate customers called for him to the company. He was following a self imposed system of â€Å"Sales matter, so let me get it howsoever†rule, which cannot be accepted by a company like CPI whose sales force is held in high repute. The highly reputed sales force essentially implies a strong process of recruitment, training and incentives. Bob Marsh might have been leveraging on personal contacts to meet his targets regularly. Therefore, managers who valued outcome more found him more agreeable than those who valued behavior more. In fact he seems to have enough clout to get doctors and pharmacists to write to CPI and complain about his dismissal, even trying to arm-twist the company.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Memory Joggers to Frame Your Lessons
Memory Joggers to Frame Your Lessons A difficulty that many students have after spending a day in class is crystallizing the key points and retaining the information taught. Therefore, as teachers we should devote time in each lesson to helping students see through the details to the core of what is being taught. This can be done through a combination of verbal and written cues. Following is a look at some of the ways that you can help students as they work through daily lessons in your class. Start With the Focus for the Day State What Students Will Be Able to Do at the End of the Lesson objectives convert fahrenheit to celsius temperature scale celsius Daily Agenda Posted With Topics/Subtopics Provide Students With a Notes Outline Materials and Equipment Lists Activity Structure End of the Day Review Relevance for Tomorrows Lesson Just like television shows end seasons with cliffhangers to whet the appetite and excite viewers for the next season, ending lessons by building interest for the next day can serve the same purpose. This can also help frame the information taught in the larger context of the unit or overall topic being taught.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Calcium Essays - Calcium Compounds, Building Materials, Limestone
Calcium Essays - Calcium Compounds, Building Materials, Limestone Calcium Calcium Element symbol...CA Atomic weight...40.08 Element number...20 Number of protons...20 Number of electrons...20 Number of neutrons...20 Density at...68? F Boiling point...2,264?F Melting point...1,562?F Calcium was discovered by Sir Humphrey Davis in 1808. Calcium is a mineral found in abundance in the Earths outer crust. It is the fifth most abundant mineral in the Earth crust. Calcium is considered a major mineral because it is found in large quantity in the body. Milk also has a high amount of calcium and it is the best way to get calcium. Daily dietary requirements exceed over 100 mg. Calcium forms and maintains teeth, it helps with blood clotting, it helps build cell membranes, helps contract muscles, helps nerve transmissions and if the bones did not get calcium they would not grow properly. Plants also need calcium to grow because without and adequate supply of calcium to enrich the soil they would die. Calcium is never found as a pure element in nature. It is found as calcium hydroxide, calcium oxide (also know as lime(lime stone)), chalk, Iceland spar, coral, pearls, egg shells and calcium carbonate which makes up marble and gypsum. Lime stone and marble are used for buildings and building. Gypsum is found in plaster, when in crystal form it is called alabaster which is used by sculptors to carve, it is also found in cement.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Inundating and Drowning
Inundating and Drowning Inundating and Drowning Inundating and Drowning By Maeve Maddox I heard a reporter on NPR refer to something that had been â€Å"inundated by water.†Looking online, I found this headline: Family of Five Inundated by Water No Assistance Provided- Belize News In each example, â€Å"by water†is redundant. As a transitive verb, inundate means â€Å"to overspread with a flood of water.†It does make sense to add a prepositional phrase if something other than water- or a specific kind of water- is doing the overflowing. For example, Potatoes and sweet potatoes- when harvested conventionally- are inundated with pesticides at three levels. The Neuse was not only inundated with urine and feces, but the nutrient loading from the spill caused an algal bloom of toxic Pfiesteria that caused a massive fish kill.  Following Hurricane Ike (Sept. 2008), significant forage and row crop acreage was inundated by saltwater for 12 to 240 hours. For stylistic reasons, â€Å"by water†works in the following examples because the compound object of the preposition includes another substance: The subways leading to Brooklyn are all inundated with water and floating debris. The streets and roads, which two days ago were inundated with water and mud, are now as dry as in summer. When inundated is used figuratively to mean flooded or â€Å"filled with abundance,†then whatever is doing the flooding is identified. For example, Houston Mayor Annise Parker’s office has been inundated with bibles following her decision to subpoena pastors’ sermons to check for anti-gay rhetoric. British PM inundated by flooding criticism from leaders to the north [The criticism relates to flooded conditions in the north of England.] Get ready to be inundated by tech ads Officers say they are inundated with complaints from internet users complaining about online abuse being directed at them. The following headline from Philly-dot-com combines the literal and figurative senses of inundate: Alls Not Well In Dublin Bucks Borough Inundated By Water And Money Problems Another word that usually incorporates water in its meaning is drown. To drown is â€Å"to suffer death by submersion in water.†It is, of course, possible to drown in a liquid other than water. I watched a television drama in which someone drowned in a vat of molten chocolate. In a literal sense, when a person drowns, death is understood to be the outcome. The use of â€Å"to death†in the following examples is redundant: A mother and her 7 children drowned to death in illegal immigration trip from Turkey to Greece on November 29 TV actor Mohsin Khan drowned to death The tiger star in Life Of Pi almost drowned to death during filming. A boy drowned to death in the pool which lies in the basement of the school. The verb drown can also be used in the context of covering something with water: Some corn and soybean plants were drowned. Drowned corn crops may hurt farmers, rest of nation The crops in many fields of the neighborhood were drowned by the continuous rains.  To slow the German army, Flanders fields were drowned. When people drown, they die. When fields are drowned, they are filled with water. When fields or streets are inundated, it’s almost always with water. Note: The past form drowned is pronounced as one syllable (drownd). Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:100 Words for Facial ExpressionsHomonyms, Homophones, Homographs and HeteronymsComma Before Too?
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Federalist Politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Federalist Politics - Essay Example They were instrumental in gaining popular support for a large republic. The Federalist #10 is an important document as it set out the framework for how we view special interests, majority rule, and where the power in government will reside. A major portion of the Federalist papers defined the nature of special interest groups. Madison termed them factions and warned of their ability to wield undue influence. Factions are known by the more modern term special interest groups. By concentrating money and political power a small minority can have a great impact on laws and legislation. Factions can bring about corruption and give a voice to a segment of the population that is unduly loud in comparison with the one man one vote philosophy that underpins our constitutional system. Small, well organized factions can influence local politics, elect friendly delegates, and promote laws that are favorable to their cause. In this process the average voter is shut out from the system of government and it is given over to a form of tyranny. Factions have two main impacts on the constitutional system. It has the causes, which are the organized groups attempting to subvert the system, and the results which Madison termed the effects. Madison was realistic in his analyzing of the causes and effects. He understood that there could be no law against special interest groups working to forward their agenda. ... In creating a constitutional government where factions could have their least effect, Madison examined the Democracy and the Republic. Democracy is inherently the most fair to the majority, and the most expedient. Democracy also carries with it the dangers of mob rule. It locks out the interests of the minority and does not consider individual freedom. A democracy has the ability and the function of eliminating dissent and minority viewpoints. In Madison's view this was the biggest threat of a democratic form of government. While a Democracy carried with it the threat of the majority usurping the rights of the minority, a Republic carries with it the opportunity for rule by a select few. Representative Republicanism was the lesser of the two evils as Madison viewed it. A Republic that was represented by local representatives would help establish a balance between the majority and the rights of the minority. Spreading out the political power geographically and demographically would help deter the majority from gaining absolute rule. Madison foresaw the weakness of a republic becoming elitist and ruled by factions. However, his vision of a large republic helps to minimize the effects of rule by a few special interests. Madison believed that factions could not overtake a large republic. While they may be able to promote local support, on the federal stage the constitutional form of government and the balance of power would limit their influence. When compared to a democracy, a republic was more beneficial to the people. The larger the republic, the less vulnerable to undue influence by factions it would have. Madison's Federalist #10 helped set the tone for our constitutional form of government we have today. While
Friday, October 18, 2019
Security Plan for ABC Information Systems Research Paper
Security Plan for ABC Information Systems - Research Paper Example Security Plan for ABC Information Systems No. of words Unit name: Student’s name: Student number: Study Period: DECLARATION This project is an original one and not a duplicate from a different system. No duplication or any reproduction of this security plan information system document should be done without permission from the author. Candidate†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Supervisor†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. Sign†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Date†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. ... oldings†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..14 Physical counter- measures†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.14 Human counter- measures†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..15 Electronic counter- measures†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..15 Security education and awareness programme†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..16 Conclusion†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦19 Recommendation†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã ¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..19 Security Plan for ABC Information Systems Introduction An information system forms a fundamental component in the provision of communication services to human beings. Based on the definition, it is quite prevalent that the input of raw data, output and feedback are some of the components of an effective information system (Bentley & Whitton, 2007). According to the discipline of computer sciences and information technology, an information system can be defined as the combination of software, hardware, telecommunications, human resources, procedures and policies used in the organization to convert data to useful business information and databases. This paper will discuss a probable security plan for ABC information systems. Background information of ABC ABC has a well established security team which aims at overseeing the security of the information systems in both deliberate and accidental threats. The implementation and maintenance of information sys tems within organizations is extremely expensive. However, adequate planning enables the organization to develop an effective information system. Research asserts that most organizations spend approximately 6% of their total gross income in developing and maintaining an effective
Maths Construction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Maths Construction - Essay Example At 50â °C the resistance is found to be 25.6 ohms and at 95â °C the resistance is 36.2 ohms respectively. Find R0 and ÃŽ ± both algebraically and using graphical methods. Using graphical methods determines the resistance at 72â °C. d) As an employee of company JR construction you have received a letter from a regarding the project your company is working on. It has a penalty clause that states the contractor will forfeit a certain sum of money each day for late completion. (I.e. The contractor gets paid the value of the original contract less any sum forfeit). If she is 5 days late, she receives  £4250 and if she is 12 days late she receives  £2120. Calculate the daily forfeit and determine the original contract value. Use both algebraic and matrix methods to solve this. e) Excel Electrical specializes in the batch production of electrical switchgear used in building services installations. The company has been asked to tender for equipment to be fitted in several hundred new stores planned by Setco Supermarkets. Data is available from ten previous production runs of components. c) Outline and apply an alternative means of assessing whether or not a linear relationship exists between the variables and determining the equation linking the two variables. Present and explain your conclusions. . (Singh & Baker, 2007, p.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Drugs and their influence Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Drugs and their influence - Research Paper Example In 2004, the famous Whitney Houston disappointed many of her fans when she was arrested because of drug use. She ended losing her voice and reputation. In 2009, Michael Jackson shocked the world with his death that is associated with drugs. Such cases are only a few of the many unknown cases of drug users. Other effect is on the economy of the government. Billions of government money has been spent to treat victims of drug abuse and eliminating its supply but it seems victims of it and its illegal market grew even more. Tom Whitehead (2011) in his editorial report mentioned that the government has wasted 100 billion pounds tackling illicit drug markets. Because of this, aggressive attempts to prevent abuse of drugs by the government not only in the United States but internationally have been enforced. The supply and cost, risk factors of illegal drug use, and practice of physicians all influence the continuous habit of using drugs. Understanding these factors may lead to better strat egies or techniques in dealing with the problem of drug use in the United States. Review of Related Literature Influence of Supply and Costs of Illegal Drugs in its use Most problems of drug use in the Unites States are rooted in the supply. The supply of illegal drugs is abundant in some States of the country especially in the southern part because of its proximity to Columbia and Mexico which are the largest producers and suppliers of heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamine (Reuter, 2009). Drugs flourish in the Northern cities of Mexico and seem too crawl beyond its border and expand to United States through its border cities. This claim is further supported by the study by Bucardo and company (2005) where they explained that Mexican border crossings might be a contributory factor on the rampant heroin use in the border cities of the United States. History also reveals that Mexican and Columbian drugs reach the United States and Canada via the Caribbean. With the proliferation of dru g production in these neighboring countries, eliminating drug use is almost would be difficult. Not only illegal drugs are abused because of abundant supply. Cigarette, alcohol, marijuana, and over the counter (OTC) drugs are also commonly abused. More than 46 million individuals in the United States alone are smokers. The supply of cigarette and alcohol makes it an easy choice of drug abusers to shift from illegal drugs to cigarette and alcohol instead. Today that law enforcers are becoming stricter in the implementation of laws in clamping down drug traffickers, supply of cocaine was reduced forcing drug users to resort to over the counter drugs too. Most often, pain killers like codeine, morphine, and oxycodone are abused as a replacement of illegal drugs. Cost also influences the proliferation of drug users. Low price encourages users to continue the use of illicit drugs because it is affordable. Ironically, policies prohibiting its sale caused the price of the commodity to decr ease and that drug users could easily avail of it. The increased capture of drug traffickers by coast guards and other government authorities had significantly resulted in the low price of the commodity favoring drugs users because of reasonable price. Report also stated that the price of heroine had further deteriorated to 30% more even with a 26% seizure rate of heroine throughout the world (ONDCP, 2004). On the other
Engineering Ethics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Engineering Ethics - Assignment Example An example would be concrete hardens slower as the temperature drops. The logical support is water freezes 0Â °C. Since concrete is mixed with water, the water temperature will affect how the concrete sets. The empirical support is the actual observations show at 21Â °C concrete will set within 6 hours. At 16Â °C concrete will set within 8 hours. It takes 11 hours at 10Â °C for concrete to set. It takes 19 hours at -1Â °C for concrete to set. At -7Â °C concrete will freeze. Actual observation and empirical support have proved how concrete sets during different temperatures. Social science theory is about what can be proven, not how society should function. An example would be 18 year old males in the United States can be drafted into the military in the case of war. This is an example of what is. An example of what should be is the draft should not exist, or women should also be drafted in order for equality to be achieved. In Israel all individuals, except mothers and Hasidic Jews, are made to serve two years in the military upon turning 18 years old. This can be proven. It is a law of Israeli society. What can be proven in society does not necessarily have to be a law. An example is the literacy rate in the United States is in the high 90% range. This can be proven through research and the national census. Basically social science theory can be proven, and is not based on opinion. Etic is the external researcher’s interpretation of what things mean to a member/members of society. Emic is the native’s or citizen’s interpretation for the basis of their beliefs. The etic and emic perspectives of the accident Three Mile Island were diametrically opposite. The emic view of what was going on in the population around Three Mile Island was panic generated by the release of The China Syndrome, misinformation, confusion, flawed formulas, an invincibility concept of nuclear reactors, and general mismanagement on the part of the staff of Three Mile
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Drugs and their influence Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Drugs and their influence - Research Paper Example In 2004, the famous Whitney Houston disappointed many of her fans when she was arrested because of drug use. She ended losing her voice and reputation. In 2009, Michael Jackson shocked the world with his death that is associated with drugs. Such cases are only a few of the many unknown cases of drug users. Other effect is on the economy of the government. Billions of government money has been spent to treat victims of drug abuse and eliminating its supply but it seems victims of it and its illegal market grew even more. Tom Whitehead (2011) in his editorial report mentioned that the government has wasted 100 billion pounds tackling illicit drug markets. Because of this, aggressive attempts to prevent abuse of drugs by the government not only in the United States but internationally have been enforced. The supply and cost, risk factors of illegal drug use, and practice of physicians all influence the continuous habit of using drugs. Understanding these factors may lead to better strat egies or techniques in dealing with the problem of drug use in the United States. Review of Related Literature Influence of Supply and Costs of Illegal Drugs in its use Most problems of drug use in the Unites States are rooted in the supply. The supply of illegal drugs is abundant in some States of the country especially in the southern part because of its proximity to Columbia and Mexico which are the largest producers and suppliers of heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamine (Reuter, 2009). Drugs flourish in the Northern cities of Mexico and seem too crawl beyond its border and expand to United States through its border cities. This claim is further supported by the study by Bucardo and company (2005) where they explained that Mexican border crossings might be a contributory factor on the rampant heroin use in the border cities of the United States. History also reveals that Mexican and Columbian drugs reach the United States and Canada via the Caribbean. With the proliferation of dru g production in these neighboring countries, eliminating drug use is almost would be difficult. Not only illegal drugs are abused because of abundant supply. Cigarette, alcohol, marijuana, and over the counter (OTC) drugs are also commonly abused. More than 46 million individuals in the United States alone are smokers. The supply of cigarette and alcohol makes it an easy choice of drug abusers to shift from illegal drugs to cigarette and alcohol instead. Today that law enforcers are becoming stricter in the implementation of laws in clamping down drug traffickers, supply of cocaine was reduced forcing drug users to resort to over the counter drugs too. Most often, pain killers like codeine, morphine, and oxycodone are abused as a replacement of illegal drugs. Cost also influences the proliferation of drug users. Low price encourages users to continue the use of illicit drugs because it is affordable. Ironically, policies prohibiting its sale caused the price of the commodity to decr ease and that drug users could easily avail of it. The increased capture of drug traffickers by coast guards and other government authorities had significantly resulted in the low price of the commodity favoring drugs users because of reasonable price. Report also stated that the price of heroine had further deteriorated to 30% more even with a 26% seizure rate of heroine throughout the world (ONDCP, 2004). On the other
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Quantum and Thermochemical Structure lap report Assignment
Quantum and Thermochemical Structure lap report - Assignment Example Because of the difficulty of maintaining clean metal surfaces under vacuum, quantitative measurements of the photoelectric effect could not be made for many decades. However, as technology improved, it became evident that the energy of ejected electrons was not related to the intensity of the light waves used, and also that below a certain light frequency - for a given material - no electrons at all could be ejected. Eventually it became possible to determine the relationship between the kinetic energy of the ejected electrons and the frequency of light used to eject them, and this was one of the major factors leading to the development of the quantum model. The kinetic energy of photoelectrons (E) can be measured by determining the voltage required to just stop the ejection of electrons (V) and multiplying this by the charge on an electron (e). Equation 1: V (J C–1) x e (1.602 x 10–19 C) = E (J) Experimentally, the dependence of E on frequency turned out to be: Equatio n 2: E (J) + k1 (J) = k2 (Js) x ? (s–1) Where k1 was different for every metal and k2 was exactly the same for every metal. What’s more, k2 was exactly the same as a ‘fudge factor’ that had been introduced into a theory developed a few years earlier to explain a completely different phenomenon. In this experiment you will carry out solo measurements to determine k1 and k2. Unlike early 20th century researchers, you will not need to spend several years constructing your apparatus from scratch, but will use a demonstration apparatus designed to measure the stopping voltage of electrons ejected from Cs3Sb in a vacuum. Experimental: The EP-05 photoelectric effect apparatus was used to measure the stopping voltage of light at 8 different wavelengths. A modified spectrometer was used t o provide UV-visible light. The wavelengths tested were 400 nm, 425 nm, 450 nm, 475 nm, 500 nm, 525 nm, 550 nm, and 575 nm. The photoelectric apparatus was set up such that the ap erture in front of the photodiode was positioned near the light source. The dials with labels â€Å"zero†and â€Å"voltage†was set to minimum before the shutter was closed. The plotting was initiated using the Lab View window. The voltage dial was set to maximum while the other dial was turned until nanoampere readings reached zero. The voltage dial was set back to minimum before the shutter was opened to increase the nanoampere reading to 10. The voltage dial was maximized once again to recheck that the â€Å"zero†dial was adjusted properly. Once everything was set, the stopping voltage was minimized and the plotting of nanoamperes versus stopping voltage was reset and started at the Lab View window. The output current in nanoamperes were determined by slowly turning the voltage dial. The measured current was recorded and then plotted according to its stopping voltage reading. The measurement is ended when the critical value for stopping voltage where there is minimal change in nanoamperes with respect to voltage is achieved. The whole procedure was done for each of the 8 chosen wavelengths. Results: The experiment was done properly and all the needed data were acquired. The numerical values obtained from the use of the apparatus can be found at the attached document. The plot of the graph and the summary of the derived values are the following: Figure1. Compiled plots for output current versus stopping
Monday, October 14, 2019
Childrens literature Essay Example for Free
Childrens literature Essay Child development was broken down into four theories. These theories focused on intellectual and cognitive development as well as social development and moral judgment development. Theoretical models can be applied to children’s literature by different kinds of books. Children in the younger ages enjoy books like Dr. Seuss the cat in the hat or The Bernstein bears books that focus on things like right from wrong and education. Children learn from these kinds of books at a young age and the books can be related to their lives. As children get older books become more meaningful and become something they can relate to. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone is the book I chose, because I felt like it was well known and something children could connect to and enjoy. The story of Harry Potter can be related to by many children. The trials the he faces as a boy living with his aunt and uncle in the â€Å"non-magic†world can be understood by some who have encountered the same things. He was unappreciated, bullied, made fun of, and treated unfairly just because he was unliked. On his eleventh birthday he finds out that he is actually a wizard and there is a school for kids just like him. His parents, who were killed when he was a baby, were also magic people, and he was excited to be able to learn about them. At the school, Hogwarts, he is befriended by two people who truly become his best friends and family, and he is finally happy to know there are people who care about him. I think this book can be related to Piaget’s Cognitive Theory of Development. Piaget’s cognitive theory of development was outlined into four periods of intelligent development. The sensorimotor period, the preoperational period, the period of concrete operations, and period of formal operations. The period of formal operations hits right at the age group that the Harry Potter series was intended for. This period occurs between the ages of eleven and fifteen when young people begin to use formal logic, engage in a true exchange of ideas, comprehend the viewpoints of others, and understand what it means to live in society. Most readers of this stage have entered adolescence and are ready for more mature topics. I think that this theory applies to this book as kids can relate to Harry’s life with the Dursley’s and the world he is living in. After finding out he is a wizard they can also relate to all the situations he will face while there at Hogwarts. Children can use their imagination to take them away into their own world where they can get away from reality even for a moment. As far as the book itself goes, literary criticism is meant to interpret the meaning of literature. I believe this book is approached by formal criticism. Formal criticism focuses on the work itself rather than the literary history of the book. When I read this book I am not worried about the author and her life or anything about the literature. I am focused on the action and story itself and the suspense it brings to its readers. I found this criticism part of the paper a little more challenging, but I agree with my decision as I did not think that any of the others fit. There is much that children and even adults can learn from reading books. There are books for children ages zero to three that focus mainly on shapes, colors, animals, and numbers. There are books for younger children up until age ten that are about little girls or boys and their adventures that they go on with their imaginary friends. Books about friendship and forgiveness that teach children to be kind and considerate of others as well as unselfish and giving. Books for ages eleven to fifteen that focus on life as a teenager when your mother or father does not understand you and you are desperately trying to figure out who you are. Books that can teach compassion and loyalty to family and friends and just overall make you imagine worlds you could have never dreamed of. Finally to the ages of sixteen to nineteen when you are googling over that boy or girl you so wish would notice you or even if you are interested in the fantasy world of dragons and wizards, there is a book out there that can teach every one of us something about ourselves. Books are out there to teach us new things and take us places we never knew we could go. It is all about actually reading what the author has to say and listening. For me reading was a way of life and something that made me who I am today. I encourage reading for everyone and I hope that my son is as passionate about reading as I am. References Russell D. L. (2008) Pearson education, Ch. 2: The Study of Childhood: pg. 1 The Discover of Childhood. Russell D. L. (2008) Pearson education, Ch. 3: The Study of Literature; para. 20 Literary Criticism.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Reality of Unification Theory
Reality of Unification Theory Introduction Unification means: finding the similarities, finding the limiting physical constants, finding the key numbers, coupling the key physical constants, coupling the key physical concepts, coupling the key physical properties, minimizing the number of dimensions, minimizing the number of inputs. This is a very lengthy process. In all these cases observations, interpretations, experiments and imagination play a key role. The main difficulty is with interpretations and observations. At fundamental level understanding the observed new coincidences and confirming the observed coincidences seem to be a very tough job. Constructing semi empirical relations among the physical constants of various interdisciplinary branches of physics with all possible interpretations may help in resolving the issues. Which way/method is the best will be decided by future experiments, observations and interpretations. As it is interconnected with all branches of physics, ‘semi empirical approach’ se ems be the easiest and shortcut way. It sharpens and guides human thinking ability in understanding the reality of unification. For any theoretical concept or mathematical model or semi empirical relation, ‘workability’ is more important than its inner beauty and ‘workability’ is the base of any semi empirical approach. In this paper by introducing the unified mass unit the authors made an attempt to fit and understand the origin of the nuclear charge radius, the Planck’s constant and the strong coupling constant in a unified approach that connects gravity and strong interaction via the electromagnetic and gravitational force ratio of proton and electron. Finally by considering the proton rest energy and the nuclear charge radius the authors made an attempt to fit the semi empirical mass formula energy coefficients in a very simple way. To fit the nuclear charge radius, the Planck’s constant and the strong coupling constant It is well known that e, c and G play a vital role in fundamental physics. With these 3 constants space-time curvature concepts at a charged particle surface can be studied. Similar to the Planck mass an interesting unified mass unit can be constructed in the following way. (1) Note that plays a crucial role in microscopic physics as well cosmology. It is having a long history. It was first introduced by the physicist George Johnstone Stoney [1]. He is most famous for introducing the term ‘electron’as the ‘fundamental unit quantity of electricity’. With this mass unit in unification program with a suitable proportionality it may be possible to represent the characteristic mass of any elementary charge. It can be considered as the seed of galactic matter or galactic central black hole. It can also be considered as the seed of any cosmic structure. If 2 such oppositely charged particles annihilates, a large amount of energy can be released. It is well assumed that free space is a reservoir for pair particles creation. If so under certain extreme conditions at the vicinity of massive stars or black holes, a very high energy radiation can be seen to be emitted by the virtue of pair annihilation of . Note that the basic concept of uni fication is to understand the origin of ‘mass’ of any particle. Mass is the basic property in ‘gravitation’ and charge is the basic property in ‘atomicity’. So far no model established a cohesive relation in between ‘electric charge’ and ‘mass’ of any ‘elementary particle’. From astrophysics point of view the fundamental questions to be answered are: 1) Without charge, is there any independent existence to ‘mass’ of any star? 2) Is black hole – a neutral body or electrically a neutralized body? To understand these questions the authors made an attempt to construct the above unified mass unit. The subject of final unification is having a long history. After the nucleus was discovered in 1908, it was clear that a new force was needed to overcome the electrostatic repulsion of the positively charged protons. Otherwise the nucleus could not exist. Moreover, the force had to be strong enough to squeeze the protons into a volume of size 10−15 meter. In general the word‘strong’is used since the strong interaction is the â€Å"strongest†of the four fundamental forces. Its observed strength is around 102 times that of the electromagnetic force, some 105times as great as that of the weak force, and about 10 39 times that of gravitation. The aim of unification is to understand the relation that connects ‘gravity’, ‘mass’, ‘charge’ and the ‘microscopic space-time curvature’. Many scientists addressed this problem in different ways [2-4]. The authors also made many attempts in their previousl y published papers [5-11]. Experimentally observed nuclear charge radius [12-15] can be fitted with the following strange and simple unified relation. (2) Here can be considered as the Schwarzschild radius [16,17] of the proposed new mass unit . (3) Whether the expression playing a ‘key unified role’ or ‘only a fitting role’ to be confirmed. With a great accuracy the famous Planck’s constant can be fitted with the following relation. (4) Recommended value of and the error is 0.189%. From relations (1) and (2) above relation can be simplified into the following simple form. (5) Comparing this with the standard definition, (6) where is the fine structure ratio. Let (7) Proceeding further qualitatively and quantitatively currently believed strong coupling constant [18] can be fitted with the following relation. (8) Its recommended value is 0.11847 and uncertainty is ppb. Now the characteristic nuclear force can be expressed as follows. (9) Note that can be considered as the limiting magnitude of any kind of force. Similarly can be considered as the limiting magnitude of any kind of power [1,20,21]. To fit and co-relate the semi empirical mass formula energy coefficients In nuclear physics, the semi-empirical mass formula is used to approximate the mass and various other properties of an atomic nucleus. As the name suggests, it is based partly on theory and partly on empirical measurements [23-24]. The theory is based on the liquid drop model proposed by George Gamow, which can account for most of the terms in the formula and gives rough estimates for the values of the coefficients. It was first formulated in 1935 by German physicist Carl Friedrich von Weizsacker, and although refinements have been made to the coefficients over the years, the structure of the formula remains the same today. In the following formulae, let be the total number of nucleons, Z the number of protons, and the number of neutrons. The mass of an atomic nucleus is given by (10) where and are the rest mass of a proton and a neutron, respectively, and is the binding energy of the nucleus. The semi-empirical mass formula states that the binding energy will take the following form. (11) Its modern representation is (12) Here = volume energy coefficient, is the surface energy coefficient, is the coulomb energy coefficient, is the asymmetry energy coefficient and is the pairing energy coefficient. By maximizing with respect to , one can find the number of protons of the stable nucleus of atomic weight as, (13) This is roughly for light nuclei, but for heavy nuclei there is an even better agreement with nature. Now with the following two energy units semi empirical mass formula energy coefficients can be fitted in the following way. Let (14) where, (15) The coulombic energy coefficient can be expressed as (16) The asymmetry energy coefficient can be expressed as (17) The pairing energy coefficient can be expressed as (18) The surface energy coefficient can be expressed as (19) The volume energy coefficient can be expressed as (20) Thus (21) For light and heavy atoms (including super heavy stable isotopes), proton-nucleon stability relation can be expressed with the following semi empirical relation. Clearly speaking by considering its corresponding stable mass number can be estimated directly. (22) where can be considered as the stable mass number of (23) Please see table-1 for fitting the proton number and its corresponding stable mass number. Table-1: To fit the stable mass numbers of S.No 1 21 44.8 2 29 63.3 3 37 82.6 4 47 107.9. 5 53 123.9 6 60 142.8 7 69 168.0 8 79 197.3 9 83 209.4 10 92 237.3 11 100 263.0 12 112 303.0 13 118 323.7 See table-2 for the comparison of the semi empirical mass formula energy coefficients. See table-3 for the calculated semi empirical mass formula nuclear binding energy. Table-2: Existing and proposed SEMF binding energy coefficients Existing energy coefficients Proposed energy coefficients Table-3: To fit the SEMF binding energy with the proposed energy coefficients in MeV in MeV 26 56 490.9 492.254 28 62 544.8 545.259 34 84 725.3 727.341 50 118 1005.6 1004.950 60 142 1184.3 1185.145 79 197 1562.9 1559.40 82 208 1634.8 1636.44 92 238 1818.9 1801.693 Discussion and conclusions The main object of unification is to understand the origin of elementary particles rest mass, magnetic moments and their forces. Right now and till today ‘string theory’ with 4 + 6 extra dimensions not in a position to explain the unification of gravitational and non-gravitational forces. More clearly speaking it is not in a position to bring down the Planck scale to the nuclear size. Note that general relativity does not throw any light on the ‘mass generation’ of charged particles. It only suggests that space-time is curved near the massive celestial objects. More over it couples the cosmic (dust) matter with geometry. But how matter/dust is created? Why and how elementary particle possesses both charge and mass? Such types of questions are not being discussed in the frame work of general relativity. The first step in unification is to understand the origin of the rest mass of a charged elementary particle. Second step is to understand the combined effects of its electromagnetic (or charged) and gravitational interactions. Third step is to understand its behavior with surroundings when it is created. Fourth step is to understand its behavior with cosmic space-time or other particles. Right from its birth to death, in all these steps the underlying fact is that whether it is a strongly interacting particle or weakly interacting particle, it is having some rest mass. To understand the first two steps somehow one can implement the gravitational constant in sub atomic physics. In this regard can be considered as the nature’s given unified mass unit. To bring down the Planck mass scale to the observed elementary particles mass scale certainly a large scale factor is required. In this regard, the electromagnetic and gravitational force ratio of proton and electron can be considered as the nature’s given universal scale factor. Thinking positively the proposed relations for fitting the nuclear charge radius, the Planck’s constant and strong the coupling constant can be considered for further analysis positively.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Good Country People :: Literary Analysis, Oconnor
In Flannery O’Connor’s stories, â€Å"Good Country People†, â€Å"Everything that Rises Must Converge†, †A Good Man is Hard to Find†, and â€Å"The Life You Save May Be Your Own†, there are many similar characters and situations. Few, if any of the characters are likeable, and most of them are grotesque. Two of the stories have characters that view themselves as superior in one way or another to those around them, and in some cases these characters experience a downfall, illustrating the old proverb, â€Å"Pride goeth before a fall†(King James Bible ,Proverbs 16:18). Two of the stories include a character that has some type of disability, three of the stories showcase a very turbulent relationship between a parent and child, and three of the stories contain a character that could easily be described as evil. In â€Å"Good Country People†there are two characters who believe that they are superior to others. Mrs. Hopewell describes herself as having â€Å"no bad qualities of her own†(DiYanni pg.189). She also takes it upon herself to categorize the people she meets as either, â€Å"good country people†or â€Å"trash,†(pg.188, 189).There do not seem to be any shades of grey in her thinking. Joy/Hulga Hopewell also sees herself as superior, but her superiority lies in her intellect. She makes it known that were it not for her ill health she would be at a university teaching people who â€Å"knew what she was talking about†(pg. 191). Although Joy/Hulga believes herself to be intellectually superior she is fooled by the Bible salesman to such an extent that he is able to steal her wooden leg (pg. 200). â€Å"Everything that Rises Must Converge†also contains two supposedly superior characters, Julian and his mother. Julian’s mother believes that she is superior because her grandfather was a former governor, a prosperous landowner with two-hundred slaves. She also believes that being white makes her superior to people of other races. She believes that those people should rise, but â€Å"on their own side of the fence†(pg. 214). Later in the story she offends a â€Å"Negro†woman by her patronizing treatment of the woman’s child. This woman is so upset that she physically attacks Julian’s mother (pg. 221). Julian also sees himself as superior. He feels superior to his mother because he does not see himself as racist. In reality he is as much a racist as his mother, but he shows his racism in a different way, seeking out those who he terms â€Å"some of the better types†to befriend (pg.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Mr.. Meekly Sibyl for lending the book related on the study and for teaching us how to make our product. Mr.. And Mrs.. Romeo F. Aquinas and Mr.. And Mrs.. Ariel Peter M. Seeding for their support to the researchers not only financially but also morally. Their batches from Ill-Titanium. Especially, Sherry Barras, Anomie Lazars, and Jenny Pictorial. ABSTRACT A candle is a solid block of wax with an embedded wick which is ignited to provide light, and sometimes heat, and historically was used as a method of keeping time. A candle manufacturer is traditionally known as a chandler.Various devices have been invented to hold candles, from simple tabletop candle holders, to elaborate chandeliers. For a candle to burn, a heat source is used to light the candles wick, which melts and vaporizes a small amount of fuel, the wax. Once vaporized, the fuel combines with oxygen in the atmosphere to form a flame. This flame provides sufficient heat to keep the candle burning via a self-sustaining cha in of events: the heat of the flame melts the top of the mass of solid fuel; the liquefied fuel then moves upward through the wick via capillary action; the liquefied fuel finally vaporizes to urn within the candle's flame.Chapter I I. Introduction Candles were once used as a source of light and were simple and plain, without color or fragrance. They came in standard sizes and shapes. Now candle making is an art form and candles have become decorative works of art that come in an infinite variety of shapes, sizes, colors and fragrances. They are generally used to create a peaceful, romantic ambiance and are treasured for their relaxing effect. Candles have recently become a big part of home decor and this has encouraged the development of new techniques and materials.The materials you use will determine the quality of your candles but each candle will require a different combination of materials and techniques. Good note taking will allow you to determine what works and what doesn't and when you perfect your candle, you will be able to reproduce it. Whatever doesn't work, can be melted down again and re used. Candle scraps and pieces of shaved wax can all be kept and recycled so nothing goes to waste. Candles were meant to be burned so no matter how beautiful your candle comes out, remember it isn't done until it burns well so keep working t it until you get a good smokeless, even burning candle.Ill. Statement of the Problem This study aims to determine the compare commercial candles to a homemade candle. The objectives of this study are the following: ; To know how long is the duration of the candle ; To know if the candle is smokeless IV. Significance of the Study Candles represent a classic example of the process of combustion. When enough heat is applied, the wax of a candle starts to oxidize. The paraffin reacts with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide and water, and also heat and light. The flame is the visible part Of this exothermic reaction – wher e the reaction is energetic enough to produce visible light.Here are some more facts about candles. V. Scope and Limitation of the Study Our study is about candles using the materials we will use. To know how to make candles and the duration of the candles. To know more about candles and to enhance our knowledge about candles. VI. Definition of Terms Fragrance- a pleasant, sweet smell. Duration- time during which something continues. Exothermic reaction- chemical reaction accompanied by the evolution of heat. Oxidize- combine or become combined chemically with oxygen. Combustion- the process of burning something.Ambiance- atmosphere of a place. Http://www. Overexploitation. Com/library/complaining. Asp CHAPTER II Review Of Related Literature I. Local Literature In the Philippines candles have come a long way since their initial use. Although no longer man's major source of light, they continue to grow in popularity and use. Today, candles symbolize celebration, mark romance, soothe the senses, define ceremony, and accent home decors casting a warm and lovely glow for all to enjoy. II. Foreign Literature Candles were also commonplace throughout Europe.In England and France, Candle making had become a guild craft by the 1 13th century. These candle makers made candles from fats saved from the kitchen or sold their own candles from within their shops. During the middle Ages in Europe, The popularity of candles is shown by their use in Candles and in Saint Lucy festivities. Tallow, fat from cows or sheep, became the standard material used in candles in Europe. The Tallow Chandlers Company of London was formed in about 1300 in London, and in 1456 was granted a coat of arms. Dating from about 1330, the Wax Chandlers Company acquired its charter in 1484.By 141 5, Tallow candles Were used in Street lighting. The trade of the chandler is also recorded by the more picturesque name of â€Å"congresswomen†, since they oversaw the manufacture of sauces, vinegar, soa p and cheese. The unpleasant smell of tallow candles is due to the glycerin they contain. For churches and royal events, Candles from beeswax were used, as the smell was usually less unpleasant. The smell of the manufacturing process was so unpleasant that it was banned by ordinance in several cities. The first candle mould comes from 15th century Paris.The first American colonists discovered that bayberries could be used to make candles, but the yield was very poor. Fifteen pounds of boiled bayberries would provide only one pound of wax. Http://en. Wisped. Org/wick/History_of_candle_making http://www. Candles. Org/about_history. HTML CHAPTER Ill l. Methods and Procedures Materials Paraffin Wax Palette Knife Wick Scent Spoon Double Boiler Crayons Water Scissors Methods Twisted Candles 1. Roll out the upper part of the candle until it is about mm (1/4 in) thick. Leave the bottom 2. CM (in) unrolled so that it can fit into a candle holder.If the candle cracks whilst rolling, then it h as become too hard. Soften it by dipping it for three seconds at 71 co (1 60 OF) and then waiting for thirty seconds. 2. Hold the candle upside-down, with the unrolled base in one hand and the flattened part nearest the base between the thumb and forefinger of your other hand. 3. Pull the candle slowly upwards, sliding it between your thumb and forefinger and turning it steadily. 4. Repeat the process to give a more exaggerated twist. 5. Trim the base flat and allow the candle to cool for one hour. Floating Rose Candles 1.Melt the wax, heat it to 71 co (OFF), and prime the wicks. 2. Switch off the heat, and add twelve drops of perfume to the wax. 3. Carefully pour out the wax on to the paper so that it forms layers about mm (h in) thick, and allow it to cool until it is rubbery. 4. Cut petal shapes with the pastry cutter or palette knife. You will need petals of different sizes. Curve them with your fingers. 5. Squeeze two small petals around a wick and build up a rose flower. Wax t hat has cooled too much and become brittle can be softened with a hair dryer. 6.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Aquafarming and Pacific White Shrimp
IntroductionGrameneralAquaculture is the agriculture and active farming or production of aquatic beings such as fish, mollusk, crustaceans and aquatic workss in controlled environments. It is besides known as aquafarming. Nowadays, this animal-based food-producing sector has increased in footings of its importance due to the addition of planetary human population demand. The rush of aquaculture is besides due to it supply a batch of extra employment for the increased figure of under-employed fishermen or husbandmans every bit good as the rural inhabitants, increased fuel’s monetary value which lead to the rise of angling operations cost, and the inclined figure of demand for crustaceans like runts and shrimps ( FAO, 1987 ) . Asia as a whole accounted about 90 per centum of planetary aquaculture production with China being the chief manufacturers ( FAO, 2013 ) . Aquaculture accounts 47 per centum of all fish supplies destined for non merely direct human nutrient ingestion, but besides processed into fishmeal and oil as animate being provender ; carnivorous aquatic species such as runt, trout and salmon, and for other animate beings such as hogs, poulets and family pets ( FAO, 2013 ) . Direct human ingestion used about 86 % of entire piscary production, while the staying 14 % was used in fabrication of fishmeal and fish oil ( FAO, 2010 ) . Aquaculture system can be differentiated by its degree of direction ; extended, semi-intensive and intensive. Extensive civilization system fundamentally depends to the full on nutrients which occur of course in the system such as planktons and did non have any knowing nutritionary inputs. This type of system allows the stock to turn by itself as less attempt is apply into the civilization system. It besides depends on H2O flow to convey the nutrients, so normally it is done in the ocean, lakes and river. Other than that, extended system besides has a few negative effects as it depend on the surrounding conditions for the mortality and survival rate of the stocks. While for intensive civilization system, it requires the aquaculturists to hold high understanding about the stocks as they have higher control over the civilization system than extended system. Their provenders are besides need to be well-prepared with balanced nutrition and so pelleted to advance higher endurance rate. Al though it requires higher cost and works, it produces highest output than both extended and semi-intensive civilization system which still requires unreal nutrient to be accompanied with natural nutrient supply. Other than freshwater fishes, species that besides produced in aquaculture included mollusk ( 23.6 per centum ) , crustaceans ( 9.6 per centum ) , and other aquatic animate beings. While the production of crustaceans itself consists of fresh water and Marine species. Examples of commercial runt species arePenaeus Monodon, Litopenaeus vannamei, Penaeus stylirostris,Phosphorusenaeusindicus, PenaeusmerguiensisandPhosphorusenaueschinensis.Liter.vannameior besides called as Whiteleg shrimp rise as the most preferable species of Marine and fresh water for civilization crushing the tiger shrimp,P. Monodonas it lost its influence in this last decennary due to outbreak of diseases ( FAO, 2012 ) . As white topographic point disease ( WSD ) start to outbreak, it caused high desolation in economic as the mortality rate increased dramatically and caused a large loss to the shrimp civilization ( Gunalan B. , et al. , 2011 ) . After uninterrupted hunt for the options for shrimp civilization, at 200 1,L. vannameiis introduced in Asia. The species commercial civilization began in South and Central America and subsequently the aquafarming ofL. vannameigo the most of import in Mexico. Although the commercial civilization ofL. vannameipunctuated with its slope and diminution tendencies after the ‘la Nina’ calamity, the production of the species has grown to over 270 000 metric tons by 2004 ( FAO, 2014 ) . There are a few grounds as to whyL. vannameiis more favorable thanP. Monodon. One of it is it merely require low protein in its diet ( 30 per centum ) thanP. Monodon( 45 per centum ) which is more carnivorous, so the provender cost is a batch lower than the 1 withP. Monodon( FAO, 2014 ) . Other than that, it besides has higher survival rate and is a batch easier to civilization ( SEAFDEC, 2005 ) . L. vannamei aslo can be cultured in low salt H2O as it can turn efficaciously and able to last at utmost salts status ( LukeA. & A ; D. AllenDavis, 2010 ) . However, many Asiatic states so unwilling to go on to bring forth these shrimp species as they fear on the possibility of the eruption of new alien disease that can be transmitted to native penaeid runts at their states. So, the civilization merely been applied in Malaysia, Cambodia, India, Philippines and Myanmar. Of all types of broodstock, merely Specific Pathogen Free ( SPF ) / Specific Pathogen Resistant ( SPR ) broodstock is allow ed to be imported in Thailand and Indonesia ( FAO, 2014 ) . Shrimp agriculture in Malaysia has started since 1930s, which so led to larger scale civilization production. Its life rhythm includes larval phase and full-blown phase, in which require both natural provenders and unrecorded nutrients. Due to authorities support, farmer’s active engagement, intensive preparation to husbandmans, increased engineering and steady market’s monetary value, the runt agriculture industry has rises systematically ( SEAFDEC, 2005 ) . Although its being patterns widely all over the universe, runt agriculture has a few impacts that needed to be taken attention of. These include its impact to environmental and its sustainability. The impacts can be categorised in direct or indirect impacts. Mangrove ecosystems being cleared out to do infinite for shrimps’ civilization pool doing more than 50 per centum of it to decrease, and the nutrient webs besides will alterations due to the runt agriculture. Habitat loss besides is included in indirect consequence of runt farming to environment. Land required for it besides will subsequently go increased in monetary value particularly in Peninsular Malaysia. While for direct impacts, it include new species and familial stuff to be introduce. As the runt farming industry will let go of their waste and toxic substances to environment, it will do pollution and eutrophication. Disease eruption, for illustrations White topographic point ( WSSV ) , Taura Syndrome and Vibriosis, besides will severely impact the environment as it will impact other wild penaeid runt populations ( RonnbackPatrik, 2001 ; SEAFDEC, 2005 ) . However, these will non do the industry to diminish because new runt farms will be developed at much higher rate than before ( RonnbackPatrik, 2001 ) . Overfeeding besides has chance to go on and this will take to protein beginnings being uneconomical. Feed is an of import facet in success of shrimp aquaculture. During the disease eruption, antibiotics are used hyperbolically since it can battle infective beings. This lead to it being banned by European Union ( EU ) in 2006 as they found out that antibiotic can give harmful consequence to the host species, human as consumer and the environment itself. To avoid any losingss, they decided to happen the options for antibiotics. Of all the options, organic acids seems to be most appropriate for the function as surveies has shown that organic acids and its salts can advance both growing and feed use and besides increase the species opposition towards diseases ( W. K.Ng & A ; C. B.Koh, 2011 ) . Still, there is non adequate survey has been done or published sing the usage of organic acids as aquafeeds for shrimp aquaculture ( Koh C.B. , et al. , 2013 ) . Therefore this survey is been conducted to understand the consequence of organics acids on the growing and wellness public presentation of L. vannamei, in footings of it weight and disease opposition.AimAim of this experiment include:To find the consequence of dietetic organic acids in commercial runt provenders on the growing public presentation and wellness of the Pacific white runt,Litopenaeus vannameistation larvae.To analyze the consequence of dietetic organic acids on provender use efficiency.To measure the entire feasible bacterial and presumptiveVibriocounts in the hepatopancreas and intestine andhepatopancreas histopathology.Resistance toVoltibrioparahemolyticuschallenge.LITERATURE REVIEW2.1Litopenaeus vannamei Shrimp are marine crustaceans that can establish on the river beds and ocean floors around the universe, filtrating sand and atoms in the H2O. As forL. vannamei, or its common name Whiteleg runt are under the order Decapoda. As the name Decapoda implies, all decapods have ten legs ; five braces of legs on the chief portion of the organic structure, plus five braces of pleopods on the venters or tail. Differ from other Decapoda, this species tend to be larger than the Caridean runt species and are commercially of import. Liter.vannameiis first described by Lee Boone in 1931. At that clip, this new species was rescued for scientific discipline from the native fish market in Panama City, March 25, 1926( Boone, 1931) .Liter.vannameiare native to the eastern Pacific Ocean, from the Mexican province of Sonora as far south as northern Peru. It is restricted to countries where the H2O temperature remains above 20 Â °C ( 68 Â °F ) throughout the twelvemonth. Adults unrecorded and spawn in the unfastened ocean, while station larvae migrate inshore to pass their juvenile, stripling and sub-adult phases in coastal estuaries, lagunas or mangrove countries. This species is besides dominant at Guatemala and El Salvador( FAO, 1980 ) . Liter.vannameihas dais which reasonably long with 7-10 dorsal and 2-4 ventral length. Its coloring material is usually semitransparent white, but this can alter depending on its provender, substrate and H2O turbidness (FAO, 2006) . Its maximal entire length can make until 230 millimeters. While it’s shell length can make until 90 millimeters maximal.L. vannameican be wrongly thought asPenaeus stylirostris, but it really has distinguishable characteristic that differentiate them fromP. stylirostris.Liter. vannameiis by and large less compressed laterally thanP. stylirostris. Its average Carina of the shell besides does non widen rather to the posterior border. Its first three abdominal sections are sturdier and have more developed epimera thanP. stylirostris(Boone, 1931) . InLiter. vannameimature males, its petasma is symmetrical and semi-open. Its spermatophores which are dwelling of sperm mass are complex. Males become mature from 20 g. While for the mature female, they have unfastened thelycum. Females become mature from 28 g onwards at the age of 6–7 months. FemalesLiter. vannameinormally grow faster and larger than the males (FAO, 2006) . Its life rhythm consists of an pelagic planktonic larval phase with its first phase larvae being termed nauplii. Nauplii live on their yolk militias, so it does non feed. The following larval phase which is protozoea, Mysis and early postlarvae remain planktonic for some clip. They feed on phytoplankton and zooplankton. Next are an estuarial station larva-to-juvenile phase, and a return to the marine environment as an grownup to get down feeding on benthal debris, worms, pelecypods and other crustaceans, mature and spawn (Valles-Jimenez, et al. , 2005 ; FAO, 2006) . L. vannameiis used as introduced species in aquaculture. It has the ability to accommodate to alterations in salt, pH and dissolved O degrees (Rosenberry, 1999) . The production of the species in their native part is shown to be lower than that in the part where they were introduced. For illustration, their production in Asia and the Pacific part was 1.1 million metric tons compared with in Latin America and the Caribbean which merely 266 000 metric tons. This can be happened as the switching from the usage ofP. MonodontoLiter. vannameihappened in China and many of the states in Asia (FAO, 2006) . The shifting may be because of the provender costs forLiter. vannameiis by and large less thanP. Monodonas L. vannamei merely necessitate 18-35 % of protein compared to 36-42 % for P. Monodon (FAO, 2006) . Other than that,Liter. vannameiare easier to reproduce and has unvarying growing rate thanP. Monodonwhich lead to its success in selling. AsL. vannameiable to bring forth specific pathogen free ( SPF ) , it can easy come in in Asiatic market. But the production will lowered if they suffer from diseases like White Spot Syndrome Virus ( WSSV ) in which the septic runt shows reduced nutrient ingestion and Taura Syndrome which makes the juvenile shrimp become weak, has soft shell, empty intestine and its ruddy chromatophores in extremities to spread expand. There besides other diseases such as Infectious Hypodermal and Haematopoietic mortification ( IHHNV ) which cause Runt Deformity Syndrome ( RDS ) , Baculoviral Midgut Gland Necrosis ( BMN ) , and Vibriosis ( FAO, 2006 ) . These diseases can be reduced by holding good direction of the H2O system, provenders, armored combat vehicles and the runt itself. 2.2Use of organic acids in provenders As the aquaculture production become intense, jobs sing diseases besides increase. This finally led to over-use of antibiotics to forestall these diseases which so harmed the environment, human population and the carnal itself. Since 1986, the utilizations of antibiotic growing boosters ( AGP ) are easy being banned around the universe as in Sweden entire prohibition were done. Later in 1997, Europian Union ( EU ) has banned the usage of avoparcin. While in 1999, bacitracin, spiramycin, tylosin and virginiamycin are banned in EU. This finally led to a entire prohibition of the usage of all antibiotics in EU at 2006 (Robert, 2011) . After the forbiddance of antibiotics at 2006, organic acids are used as alternate to these AGP. Formic, lactic, benzoic and propionic acids are illustrations of organic acids. It is already been used as storage preservatives for nutrient and provender ingredients for a long clip (Ng, et al. , 2011) . The first proficient study sing the usage of these acidifiers appears even since 1960’s where it is used in hog eating to see the consequence in their growing and public presentation. In this hog feeding experiment entirely ; more than 500 surveies have been published on the usage of acidifiers (Bernd, 2011) . These organic acids which have low pKa values are effectual at low environment pH and as microbic in acidic tummy part. It has been good documented that these organic acids can beneficially better provender consumption, growing and feed use efficiency when Federal at moderate degrees (Alp, et al. , 1999 ; Kluge, et al. , 2006 ; Robert, 2011) . Study besides has been done to demo that although there is deficiency of impact on growing rate or provender use shown, the provender transition ratio ( FCR ) , and in-between bowel to organic structure weight ratio is increased significantly due to the presence of acerb salt blend (Ng, et al. , 2011) .
HRM Consultancy Report †BancRoyale Amsterdam Essay
In a survey undertaken by PWC of customers and outsourcing service providers cut across different advanced countries, over 80% customers noted that outsourcing activities delivered targeted gains provided for in the original business case. By implication therefore, it can be said that outsourcing and offshoring in the case of Bancroyale is a basic part of organizational strategy in a bid to maintain competitive advantage and staying ahead of other organizations. The need to outsource certain business processes by organizations over the years have been attributed to the recession that hit hard on world economies and businesses, it is also borne out of the need to reduce and contain costs while maximizing benefits and increased efficiency. As we speak and in coming years, process enhancement and productivity as well as governance, risk and security are other needs to be met by business process outsourcing. It is a trend that continues to emerge over time. Business processes such as IT and payroll management is of the essence to be outsourced due to their dynamic nature for the former and better efficiency in management by 3rd parties for the latter. Studies have shown that about 50% of clients are discouraged from outsourcing due to a lack of experience by service providers and their inability to justify the costs against benefits and therefore provided a justification for preference for in-house employees over 3rd parties while some companies do not have the skills to manage outsourcing activities and the service providers. Some are of the opinion that they require to put their house in order before outsourcing certain business processes. Banc Royale Amsterdam known and popular for superior and friendly customer service has taken steps to outsource its online customer service unit to a small South American company to handle due to increasing costs of maintaining this department. It is pertinent to take note of issues that may arise due to this change and its effect on the bank and also its customers. Majority of organizational change management systems fails as proven by research because employees who are at the core of these programs are not carried along and feel left out, this leads to low morale which results in demotivation and its consequences. Dawson and Jones (n.d), said that it is the people/employees that are subject to change and must adapt to change as against the organization adapting to change therefore human capital is the most important and critical element when instituting any form of change. People/employee and customer issues would arise and worthy of note is the language barriers already raised by the firm saddled with the responsibility of handling this unit. It is expected that most customers of Banroyale would speak Dutch or French and this should have been put into consideration while contracting this unit out to a South American firm. From the onset, management ought to have determined if this firm has Dutch speaking customer service consultants that would be able to communicate with their customers and also keep up with the standard of superior customer service set by the bank. The entire reason to outsource this unit is completed defeated if the bank cannot maximize benefits from this exercise as customers that are not pleased with services via the online customer service window are either completely lost or aggrieved thereby making the bank lose more money than it planned to save. The decision to outsource a key unit of the bank by the management is also likely to cause collective distrust amongst employees in spite of the fact that the decision is a strategic performance management decision that is expected to make the bank cut down on its increasing costs. According to Shawn 2008, the decision to outsource creates uncertainty for existing employees and it could make them to look elsewhere for employment, in cases where they do not leave, they most times do not cooperate with the new service providers to provide them with adequate information that would make the task easier to handle thereby causing also decreased efficiency in service delivery and bring in operational risk. Another major people management issue of outsourcing of this unit has to do with the customers to be attended to. In most cases, the service provider, that is the South American firm even though based on recommendation are highly professional most often than not would not be able to provide 100% banking services customers have always enjoyed because they have limited access to the bank’s customer database and hence, all they would be able to do while trying to serve the bank customers is to only take down messages and tell the customers someone would get back to them, these are customers that probably want to know their bank balance, ask questions regarding interest rates, cancel standing orders immediately etc. Only staff of the bank that has access to specific customer data base would be able to provide services to these customers. There is a very high likelihood that there would be a wide gap between management goals and eventual performance. One of the bank’s strategic capabilities and strengths is embedded in this unit that is customer service which is a major selling point for the organization; therefore it ought not be toyed or experimented with. In its quest to maintain a competitive advantage other areas should be looked at to reduce costs and expenses. HRM should seek to look at better ways to maximize the performance of this unit by determining unnecessary overheads are proposing to bank management to reduce, it could also develop more work challenges and deliverables to the managers of this unit in order to justify the increasing costs. Increasing costs accruable from this unit should provide increasing bottom lines for the entire bank, therefore performance management systems should be adopted to determine if these increasing expenses are justifiable and are actually increasing the bank’s bottom line. HRM could also propose to the service provider to hire some of the laid off bank customer service consultants and have them on their payroll on their own terms, this would ensure that these people are not so aggrieved for being laid off but also be able to still provide their services to the bank indirectly through the service provider. Lastly, if it is of great necessity that management outsource this unit then it is advised that it be done gradually and strategically in order to integrate the service providers into the system instead of a sudden transfer of this function thereby causing avoidable people management issues. SECTION 2- Organisational Solutions OB-HR Matrix Relationships The study of organizational behavior covers basically how knowledge about people, individuals, and groups are applied within an organization; and covers topics bordering on leadership behavior and power & politics, communication, group structure and process, learning & attitude development and perception, change process, conflict, negotiation and resolution, job design and motivation etc. Organizational behavior (OB) is a field of study devoted to understanding, explaining and ultimately improving the attitudes and behaviors of individual and groups in organizations. Therefore, the findings of this report are meant to be applied by managers to see how relevant they are to real world practical organizational challenges. The managers or HR professionals apply these organizational behavior theories and principles in solving problems that relate to human capital. For instance, while OB would explore the relationship between social recognition or employee motivation and job performance, human resource management would be examining the best ways to structure a perfect rewards system and performance management. In other words, the study of organizational behavior provides significant insights to human resource management when the principle and theories are effectively applied by HR professionals. Motivation and Diversity being very key and relevant organizational behavior concepts relevant to the change process being embarked upon by the organization would be the subject of analysis in this section. MOTIVATION – By making reference to the book ‘’Good to Great’’ by Jim Collins where he analyzed how Fortune 500 companies such as Wells Fargo, Walgreens etc transformed from just good companies to great companies. These companies were reported to have transformed into great companies basically by their commitment to hire the right people with emphasis on character, work ethics, intelligence, values and commitment and refusing to hire when such people were unavailable. This model was also adopted by Apple when they embarked on opening retail stores to serve their customers, they focused on hiring only very highly passionate individuals for their products i.e. highly enthusiastic about Apple products and this would only mean that, employees are first hand self motivated because they are passionate about what they are doing and so whether they are rewarded using the traditional reward systems or not, they are still happy doing what they are doing. However, Apple did not just stop at hiring passionate people, they created very unusual reward systems worthy of note is by not placing sales people on commission so as to ensure tension is completely eroded and employees maintain a very calm mien in dealing with customers. These hired sales people also go through rigorous trainings to acquaint them with the skills and knowledge to succeed in the Retail stores. Career growth opportunities for these sets of employees to grow through different opportunities are provided within the organization. Motivation in this context is therefore defined as an employee’s willingness to put in his maximum effort into his job to achieve organizational objectives while also being able to meet his personal needs and objectives. Motivation was defined by Baron, 1983 as a set of processes concerned with the force that energizes behavior and directs it towards attaining some goals. Simply put, motivation is the reasons why individuals behave the way they behave or do what they do, which implies in a workplace that an employee is said to be motivated on the job when he enjoys doing what he is doing and totally involved in it as against doing it for the sake of only remuneration to be received. A self-motivated employee implies that personal goals align with organizational goals most often than not therefore, employee satisfaction & retention, customer satisfaction & retention and accomplishment of organizational goals are guaranteed even in the long run. Human behavior is goal directed and it is motivation that drives an individual to behave in a particular way he does. Motivated employees are more self driven and autonomy-oriented than those who are less motivated ( Ryan and Deci, 2000), they also show interest in colleagues work more than less motivated employees which makes them more open to challenges and developmental opportunities. Motivation and HRM approaches for BancRoyale. Research and studies have shown and proven that motivation is positively related to employee performance and therefore HRM has a major role in this regard by implementing the concept of performance and reward management. Gungor, 2011 conducted a research on the relationship between reward management systems and employee performance with a major focus on motivation as a critical and intervening factor, he concluded that reward management systems application is significantly and positively related to motivation and employee performance which implies that financial rewards have great impact on employee performance and motivation (be it intrinsic and extrinsic). HRM has the duty to identify employee needs and goals through employee audit and other means that target employees’ individuality. The implementation of performance management systems by BancRoyale would make it benefit greatly from all its positive outcomes such as customer and employee satisfaction and retention and other additional benefits. Individuals have different needs as analyzed by Abraham Maslow in his ‘Hierarchy of Needs’ and theory of motivation where he stated that individual needs are arranged in a hierarchy of importance, he also added that all these needs are insatiable, however as one level of need is satisfied it no longer motivates behavior and therefore the next level is activated. HRM must be able to determine the level on which each employee is on to be able to strategically position the organization to meet such needs. It is important that HRM understands that unmet needs and expectations of employees over time leads to certain behavioral patterns that manifest in absenteeism, frustration, work stress and conflicts with its attendant effect on performance. DIVERSITY – Meanings According to the US Department of Interior, diversity refers to many demographic variables including but not limited to race, religion, color, gender, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, age, education, geographic origin and skill characteristics. The Law Society of Scotland says that diversity is about recognizing that everyone is different in a variety of visible and non visible ways; and about creating a culture that respects and value uniqueness and difference in people in order to harness their potential in creating a more productive working environment. Diversity encompasses acceptance and respect of individual uniqueness and differences, exploration of these differences in a safe, positive and nurturing work environment, moving beyond mere tolerance to embracing and celebrating the rich dimensions of diversity within each individual (University of Oregon, Diversity and HRM approaches for BancRoyale HRM is saddled with the responsibility of managing diversity, ensuring the organization conforms to the legal requirements related to equal opportunity. This process is managed with HR functions ranging from recruitment, selection,evaluation, job design, training, people management to workforce management in terms of placing the right people in the right location and position. Due to seeming economic and business realities in addition to demographic changes taking place within the organization, diversity management is an all-new challenge for HR and the entire bank. If HR performs its functions related in this context, it would save the organization from avoidable litigation, reduced employee costs and better bottomlines. In order to make diversity a strong point of the bank, the following HR processes should be considered: Recruitment and selection: HR must look to assembling teams of diverse backgrounds that would stimulate creativity and innovation with skill sets that complement each other. Technology: diverse workforce often includes virtual teams therefore the need for technological support. HR policy: need to take into cognizance cultural and ethical aspects in addressing equality standards prevalent in each location they are present. Training: Managers and employees need to be trained on leadership and teamwork as it applies in a diverse workplace. KEY HRM ISSUES WITH GREAT IMPACT ON THE TRANSITION FROM IN-HOUSE ONLINE CUSTOMER SERVICE TO 3RD PARTY SERVICE MANAGEMENT IN BANCROYALE Diversity Management Diversity Management – â€Å"Diversity management is the ability of an organization to maximize the advantages of organizational employee diversity and minimize the inherent problems. I.e maximize the benefits and minimize the costs of implementing diversity policy in the workplace†Benefits to Banc Royale Creating a competitive advantage (the business case for diversity) Better understanding of diverse customers. Increased productivity on complex tasks. Better problem solving as a result of inputs of diverse members. Increased innovation Potential issues that may arise in diversity management (Knouse 2008) Diversity members may show loyalty to background groups rather than the team. Potential for increased conflicts amongst employees with diverse background. Potential for exclusion of people different and more cohesion amongst similar groups within networks. Potential for non-cooperation when group members have different values. High potential for miscommunication among diverse organizations Proposed solutions HRM practices must be fair and equitable and take responsibility for the effective delivery of the policy Work groups and teams must be allowed to grow and develop in stages and be given time to fully develop Diversity plan must be well thought out and communicated to be effectively implemented. Change focus from social cohesion to task cohesion Reinforce a culture of diversity through continued management commitment Institute mentoring systems with bias for the diversity cause. Employing the right people to deliver best quality service based on equality of opportunity. Ensuring employees are able to contribute a diverse range of skills and experience. Ensuring Banc Royale harnesses and realises full potentials and performance of employees. Building and encouraging a culture of intolerance to discrimination. Eliminating barriers leading to discrimination and prejudice. Building a culture that fosters cooperation and respect amongst employees. Board of Directors is overall lead. All directors and line managers are responsible for full implementation of the policy. Employees are responsible for adhering and complying with the policies. Trainings, sensitization seminars and workshops are conducted and organized by HRM for employees to learn about the policy. Emergence of virtual teams Virtual teams came to the fore as evolving organizations saw the increasing need to go global and this was characterized by technological advancement. Organizations whose goals are to maintain a competitive advantage believe that creating effective virtual teams are necessary to achieve this goal. Global brands such as Coca cola, Microsoft, Citigroup, Ford, Toyota and even non-profit organizations have been able to lead the pack of their various industries as they have seen ahead that they require to be present across all parts of the world using people as their major resource. Symons et al (2007) have this to say about virtual teams being teams where its members are geographically dispersed and unified by one project. Which invariably means that there are 2 teams: physical teams and virtual teams unified by one organizational goal. While the physical team adopt face to face communication, the virtual team communicate using technology such as telephones, emails, conference calls, or other computer-mediated communication. The foregoing pre-supposes that in building or creating virtual/global teams, there would be a large involvement of a diverse workforce scattered all over the globe which comes with its attendant challenges and even more benefits if systematically harnessed. MIT Sloan School conducted a study in 2009 and concluded that virtual teams could outperform physical teams and provided a justification for their creation which amongst others include: Productivity day in day out due to time zone differences, Sharing of best practices, Reducing costs, Innovation and increased creativity as a result of highly diversed workforce. Bergiel et al (2008) said that such teams as virtual teams allow organizations to attract and retain top talents because workplace flexibility is seen as a crucial aspect of job satisfaction for many employees; for many companies, the use of virtual teams reduces costs and time of employee travel. However, inspite of all the benefits accruable from virtual teams, without proper structures and strategic planning, these benefits may not be harnessed. Trust is a crucial component required in building a cohesive and effective team and it even becomes more complicated when this trust needs to be built where distance is a barrier. In building trust, it is important for team members to have face to face interactions, this allows them to develop rapport, build friendship and relationships and also have a better understanding of the team goals. Frequent communication electronically between members also has a way of fostering relationships. Team training from time to time on technology that has to do with team interaction would also go a long way to promoting the understanding of team goals and objectives Virtual teams are very much likely to fail when organizations do not make appropriate investment in technology and training of team members. Team leaders must be taught how to provide leadership and direction with giving feedbacks effectively through unconventional methods while members should be trained and given guidelines on how to communicate with other team members to encourage team building. At the helm of all of these is the support and trust of company CEO and other management staff in promoting and deepening the activities of the virtual team without which it is bound to fail. The decision to create virtual teams is usually the idea of management and therefore they must be seen to support it by building the appropriate structures that would ensure goals are achieved. Symons et al (2008) concluded and postulated some key points that should be followed by virtual managers which is hereby recommended to the Customer Service Departmental Head in alliance with the South American company that is in charge of it and they are as follows: Communication is a critical component of virtual teams enhanced by the support and the introduction of technology, therefore virtual teams succeed when value are placed on the people than the technology. It implies that the manager must create a definite purpose in cooperation with his team members and effectively communicate it to them. Leadership style advised for virtual teams is democratic in order to get the best out people and promote creativity and innovation. This is the benefit obtainable from having a diverse workforce and it must be adequately harnessed by the leadership approach used. In this kind of work environment, each team member is able to voice his opinion irrespective of his background, language, status etc. The virtual manager is able to create a very high level of trust when conscious efforts are made from the outset to address trust issues and conflicts that might arise as a result of diversity. He therefore should employ essentially face to face interactions in conflict resolutions and better still create an environment of friendship where conflicts are minimal. In addition to these key points, virtual teams are disadvantaged by problems or challenges characterized by difficulties in communication caused by the absence of face to face interactions, lack of employee engagement to get the best out of team members, major trust and integrity issues etc all caused by inability to go through physical interactions. This is responsible for the slow pace of trust building in virtual teams however all of these disadvantages and more can be mitigated to have our dream ideal virtual team or better put, the ideal Customer Service Department by employing tested strategies. The Banc Royale virtual manager is hereby advised to adopt the following strategies in building a cohesive and effective team: Communication All team members must be kept closely via communication. Effective communication is essential from top to bottom and bottom to top ensuring free flow of information. Communication must also be frequent and the manager’s responsiveness to communication or information is also key to effective communication. Communication does not start or end with passing information, listening and being very attentive is also critical. He must be able to create awareness from time to time so that the team can achieve expected outcomes and results. His ability to make use of the technology resource provided also enhance communication and also train team members on how to optimize the benefits available in the resource. The team leader must seek to understand his members through and through including their cultures and background, this would help him in deepening his relationship and develop trust. Collaboration The virtual manager must be able to create a collaborative mindset in the entire team which harmonises the best of competition and fostering trust and respect amongst team members. Collaboration can only be achieved when divergent views are welcome are analysed to take decisions that would allow for goals to be achieved and eventually create a win-win situation. Defined team objectives The virtual manager must be able to make his team members know the reason for their existence. This reason must be well clarified and communicated, team members must understand the role and contribution of their team to the entire bank, what is expected from each team member, results that are expected from the team etc. This clarity of purpose ensures that employees are properly engaged. Success celebration Milestones and successes must be celebrated to motivate star performers and encourage other team members to do better. Finally, the Customer Service department head could also adopt an account/customer classification approach to structuring the new online customer service just outsourced. The Team lead is advised to divide his team across the types of clients that patronize the unit such as new customers, existing customers broken down into retail, commercial, borrowing and non-borrowing customers. It is also necessary to ensure multi-lingual Customer Service Consultants are hired to avoid complaints as a result of language barriers. Influence of Power and Politics Power is the capacity or ability to influence another and it is drawn from various sources such as formal authority, control of scarce resources, control of decision processes, control of knowledge and information etc Politics is the tactical use of power or practical exercise of power to retain or obtain control of real or symbolic resources†according to Bacharach et al (1980 p. 1). Politics in the workplace or organization is usually driven by personal interests and therefore tantamount to the achievement of organizational goals and objectives. This determines productivity within the organization. The influence of power and politics on Banc Royale Amsterdam as a result of the changes being made can be both positive and negative. Scholars such as Eisendhart et al (1988) believes that politics is linked with poor organizational performance creating inflexibilities, communication barrier, restricting information flow etc. while some scholars are of the opinion that politics is necessary for innovation, creativity and organizational change that are brought about by disagreements and conflicts. This decision as taken by the management has some political undertones to it due to the fact that this unit is a very key unit in the organization, it can be noted that other units also exist within the organization that could also have been outsourced to cut down on expenses. This decision definitely would have caused collective distrust amongst employees not affected by this decision and could lead them to seek for employment in other organizations. According to Shawn 2008, the decision to outsource creates uncertainty for existing employees and it could make them to look elsewhere for employment, in cases where they do not leave, they most times do not cooperate with the new service providers to provide them with adequate information that would make the task easier to handle thereby causing also decreased efficiency in service delivery and bring in operational risk. It would also bring about a situation whereby other existing employees of the entire department would lose confidence in the Manager of the department for allowing such a decision to be taken. They would lose confidence in his ability to provide leadership and therefore bring about a decline the department’s productivity and his ability to be in control. If an individual is perceived by others to have influence then such person holds power and such is arrogated to him. When his employees believe in his ability to control the distribution of rewards valued by others such as promotion, money or even his ability to influence management to retain the â€Å"online customer service unit†, then they believe he has power and influence and would respect his leadership. Power requires one person’s perception of dependence on another person and in this situation, existing employees of this department are beginning to think otherwise. In order to minimize power and politics which is not bad entirely except it is engendering an unethical culture within the organization, it is of necessity that HRM takes a very strong stand to tackle it and I would recommend that they look at HR processes that include Recruitment and Performance Management. In whatever HR process we want to look at, the sole aim is to ensure that negative power and politics is downplayed and HR plays a major role in ensuring that. It is important that structures are built that do align with the objectives of the organization based solely on Corporate Governance policies in order to have management buy in. Section 3: Conclusion ‘Human capital represents one of the last and the best sources of competitive advantage’ (Kaufman, 2010: 292). The strategic objective of Banc Royale is to provide â€Å"helpful banking†to its numerous customers who are mostly retail customers, therefore cannot afford to get customer service wrong so that customers would not lose confidence in the brand. Quick steps need be taken immediately to first address the language barrier issues that are existent between both customers-service providers-bank employees. It is recommended and advised that management should change the focus of this exercise from cost reduction alone to enhanced and improved productivity with greater emphasis on collaboration between the bank officials and the service providers to ensure seamless integration. We all know change is difficult, however, if we consider what we stand to gain as an organization we would be glad to embrace change. Globalization, the need to maintain competitive advantage and churn out good bottom lines at minimal expenses, economic downturn are amongst other justifications for the creation of virtual teams and the need to outsource certain units of an organization. Banc Royale intends to be at the forefront of this, therefore all employees are enjoined to understand the workings and the concept of virtual teams in order to give support as required. Virtual managers have the responsibility to acquaint themselves with the roles required of them which include and are not limited to: Providing strategic direction in alignment with corporate goals Motivating and empowering team members to achieve team goals Identifying and providing required resources to achieve team goals Developing and communicating a clear vision to team members Giving effective employee feedbacks etc. Performance management as it affects human resources is to ensure organizational goals are met by training, motivating and rewarding employees by adopting best practices to achieve competitive advantage. As it applies to Banc Royale at this point in time, there is a need for management to have meetings and round table discussions with existing employees that the organization require to retain and get them to understand the reasons for the decision taken and make them see reason, in addition to this, appraisal could be done for the existing employees so that promotion exercise can be undertaken or probably an increase in compensation so as to win their hearts. The human resource management department of any organization is charged with the responsibility of managing employees, employee welfare and employee performance in alignment to the organizational goals and objectives, it is however in the purview of HRM to direct and guide employees and management to behave in such a manner that would ensure both personal and organizational goals are aligned and delivered. This describes the link between organizational behavior and human resource approaches and concept all described in this report. Human resource management can be used as a tool by management for shaping organizational behavior. The relationship between organizational behavior and human resource management stems from the fact that human resource management can be used as a tool for shaping organizational behavior. The practice of performance management also helps in the integration of other HR practices such as talent management, training and development, reward system management that have been discussed in this report to ensure they are all interrelated and be able to complement each other to achieving overall organizational health goals and objectives. Performance management systems aid the integration and enmeshment of HR policies with overall business organizational goals. REFERENCES Aguinis, H. (2009),†Performance Management (2nd ed.)†Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. 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