Monday, September 30, 2019
Does repositioning a patient every two hours prevent pressure ulcers?
Pressure ulcers are a common problem in all health care settings. Risk factors associated with increased pressure ulcer incidence have been identified. Activity or mobility limitation, incontinence, abnormalities in nutritional status, and altered consciousness are the most consistently reported risk factors for pressure ulcers. While evidence based protocols are in place are we doing enough to prevent pressure Ulcers?In the first Article I read, Developing a Protocol for Intensive Care Patients at High Risk for Pressure Ulcers it states That â€Å"National Database of Nursing Quality indicators report that facility acquired pressure ulcer rates for critical care units range between 7.14% and 14.5%†(Critical Care Nurse June 2012 Vol 30 no.3 77-80). The article goes on to say this number is still too high of an incidence. Before any protocol will be effective all personnel involved in direct patient care need to be trained to ensure continuity of care.The second article I read , Does Regular Repositioning Prevent Pressure Ulcers, states that â€Å"Despite gaps in our knowledge of optimal positions for specific patient groups, the ideal frequency of repositioning, and the complex relationships among support surfaces, repositioning practices and tissue interface pressures, contemporary clinicians and scholars continue to assert that repositioning is an essential component of a pressure ulcer prevention†.(Journal of Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing Nov 2008 Vo1 35 Number 6) The article goes on to say that repositioning every 4 hours along with alternating air mattresses are just as effective in preventing pressure ulcers.The third article I read Preventing Pressure Ulcers in Hospitals: A systemic Review Of Nurse-Focused Quality Improvement Interventions stated that â€Å"pressure Ulcer prevention may reduce overall incidence of hospital-acquired pressure ulcers†. (The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety June 2011 Vol 3 7 Number 6) The article goes on to talk about the gaps in research and the need for more studies as well as the need for documenting details (where the ulcer is, what unit the pt is in, how long they have been in the hosp., pt’s co morbidities).Pain, infectious complications, prolonged and expensive hospitalizations, persistent open ulcers, and increased risk of death are all associated with the development of pressure ulcers. The tremendous variability in pressure ulcer prevalence and incidence in health care settings suggests that opportunities exist to improve outcomes for persons at risk for and with pressure ulcers. In doing this research I learned that even though we have made a lot of progress towards preventing pressure ulcers we still have a long way to go. I will be using the protocol of turning my patients every two hours and when they are at a higher risk I will initiate the alternating air mattress for them.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Kanye West Analysis
The song â€Å"So Appalled by Kanye West seems to be one of many songs on Kanye’s My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy, album that takes a straight forward attack on the life that Kanye lives but at the same time likes. It seems that the album itself makes many claims about the lifestyle and things that people in the high society do. Beyond that Kanye West is well known for his music being strictly more or less about the internal battle with himself. One that is easily pointed out is â€Å"I'm trying to write my wrongs, But its funny these same wrongs helped me write this song. †(Touch the Sky) I would have to say that through Kanye West career as a song writer he’s is one of the most consistent artist that openly points out and accepts the life he lives as something that isn’t the most holy life to have. As I listen to the song So Appalled I noticed that of all the songs on the album this song seemed to have the most serious or viable beat to go with its pretty direct meaning. As I did the grammar and thesaurus changes to the song I did a lot of adding of the word I changing literally every verse into the first person and of course it sounded more like a story realistically about Kanye’s life. I think the most important changes to me was the changing of the word â€Å"ridiculous†to â€Å"unbelievable†and also changing â€Å"appalled†to â€Å"amazing†which in my eyes gave the song kind of a double meaning and also reminded me of another song he did that was actually called amazing done in the album before this 808 Heartbreak which is kind of the other half to this double meaning in the song. With most of the changes I made I feel like I changed the song to better resemble the song â€Å"Amazing†which is in first person as he talks strictly in one verse about him knowing he is a problem and saying that that’s something he is fine with and saying that you’ll never be able to take that away from him. So I don’t really believe I changed the song from its meaning just directed it and kind of tried to make it more direct which seems to be more like Kanye. In my eyes the song really talked about the way Kanye west realizes what he does in life really is kind of unbelievable and somewhat unrealistic to the everyday ife of a middle class or even a rich person who is just beginning to see the high life but hasn’t yet really experienced the whole package to think on this level. I believe that jay-Z verse is the most straight forward verse on the track that points out the sinful but amazingly unbelievable life the rappers live. I also kind of took this from Push T’s verse in the song were he starts out with â€Å"success is what you make it†â€Å"take it how it comes â€Å" as the verse goes on it seemed to me like he was talking telling a story of his like as if it was something you tell a child. He took the important concept of success and twisted it as if he’s success was good and turned to be someone what of an amazing but odd success that he is happy with but appalled with at the same time. The song really makes you think about how much the most successful rappers think about their lives as a whole. This song has to one of the most, straight forward and most creative songs created by Kanye West. I find it’s really confusing and interesting at the same time that the rappers in the song like the lives they live but at the same timed they call it ridiculous.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Abu Sayyaf Terrorist Group
The 11th of September will always be remembered in the history of the world. Not only because of the remarkable terrorist attack but because of the changes it has created in the world’s view of terrorism. Terrorism has long been related to bombing of public places or government buildings, kidnapping, and other acts of attacking innocent people. However, the notable 9/11 terrorist attack changed everything. It altered the meaning of terrorism in different contexts. The even also changed the world’s view of security. According to the US government, terrorism is â€Å"a means predominated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by sub national groups or clandestine agents†(, 2008). Another accepted definition on terrorism is câ€Å"the calculated use of violence or threats of violence to attain goals that are political, religious, or ideological in naturethrough intimidation, coercion, or instilling fear†(Chomsky and Otero, 2003, p.301). In all the definition constructed, it only denotes that terrorism is an act of killing while gravely threatening the innocent people. Around the world, there are various organized groups associated with carrying out terrorism. In the international community, the Al Qaeda is the well known terrorist that designed and executed the 9/11 terrorist attack. The Al Qaeda group was also declared as the notorious enemy of the world. However, aside from Al Qaeda, there are various organizations in different nations operating and employing acts that are causing strife to their government and to the people as well. The Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) is one of the branded enemies of the international world (Leifer, 2001, p. 48). The Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) is functioning in the Philippines and had been concluded to have link with the Al Qaeda terrorist group. Origin and objective of the Islamic Separatist Groups The geographic territory of the Philippines is composed mainly of three islands namely; Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao (Brunner, 1999, p.283). The main seat of the government of the Republic of the Philippines is situated in Luzon, particularly in its capital city Manila (Brunner, 1999, p.283). Majority of the Filipino people are Christians. Most Christians occupied Luzon and Visayas while most Muslims occupied the southern part of the country, Mindanao. The government of the Republic of the Philippines had been bothered by the Muslims group seeking for autonomy from the central government. The reason for autonomy was brought by the belief of the Muslims that the economic and humanitarian assistance afforded to them by the central government was not enough. In addition, they believed that the Muslims are given lesser priority in the political participation. For these reasons, Mindanao was never quieted from gun firings and cases of death because the government’s effort to pacify the place was not successful. War against the group and the government was prevalent in Mindanao until the 21st century. At present, Mindanao has been developed and more Christian people are living with Muslims. The group that instigated the separation of the Mindanao from the central government was the Moro national Liberation Front (MNLF) which was established and headed by Nur Misuari in 1971 (Liss). The fundamental objective of the group was the establishment of a separate Moro country. Such country would exist with a democratic form of government which is free and intolerable of being exploited and oppressed by outside force or influence. Minor objective includes the preservation of the culture of the Islamic and the indigenous people. The group was not as strong as expected because another group was formed out of MNLF. Due to internal misunderstanding, the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) deviated from the group of Misuari (Liss). The MILF was headed by Hashim Salamat, an Islamic scholar (Liss). The objective of the MILF was to stress Islamic ideology in their effort to self- determination. However, the two groups employed arms in pursuing their causes that eventually led to several internal wars in Mindanao. The Creation of Abu Sayyaff (ASG) In 1990, another group separated from the MNLF which was named as Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) (Leifer, 2001, p.49). The ASG was founded by Abduragak Abubakar Janjalani with the aim of fighting the government is a more fundamentalist manner (Public Broadcasting Service, 2008). The group also demands that the seas of Sulu and Celebes be closed against foreign fishermen. In addition, the group objective is the inclusion of Islam in Philippine schools. According to record, Janjalani was trained as a mujahedin and previously studied in Libya and in Saudi Arabia (Public Broadcasting Service, 2008). In addition, he had been fighting against Soviet forces during their occupation in Afghanistan (Public Broadcasting Service, 2008). Notably, the name Abu Sayyaf is an Arabic word which means â€Å"Bearer of Sword†(Leifer, 2001, p.49). The group was able to survive through financial support from Mohammed Jamal Khalifa (Center on Foreign Relations, 2008). Khalifa is a businessman from Suadi Arabia and is the brother-in-law of Osama bin Laden. While the Abu Sayyaf was starting, the group was already recruiting Muslim members. Through Khalifa’s money, Islamic universities and charities were established (Center for Defense Information, 2008). The fundamental teachings were influenced by extremist’s doctrine. One of the known foundation of Khalifa and the Abu Sayyaf group is the International Islamic Relief Organization which is based in Zamboanga (Center for Defense Information, 2008). The underground trainings, guns, basic necessities were all supplied by Khalifa. Eventually the group grew bigger, recruiting even children and women who believed in the Abu Sayyaf’s ideology. Some of its members were a graduate from Mazar-e Sharif, a training ground in Afghanistan. When the group has accumulated strength, they began executing their plots which includes the assassination of the visiting Pope and blowing up airliners containing 12 US civilians (Center for Defense Information, 2008).
Friday, September 27, 2019
Ethic issue Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Ethic issue - Research Paper Example thought as being a reformer, a non-government official, first run for office - an operator who was going to come in and get it done," said Pat Fanning, a veteran New Orleans legitimate advisor and no fan of the past two-term pioneer. Prosecutors contended that Nagin who is 57-years old was at the focal point of a kickback plot in where he was issued with checks, money, wire exchanges, personal favors and free go from specialists looking for contracts and great treatment from the city. He is jailed for 20 years , though, Fanning said he was likely to serve 14- to 17-year term. A January 2013 prosecution nitty gritty more than $200,000 in fixes to Nagin and his relatives, professedly gained an excursion in Hawaii; top notch airfare to Jamaica; private plane travel and limousine for New York City; and cell administration. In return, organizations that hacked up for Nagin and his family got above $5 million in Orleans’s contracts, as stated by the January 2013 prosecution. Throughout the two-week trial, prosecutors brought to the stand a string of businesspeople who had officially conceded to paying off Nagin. His defense finished little to test their stories. When Ray Nagin took the stand to defend him, he denied the charges citing that he cannot recall who paid for his trips. Ray Nagin was an opportunist who would use the businessmen who needed contracts from the government for his own personal gains as testified by the business men who turned convicts. â€Å"Every time a contractor critically needed something from Mayor Ray Nagin, he would seize that opportunity to get something in return,†(New York Times Feb. 10). Aristotle accepts that the help of the a lot of people outweigh the benefit of the few. In any case, Aristotle says that this is just the case in compelling circumstances and that the singular ought to be, however, of and dealt with first and in the event that we are to deal with the few, the numerous ought to be dealt with. Which is evident in Ray
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Reform Proposals & the Ideal Legislature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Reform Proposals & the Ideal Legislature - Essay Example Attempts at radical reforms, however, have so far been futile. For example, the slow pace of policymaking and legislation has so far remained. According to Robert Harrison (2004), Congress is a constant and neutral marketplace in which contending parties negotiated terms and contracts that shape America as a state. (9) Its plurality and the norms within it becomes an open entry for gridlock and partisan legislation. Specifically, the political parties in Congress retained a pronounced tendency to stick together even when confronted by the new issues of progressive reform. In contrast to the executive department who could make immediate decision or policy stand, the Congress must undergo a process of conflict, consensus and indecisiveness that slows down any effort of reform. The legislative leadership is very important in getting the job done in Congress essentially because it controls the legislative agenda especially in cases where the leaders’ party has the comfortable lead in numbers. For instance, the leadership can appoint leaders to various legislative committees and hence control their historic roles of refining legislation. For example, according to Gary Cox and Matthew McCubbins (2007): Complex logrolls that require a sequence of legislative enactments on the floor are†¦ dependent of the goodwill of the majority leadership. At a minimum, the leadership must agree to schedule all the pieces of the legislative bargain. Otherwise, whoever goes first (votes first, reports out a bill first, etc.) has no guarantee that the other side will be given the opportunity to uphold its end of the bargain. (228) Needless to say, an active Congressional leadership is pivotal in substantive legislation. Leaders of the Congress will have few problems if they belong to the party that has the majority. Party discipline can ensure the smooth proceedings and passage of laws because the party organization will dominate the legislative activity. However, the
Marketing strategy assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Marketing strategy assignment - Essay Example â€Å"Samsung has adopted an aggressive branding and advertising strategy to transform the company from the manufacturer of cheaper Japanese brands products to a global brand known for innovations, cutting edge technology and leading design†(Farhoomand, 2013, p.13). Consumer preferences and loyalty are essential for the development of a brand. As per the views of marketing experts, strong brands can capture consumer preferences and loyalty. Samsung is a stronger brand since it is able to offer different products such as mobile phones, televisions, computers, washing machines, Fridge, air conditioners, semi-conductor devises etc. Moreover, Samsung has stronger presences in most of the continents. Even though American company, Apple Inc. is one of the strongest competitors of Samsung, the company is able to penetrate deep into American market also. In fact Samsung is using diversified products as a mean to establish its brand in different continents and markets. Creation of emotional attachment is an effective branding strategies used by many companies. Samsung is one among such companies. Globally, Samsung is a trusted brand and many people, especially the consumers in Asia, have some kind of emotional attachments to it. For example, many of Samsung smartphone users are eagerly waiting for the arrival of new smartphones from Samsung all the time. They know very well that the ability of Samsung in incorporating new features to its new products is outstanding. The recently introduced Galaxy S6 edge is an example of Samsung abilities to make use of cutting edge technologies such as curved display (Samsung, 2015). All new products from Samsung offer some kind of surprise elements for the consumers. As a result of that, the emotional attachment towards Samsung brand among the consumers is growing. In order to create emotional attachment, Samsung makes use of different
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Cold War and its Impact on International Racism and Segregation Research Paper - 1
Cold War and its Impact on International Racism and Segregation - Research Paper Example The aspects of two social problems, international racism and segregation are examined in this paper. Emphasis is given to international racism and the segregationist image of the United States. It is concluded that the Cold War has significantly affected the international image of the United States regarding racism and segregation. The level of interaction of the above products are not standardized; within different social, political and economic conditions, the events of the Cold War could have led to different perceptions of the country’s international image regarding racism and segregation. The Cold War has strongly affected the perceptions on human rights. The starting point of the War can be identified at the end of the Second World War, i.e. in 1945. However, certain of its ideas have been already appeared before the end of the Second World War, even in 1939. Different views have been developed regarding the role of the Cold War on concepts, such as racism and segregatio n. According to Professor Adam Fairclough1, the Cold War has influenced the views of people on racial differences, leading to the promotion of values such as equality and fairness among people of different racial background and characteristics. More specifically, Professor Fairclough suggested that ‘the war had helped to discredit theories of racial superiority’.2 The above view is based on the fact that after the end of Nazism in Europe, people in countries that suffered significant damages – and human losses – could not tolerate any form of discrimination, which has been the key rule of Nazism.3 The specific fact is highlighted in the study of Professor Fairclough where reference is made to the non-acceptance of the concept of racial superiority, as the above framework was developed during the Second World War. It is explained that since the end of the Second World War the public does not accept any form of racism, either expressed, as Anti-Semitism or o ther form of racial discrimination. In addition, the Cold War has helped to increase awareness of both governments and the public on racial discrimination, making the specific problem ‘an international issue’.4 According to Professor Fairclough, racial discrimination has been an argument offering to the enemies, or else the political opponents, the chance to ask for the termination of existing governmental plans; for example, reference is made to the claim of Russia, during the Cold War, that USA does not respect human rights, especially the rights of black people.5 At this point, reference should be made to the following fact: the United States has traditionally faced a series of significant challenges regarding the entrance in the country of foreigners. Politicians do not equally support the continuous increase of foreigners across the country. In fact, certain of them are clearly opposed to such perspective. The issue is made clear in the speech of Joseph McCarthy on Communists in 1950. The key point of the specific speech has been the following one: foreigners are considered as not being directly related to the American Economy.6 Rather, it is believed that the problems of the country are related not to foreigners but to the traitors activating across the country.7 It is explained that these traitors are likely to enjoy all social and political benefits across the country, such as the right to education and the right to housing, at
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Social Control Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Social Control Theory - Essay Example My family was the first group of people that I have met since my birth and they are the people that I have known the longest. At a young age, being conscious of the things around you are one of the things that cannot be instantly achieved as our consciousness as kids are not yet sturdy. It was only around my teens when I have understood the exertion of some social control factors as a child. Only with an earnest amount of consciousness and awareness will someone realize the reason for previous events. At present, my family still holds the most authority of influence in my character and behavior. I am blessed to have a family who had made it an effort to mold me into the person that I am todayâ€â€hard working, diligent, and resourceful. In order to improve the different factors of social control, one needs to remember that the family as it is the family that is the influential in terms of controlling the social actions of the individual in society due to the influences of the family members in the early developmental stages of the people in society (â€Å"The effects of morals,†2010). Activities that can build better family ties prove to be one of the best solutions any community can offer to its members. Starting positive influences on the young within families prove to be better for the fact that as we age, logic is gained and the closeness of a mind is more possible as changes in perspective do not happen instantlyâ€â€especially if it contradicts to what people have learned at a young
Monday, September 23, 2019
The Soul and the Aristotelian Analysis of Human Beauty Essay
The Soul and the Aristotelian Analysis of Human Beauty - Essay Example It is pure by nature and can be corrupted by repetitive negative actions that later on may turn into habits. Basically, the soul is the core of every person that controls the objective mind. It deals with emotions and feelings. Instincts can be attributed to emotions, guts and soul. The spirit or soul carries on the challenges of life when the objective and limited capacity of the objective mind and the body cannot handle anything more. The soul is also the source of one’s strength and the basic foundation of every human being since it cannot deny the needs of every person. It can also bring out the best and maximize the potentials of each human being. It controls the entire being which can be equated as the main essence and purpose in life. The common purpose in the life of human beings is to achieve perfection and in that pursuit, the soul perceives perfection and takes charge of the physical body to take action and turn the concept into reality. The soul serves as the guide in planning the destination in life. It is the inner world where people have dreams, goals and aspirations. Creative people use the inner world and the soul to make and create new things and innovations in the world. The soul plays an important role in defining human beauty. Many people nowadays link beauty to flawless skin, star-like eyes, silky smooth hair, kissable lips, sexiness, strong male image, and everything related to the physical body. The popular culture heavily describes the skin-deep beauty to be more important than the inner qualities. In actuality, both the inner and the outer qualities of human beings constitute the concept of human beauty. It would be hard though to just limit the definition or the meaning of beauty as people have different beliefs. Beliefs drive the lives of people and affect their decision-making process and the manner which they perceive things. The real concept of beauty is best explained by the old but famous saying, â€Å"beauty is in the e ye of the beholder.†It shows how the concept of beauty depends upon the person looking at it. Each human being has his or her own concept of beauty. Some may define beauty through good looks and physique while others may focus on the beauty of the heart and the soul. Others may look at both in varying levels. This only shows that all people are beautiful, and all creatures are also beautiful since the concept of beauty is flexible and subjective. The objective mind or the logical thinking only creates standards on things like beauty to have a unifying concept that can be understood by all people. In the subject of soul and beauty, Aristotelian analysis can be used to study the relationship since the concept involves the logic, the credibility and the emotions. Purpose, context, and subject also affect the relationship of the writer to the readers of the paper. Every aspect and view can greatly influence how soul can help in the understanding of human beauty. Each person is a whole composed of body, mind and spirit or soul that gives the full understanding the credit when all of them are engaged in knowing and learning about concepts such as beauty. By including everyone whether their perception of beauty may be contrasting to the beauty concept of others, all must be included as life does not travel in one path, but in multiple ways as individualism is well-expressed by the existence of the soul. Uniqueness shows how people are
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Freedom to Comment Essay When working in a group, one cannot help but find things to disagree on. I don’t believe that is a deliberate choice; I believe that is just the way things are, since each person is endowed with the faculty of reason. In one of my experiences in working with a group, I had to decide within myself whether I would exercise my freedom to comment or maintain my silence. I remember having to work in a group while in college, and we were tasked with finishing a paper and thereafter presenting it in class. While writing the paper we chanced upon materials that have been submitted to our professor by the previous year’s class. The said materials contained all relevant research and findings that we would need to make an excellent report. My group mates wanted to use the materials so we could save on time and effort. Moreover, using the materials we discovered would better our chances at landing better grades, which would be beneficial for all of us. I kept waiting for one of the members of the team to speak up and challenge the morality of the group’s plan. However, I heard nothing but agreement. In my heart I felt what we were about to do was wrong, but still I struggled with the fear that I would be an outcast if I talked against them. I definitely felt the pressure of the need to conform. However, I knew that I could not live with the fact of cheating, so I told them I did not feel comfortable with the plan. I said there is a grave danger of expulsion if we were caught cheating. My group mates thought I was being self-righteous at first, but the fear of expulsion and grave reprimand led them to accept my position.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
The Inclusive Education Policy In Myanmar Education Essay
The Inclusive Education Policy In Myanmar Education Essay This research focuses on the primary and lower secondary level students with disabilities for the purpose to address the educational needs of CWDs in Myanmar. In addition, one of the most important concerns in the Myanmar educational sector is how CWDs can be provided with opportunities to take responsibility for their learning throughout the concepts of community involvement and technical assistance to achieve a sustainable future. The political and social context is discussed in terms of international policy reforms and initiatives, especially the Salamanca Statement that agreed to ensure a basic education for all children, including CWDs. The Salamanca Framework for Action (1994) was a significant milestone in the education for CWDs and recommended the mode of service delivery of timing and intervention that linked to inclusive practices. National-level policy and laws as they relate to CWDs are briefly described in service delivery, and increase awareness about the educational opportunities for them. Moreover, the government tries to make the concerted efforts harmoniously for the quality of life of PWDs at pleasant. According to the guidance of the EFA-NAP, the following activities are being implemented: Providing primary school textbooks worth over 1835.51 million kyats in free of charges for over 5 million primary students to initiate free, compulsory primary education; Preparing the programs for scholarships and stipends which will be implemented starting from 2012-13AY in basic and higher education sectors; and Enacting the private school registration law and developing rules and regulations in coordination with concerned departments to contribute the education services by the private sector. For improving the quality of school education, monitoring and supervision mechanism has been strengthened since 2006-07 AY by focusing on the teaching and learning process. Basic education schools were classified by 5 levels (A, B, C, D, E) based on applying the following monitoring and supervision criteria such as Accomplishment of the school principal; Level of school attendance; Implementation of monthly lesson plans; Students achievements; Use of teaching aids, facilities laboratories; Cultivating morale and ethics; Capacity of teaching staff; Adequate classrooms and furniture; School sanitation and tidiness; Adequate teaching aids and multimedia facilities; Greening of a school campus; and Good physical setting of schools. Myanmar has made progress in the education sector to fulfill MDG 2: Achieve universal primary education with the target of ensuring that, by 2015, children everywhere, boys and girls alike, will be able to complete a full course of primary schooling: however the dropout rate still high in secondary school level. A total of 92 governments including Myanmar and 25 international organizations reaffirmed commitment to the goals of Education for All (EFA), recognizing the necessity and urgency of providing an education for children and youth with special needs within the regular education system. By the official data on net enrollment in primary schools was 84.6% in 2010 (MOE, 2010, EFA in Myanmar) and the gender discrimination has mostly been removed from basic education enrollment. However, the net enrollment rates in secondary and tertiary education are very low. The quality of education at all levels remains a serious concern. Inclusive education (IE) is to support education for all, with special emphasis on removing barriers to participation and learning for girls and women, disadvantaged groups, children with disabilities and out-of-school children. The core point of IE is the basic right to education, which is rooted in many international human rights treaties since the UDHR adopted in 1948. The Dakar Education Forum (2000) reaffirmed that education was a fundamental human right and underlined the importance of a rights-based government actions in implementing EFA activities at the national level. The agreements on the principles and standards of IE spelt out the international human rights instruments and a rights-based education system. Myanmar government applies a rights-based approach to education in their programming and planning processes. It will also briefly discuss possible entry points and tools to move forward. In addition, it is hoped that this research will increase understanding of human rights importance in underpinning development cooperation programming, as well as fostering a discussion on the practical aspects of implementing such programming. Many of the problems are related to the lack of education quality, relevance and exclusion of learning. There is a well-recognized link between overcoming the barriers of learning and achieving the EFA goals. Government and schools principals must, therefore, pay special attention to children who should be in school, and are not, and to children who are in school, but are unable to succeed there. At the present, MOE is making special arrangements for the disabled and other excluded children to attend formal schools and to continue their education receiving special care and attention. In Myanmar, IE programs were formulated to accommodate for all children regardless of their physical, intellectual, social, emotional, linguistic or other conditions. These programs include all vulnerable children such as CWDs; children form mobile families, orphans, street children, and other disadvantaged children. No.25 Basic Education Primary School (Yangon) is the best witness of MOE in implementing IE. A new multi-pronged strategy for the capacity building in Teacher Education can promote the progressive adoption of effective teaching and learning methodologies for all CWDs at all levels. MOE and other partners strengthen educational management for the Basic Education Sector Plan that supports the Governments education service delivery to meet commodities needs at the school level. IE is a programme that creates opportunities for CWDs to pursue education together with non-disabled children in mainstreaming schools. It can bring about the educational opportunities for them. Nowadays, CWDs who have completed their primary education through special schools are now able to continue their education in mainstreaming schools by keeping abreast with other non-disabled children. IE According to the statistics data from MOE in 2011 showed that, there were 801 disable children in mainstreaming schools, 1450 children in special schools for the blind and the deaf, 30 disable students in universities and colleges and 6 disable students in master degree courses in 2010-11 AY. The government policy was developed and practiced with policy reform to fill the gap in legal and policy development. As par hearing from the media, the advocacy for helping disabled issue more and more in Myanmar. The government policy and legal change occur on resetting criteria for definition of PWDs. Out of nine criteria (international norms), some implementation processes of IE use four criteria to define the PWDs. To be more specific about educational opportunities for CWDs, the government agrees to provide all children (including all regardless of physical condition) equal opportunity to learn basic education. In the actual situation, there has a gap between policy and practice. The concept of IE means welcoming all children, without discrimination, in formal schools. Indeed, it is a focus on creating environments responsive to the differing developmental capacities, needs, and potentials of all children. Inclusion means a shift in services from simply trying to fit the child into normal settings; it is a supplemental support for their disabilities on special needs and promoting the childs overall development in an optimal setting. It calls for respect of difference and diversity of individual characteristics and needs. This has to include a consideration of overall organization, curriculum and classroom practice, support for learning and staff development. By the collaboration and cooperation of MOE, DSW is implementing inclusive education for the students with disabilities especially for the Blind and the Deaf students. Also, inclusive education workshops were held throughout the country and the teachers from the MOE and the staffs from DSW were also attended. Myanmar is now implementing six sectors for PWDs across the nation such as Enhancing Education Standard, Improving Vocational Trainings and Job Opportunities, Promoting Health Care Service, Enhancing Reintegration into the Society, Upgrading Capacity Building and Morale, and Providing Social Needs. In this situation, if the service providers can make the concerted efforts harmoniously, the life quality of PWDs will surely be enhanced and pleasant. Inclusive education can bring about the educational opportunities for CWDs. Some NGOs and DPOs are collaborating with the Department of Social Welfare, the Department of Basic Education and the Department of Health for CWDs, who have completed their primary and lower secondary education level through special schools, able to continue their education. 3.6.1 Implementing processes of IE by I/LNGOs TLMI is involving a little part in this area of IE implementation processes. They only conduct trainings for teachers on disability issues, the importance of CWDs to get the opportunity to attend schools like any other children and providing some barrier free arrangement in selected schools. TLMI is working with the parents of CWDs to convince to send the formal school and on the other hand they also try to engage with school principals to accept and pay attention for those children. Also they proposed the education need of PWDs in the Draft disabled law, advocate the decision makers and teacher, and we are working together with U Tin Nyo, retired DG from MOE who is very interested in IE for CWDs. Myanmar Independent Living Initiative (MILI) has concrete plan to implement the IE programs for children with cross-disabilities, they could not take shape it yet fully because their organization is just one year old still young. But, some executive members of MILI organization are actively involved in comprehensive disability law drafting process to ensure the educational rights of PWDs. The Long experience of disability inclusive education for five years, the community-based rehabilitation programs mainly supported poor children with disabilities to go to mainstream schools, advocated parents and education teachers for disability inclusive education and renovated the schools to be accessible for students with disabilities in collaboration with Department of basic education, DSW, local PWDs Self-help Organizations and other relevant stakeholders. That organization has planned to work in IE policy for PWDs by following kinds of strategies; Awareness raising and advocacy for disability inclusive education policy law Capacity building of educational officers and staffs, and parents as well Support children with disabilities for their mainstream and special schools Change the schools as accessible friendly places for disabled children Strengthen the collaboration among government departments, non-government sectors and relevant stakeholders to ensure the educational right of disabled children Eden initiated the project of IE implementing in formal schools and the plan for barrier free renovation such as walkways, seat toilet and one handrail that fixed in the toilet. In that project, 80 IE students were gathered at Eden Centre for CWDs. Also Eden celebrated the township level awareness meeting for introducing to the teachers for successfully implemented IE policy. It means that the principals and teachers from 21 schools are introducing IE awareness about IE at their schools. Therefore, IE process can only succeed through strong collaboration and cooperation amongst all shareholders especially from the government site and the donor site as well. Eden is cooperating with DSW and MOE. According to their advice, they held workshops and trainings for awareness raising workshop with DSW and MOE and shared awareness about IE and disability issue to other I/LNGOs staff, local authorities, other stakeholders and teachers from mainstream schools. EDEN organizes a series of mobile training courses throughout Myanmar aimed at helping improve the lives of disabled people which focus on activities such as CBR, IE and disability development. Through the help of DSW and Department of Basic Education No. (1), (2) and (3), awareness training not only about IE but also the Social Model of Disability was conducted in mainstream schools. PWDs in Yangon have more chances to access this information with help from NGOs and DSW, but those living in rural areas having difficulties due to inconvenient transportation and lack of mobility, U Hta Oke said. Im pleased about the growing number of people working in the field, but most of them are using a charity approach, which involves giving food, money, tools and other necessities, he said. Not many are using a life-based approach, which means providing training so they can stand on their own feet. Moreover, for the educational status of children with hearing/seeing/ intellectual disabilities in Myanmar is inadequate and behind-the-times. There is only the DSW has one project on sign language especially for people with hearing disability. There is no standard educational practice. Teachers learn by copying the methods of older teachers. According to the UN CRPD agreement emphasizes bi-lingual/bi-cultural education for people with hearing disability. The Mary Chapman School in Yangon uses the philosophy Total Communication that is method has been a widely adopted language policy in deaf education from the 1970s. But this philosophy is out-dated. Graduation rates are very low. In Yangon Division, only 14 students with hearing disability have passed high school and only six have graduated from university until 2011-2012 academic years. Undertaking All School-age Children in School Program In Myanmar, all school aged children in school project (ACIS) was implemented by the MOE by collaborating with UNICEF since 1994 with the aims of reducing the number of over-aged out of school children, eliminating non-school going populace, ensuring that all school aged children to attend school and increasing the enrollment rate of primary level students. They designed the last week of May as the Whole Country School Enrollment Week. 3.6.2 Special schools which are supported IE for CWDs Myanmar has a policy of IE, which means disabled students, including those who are blind, are allowed to attend classes in mainstream schools. This study found that mainstream schools are not properly equipped to cater for students with disabilities which mean that most CWDs are forced to attend special schools, despite the policy. There are challenges to implementing the policy, since schools lack the required resources and facilities. Myanmar Christian Fellowship of the Blind (MCFB) was founded on 4th August, 1975, to upgrade the basic level of education afforded to blind people in order to increase opportunities of leading independent in life styles. That foundation encourages beneficiaries in education specific to their needs including vocational training, as well as a focus on how to cope as a blind parent and job placements. The MCFB accepts children aged five and above and enrolls a similar method to the government mainstreaming schools. At that school, students can learn from grade 1 to 5 and then they can continue their secondary education in formal school. That school charges Kyats 15,000 a year for day students and Kyats 40,000-50,000 for boarding students, which covers accommodation, meals and tuition fees. However, there are over 700 blind and visually impaired students receive a formal or vocational education. The schools should be equipped with teaching materials in Braille, and teachers who know how to teach the blind by using Braille, said Mr. Thein Lwin, the general secretary of MCFB. Also in an interview with the principal of the Kyee Myint Daing School for the Blind found that the school accepts children from age six to 16, who are taught to the fourth standard. After they finished the primary education, they are sent to a formal school to continue their secondary education. The school and provides has both day students and boarders with free of charges for all fees of food and accommodation. The school can accept 200 students for one academic year. Mary Chapman School for the Deaf accepts children from the ages of five to 18. At that school, children can learn regular curriculum that is taught in formal schools together with speech reading, finger spelling and sign language. Moreover, children at that school over 10-year of aged are taught reading, writing and arithmetic and vocational training such as tailoring, knitting, book binding, bag-making, cooking and massage. The school fee is Kyats 6,000 per month including meals for students. The School for Disabled Children in Mayangone Township in Yangon is operated by the DSW. That school accepts both physically and mentally disabled children between the ages of six to 18 and teaches the standard curriculum up to the fourth standard. It has developed a special curriculum for children with a learning disability that take into account the extent of their disability and their capacity to learn. The current admission fee is Kyats 10,000 for one academic year. Further, while the study found that, the technical for education and training initiatives are not new to Myanmar. As a result of some recent educational developments and reforms, it is new to some teachers and learners both in curriculum and methods of delivery. Special Program for Over-aged Children This program is one of the branches of all school aged children in school especially for over-aged children. It was started in 2003-04 AY at basic education schools. If the child has between the age of 7 and 8, he/she will complete the primary education within 3 years and if the child has over 9 years of age, this accelerated program enables to complete his/her primary education within 2 years. Monastic Education System Under the supervision the Ministry of Religious Affairs, the monastic basic education schools are initiated by collaborating with the MOE. They use the formal basic education curriculum of MOE but the schooling hour is flexible according to the students availability. This program is so benefit for the marginalized children including CWDs that is complementary to the formal education system. In 2010-11 AY, there were about 1431 Monastic schools (1071 primary schools, 246 post primary schools, 112 middle schools and 2 high schools) with 0.215 million students including novices and nuns. Currently, at least 40% of all students in Myanmar are attending at these monastic schools. The research found that it is still very few opportunities for CWDs if we compared to the entire nation. 3.7 Problems of accessibility to education faced by PWDs The principle of basic education as a right based approach has been accepted internationally. However, a large number of CWDS are not able to complete a minimum number of school years in most developing countries. They face a variety of barriers before coming to school and even within the school. This research findings highlighted the problems of CWDs to access education that although the regulation and laws on inclusive education for all excluded children have been well established in Myanmar. The government runs the IE as the national level education development plan, however, there is a lack of educational assistive materials such as Braille books, Braille writing frames and syllabuses, qualitative/standard papers for writing in Braille, assistive devices for mathematical teaching or learning, and sign language interpreters. For these reasons and because of the lack of skilled teachers, the IE systems benefits have not been realized. Learning through the restricted environment has also been one the most critical issues of educational opportunities for PWDs that needs to be addressed in order to create equality and equitable education in Myanmar. The current education system does not suit for PWDs in rural area, specifically in promoting the education standard of CWDs. In fact, there are several factors that influence over the education opportunity for CWDs. In addition, the researcher tries to explore what are those factors, challenges, and obstacles in pursuing education in the community. The following data are contributed by the PWDs and community representatives during the field research. Towards the attainment of MDGs, many challenges still remain with regard to special focus which is required on hard-to-reach areas. A need of advocacy with more focus on duty bearer is a strategy to make sure of the long term commitment. The policy needs to be rewritten with a better understanding of authorities, duty bearers and duty holders. Moreover, the accessible services for PWDs in Myanmar is very little, only those who live in cities could access to those services and even then they need to get to such places where by need a lot of barriers to overcome to get there and money factor is another big barrier. In 2008, there are only 100 Physiotherapists appointed in hospitals under ministry of health. According to the First Myanmar National Disability Survey 2010 showed that there were only 50% of PWDs in Myanmar never attended school, out of which 66.5% enrolled in primary schools, 22.2% in secondary schools. Some kind of problems concerned with CWDs. A large percentage of those who do attend mainstream schools soon drop-out because of unfriendly attitudes and environments in educational settings. They often encounter negative treatment from their peers who are not sensitized to disability issues. Most teachers and school principals are not familiar with the idea of including. In Myanmar, one of the Southeast Asian countries, most of the people are still discriminate and exclude the CWDs traditionally. They believe money can make CWDs to be happy. Its not right. In special schools, there have IE projects for all CWDs. It can only the way to make in those childrens lives to be valuable. While the enrollment rate increase almost 100% every year at school opening seasons, there is alarming about 40-50% dropping out before they completed in their primary education so one could imagine for students with disabilities. There is little help for schooling opportunities for students with disabilities with the current situation because of the low awareness about the disability issue, wrong traditional believes and practice, less accessible resources (Brielle, sign language, teaching aids, Buildings, etc.), Low prioritization and no special law and regulation to protect them. Among the four types of disabilities, accessibility for physical disability, blind and deaf disability may be about 3. For people with intellectual disability is 0.05. The vast majority of CWDs never attended school and that a large percentage of the ones who do attend mainstream schools soon drop out due to inaccessible school infrastructure, lack of learning scopes, improper learning process and unfriendly school environment. But amongst the children that are not in any form of educational setups, a large majority shows a keen interest to acquire education. CWDs may have many of the problems that affect children at risk. The difficulties and problems are not because of their impairments but because of several barriers around their environments. During this field research, the researcher notified that there is an absence of reliable and consistent data on the educational status of children according to their disabilities. This makes it difficult for educators, policy-makers and programmers to understand the nature of the problem, and identify possible solutions. Moreover, the current teaching methods are not addressing to the individual needs of students with disabilities by lacking training and experience of teachers in teaching and handling them. Currently, the education of CWDs is concerned by DSW. For this reason, it is difficult to mainstream the program. Education for CWDs needs to be addressed by the MOE by collaborating with DSW and other stakeholder organizations. Economic Factors The high cost of instructional materials of CWDs further curtailed their access to all inclusive education services. Some representatives from DPOs were also presented about the cross section of economic factors of CWDs families to access education. To summarize the various agreements on poverty issues that is seriously hindering the CWDs from accessing education. Poverty is not only affected on the accessibility of basic education for CWDs but also for other children. In other the school drop-out CWDs case, many of them are suffering from an unrecorded or undiagnosed disability. If the community aware more about the disability issue, they could try to improve education for those children, but right now the illiteracy rate of this population is so high and that caused an economic burden on countries. In the failure to include those CWDs, most of the community members are ignoring an important step in our attempt to eradicate poverty. Poverty and lack of knowledge on disability issues are the major problems accessing education for CWDs. Poverty would stand out on top as there are livelihood opportunities for parents who are poor and having CWDs in the family. The researcher agrees with the respondents that because of the perceived added costs of health related problems, the problem is relatively deeper when the CWDs are involved. More than half of the population of PWDs lives in rural areas detached from the benefits of information and communication, transportation, and certain advanced technological facilities. Indeed the high cost of equipments, coupled with the rampant poverty predetermines the near or total absence of instructional materials. There does not seem to be a policy to ensure the massive distribution of these materials. School infrastructure The lack of matching infrastructure necessary for the integration was identified as a key challenge to all inclusive education services. Most of the schools infrastructures are not comfortable for children with physical and visual disabilities. There are many environmental barriers for wheelchair movement. In schools that are at least two stories high, there is no way to climb up the stair by children in wheelchairs or using crutches. Parents of physically disabled children have to be carried up stairs and the doors are also not large enough for wheelchairs to pass through. Lack of classroom adaptations hinders the movement of children with disabilities including the furniture of the classrooms and accessible toilets. These barriers are so difficult to access IE. A key problem is the lack of clear policy guiding I/LNGOs interventions in education for students with disabilities. Another barrier is the lack of reliable information and statistics which could back up planning and funding processes. All schools are under the Ministry of Education, but the development issues of CWDs are still under the DSW. Existing policies related to education and disabilities were found to be contradictory to each other. Appropriate policy formulation adaptation is required to overcome the barriers. Moreover, the budget for education is the basic need and awareness of duty bearers and duty holders need to be promoted along with its legal and policy development. It is somehow, inclusion is not a subject of Teachers training college, training methods tools are not available in Myanmar. Insufficient knowledge of inclusive teaching methodologies, lack of public awareness about the needs and opportunities of this target group and lack of funding to support inclusive education for CWDs are all preventing these children from receiving an education and being included in wider society. It is found that to be depended upon the individual teachers or school principals interest to initiate and include in the mainstream education system. Most of the services are available only in Major City such as Yangon, Mandalay and Sagine where 27% of PWDs are aware of existing social services, while only a third of those ever contacted the agency. Isolation and negative attitude by peers According to the EFA strategy, all schools are found to be enforcing IE process regarding the CWDs but there are no insulting them, special support for them, no strenuous work for them. In some cases, some non-disabled children perceive some CWDs as contagious and fear that they will transmit from those disabilities. Some superstitious parents of non-disabled children want to prevent their children from making friends with CWDs. This is one factor that upsets one of CWDs. Information and awareness sector As to the awareness of NGOs who provide services for PWDs, 14.7% know of their presence but just over 1.7% of those who are aware of the services had ever contacted NGOs. Concerning special institutions, 20.2% of PWDs have knowledge about special institutions but only less than 1.7% of them ever had contact with them. Only 14.6% of PWDs know about the existence of organizations for and of PWDs whereas only 2.5% of them ever been involved with those organizations. Participation of PWDs in IE policy is not a big problem for physically disabled persons. The big problem is IE and vocational training for ID. Government, I/LNGOs and DPOs need to do a lot of it. Unavailable trained teachers in adopting students with disabilities The lack of enough trained teachers has predetermined that CWDs lack the specialized care they need. This could be explained by lack of awareness and disability related facilities like ramps, special toilet facilities, learning materials by the parents. Teachers can integrate the virtue of education levels, roles and responsibilities by being exposed the requirements of CWDs in the community. In almost all schools, the students with disabilities allow to sit in front of the classrooms. Nevertheless in some schools, there was no effort to support for CWDs in this regard. The researcher noticed that one student with hearing disability was sitting at the back of the classroom that worsen her learning skill. When the researcher asked her class teacher about it, she said that the child had not told her about it. Teaching method Another problem faced by CWDs is the traditional methods of teaching and learning that has little scope for addressing diverse learning needs of students, lack of continuous assessment of individual learners, and a serious shortage of assistive devices and learning materials all act as major barriers to CWDs. There is no special curriculum for CWDs in mainstream schools but there are some special schools for CWDs, which unfortunately those schools are not located in and around the rural area. If CWDs can able to access formal education in the mainstream schools, they can gain not only education, but also the opportunity for social inclusion with their non-disabled friends that are so important to practice for their life-skills. Summarizing the interview with one student with intellectual disability from special school shared his feeling that he wanted to attend the school and he would like to live with his friends. If he stays at home, he feels so lonely and bored because he has nothing to do at home. He wants t
Friday, September 20, 2019
Cultural Myths :: essays research papers
We are considered fortunate to live in the world that we do today. Material things seem to be bountiful, science and technology simply keeps on advancing, and we are all busy and hard at work in school or making money to achieve certain things in life by whatever means. In particular, science and technology has introduced so many significant inventions and conveniences to society that we cannot help but feel that we need to have these things. The products and services out there being advertised and sold are glamorized to appear faultless so that our attention is drawn to the benefits. Unfortunately, there are drawbacks and the fact that these inventions and conveniences are supposed to be quick and helpful could be a mere myth. This might lead one to ask if all the things we think we need to help us are really conveniences or merely burdensome. An example of something that is very useful and convenient, but at the same time could be very problematic would be the computer. Uses for computers have reached new heights. Aside from using them for word processing, computers serve as a source of entertainment with games and the Internet, are a means of communication, and we are able to shop in our underwear now if that’s what is preferred. The Internet alone can have you sitting in the same place for hours at a time because of all its possibilities. However, along with all of its advantages come a computer’s weaknesses. Putting a spotlight on the Internet, what poses a concern to me would be the safety of it all. Nowadays, we can not be certain that what we perceive to be private information still remains to be so. When we make purchases over the Internet, so much information is available to the person sitting on the other end, which can in turn wind up in the hands of many others without our knowledge. It takes so much more time to make sure your information is secure with passwords and usernames. Wouldn’t it simply be easier to go out and buy what you need instead of worrying about what kind of personal information could be leaking out everywhere? It would save a lot of worry and one’s sanity. However, one might agree that it saves them time to do their grocery shopping at home while they can still watch the kids or fill their prescriptions without leaving the house with swollen lips because of an allergic reaction.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Ghost Story of the Landon House Essay examples -- Urban Legends Ghost
Landon House: Urbana, Maryland Urban legends and ghost stories play an important role in society. Supernatural and â€Å"uncanny†events are evident in the folklore of every culture. Stories of the supernatural, such as ghosts and magic, are typically passed down as oral traditions from generation to generation. With the advent of mass media, such as television and the Internet, ghost stories can become easily popularized. The realm of ghost stories and urban legends is divided among skeptics and believers. However, â€Å"the lack of verification in no way diminishes the appeal urban legends have for us,†(Brunvand 2). Whether one believes in ghosts or not, it is not uncommon for some people to blame peculiar happenings on the supernatural. This is not unlike the unexplained chill that goes up you spine or makes the hair stand up on the back of your neck. Regardless whether a ghost story is fantastical or ostensibly based in truth, the overall impact of the story on the listeners depends on t he delivery of the orator. When prompted for a ghost story or urban legend of our town, my girlfriend pointed to the Landon House as a source for several ghost stories and supernatural happenings. I was told this story while driving back from the movie theater at about one A.M. The route back to our homes ironically leads past the Landon House. We both also live approximately one mile from it. As we turned off the highway, onto the deserted back roads, she began the story: For as long as anyone can remember, late at night at the Landon house a white figure of an old woman carrying a candle has been seen walking through the hallways of the second floor. Passersby claim to witness the flicker of a candle in a window long after the fina... ... story and compare it to those that already exist. As any story gets passed along, the minor components will always vary with the stable elements will remaining the same. The symbols in the Landon House ghost story, specifically the old woman, the civil war soldiers, and the dogs, show that our society believes that repeated actions transcend time, that death leaves its mark, and that disturbing the peace of spirits tends to â€Å"awaken†them. Works Cited Brunvand, Jan Harold. The Vanishing Hitchhiker: American Urban Legends & Their Meanings. New York: W. W. Norton, 1981. Cannon, Timothy L., Nancy Whitmore. Ghosts and Legends of Frederick County. Frederick, Maryland: Studio 20 Inc., 1979. Dunne, Patrick. "Ghost Stories Haunt Landon House." The Frederick Newspost 27 Oct. 2005. 6 Apr. 2008
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Going to the Territory :: Going to the Territory Essays
Going to the Territory  Ralph Ellison’s essay â€Å"Going to the Territory†is truly a definition of American culture. Ellison’s essay is a description of his journey from Oklahoma to Brown University and along the way he uncovers truths about the way Americans selectively acknowledge their history and ignore important aspects of their culture and let them fester into an uncontrollable problem. Ellison had a connection to Brown University before he even made it out of grammar school. His principal was the first colored man to graduate from Brown and Ellison received an award in memorial to Dr. Inman Page, Ellison’s grammar school principal. It is through his time spent at Brown and his journey there that he realizes that American culture is based upon what people choose to hear and see. â€Å"Considering the ironic fact that Americans continue to find themselves stumbling into (as well as over) details of their history, tonight’s is a most American occasion†¦At any rate, in the two hundreds years of our existence   a great deal has been overlooked or forgotten†(123). Ellison says that Americans ignore the social problems of our country, which results in the problems growing out of control. Race is one of these problems. According to Ellison, race is a result of people’s personal interests. People are so self interested that they look past the pressing issues of today. â€Å"Our unknown history doesn’t stop having consequences each though we ignore them†(133). Because we as Americans ignored such issues as racial inequality- in that the debt Americans owe the black community is not repayable. We think that by instituting laws to make all persons equal is enough, but this equality is never achieved, but looked past as though it is fine.  Ellison speaks of Black culture as being imitated and mimicked by many non-white citizens. He mentions Europeans dancing like the Negroes, and how they other members of society find it absurd for them to behave in such a way. These people are subject to the prejudices of those who have overlooked the instances of inequality in the past. Today, people who pose as Blacks are subject to much scrutiny and discrimination. They are termed â€Å"wiggers†and and are often seen as offensive. Ellison thought that this mimicking behavior was okay and acceptable.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Demonstrative Communication Essay
â€Å"Communication is an exchange of information, verbal pr written message and is the process of sending and receiving message†. () With communication there must be a sender and a receiver for it to take place. In this paper I will provide examples how effective and ineffective demonstrative communication can be positive or negative on situations. Also I will explain how demonstrative communication involves listening and responding. Demonstrative communication is nonverbal and unwritten communication thought facial expression or body language. Effective ways for a sender and receiver to communicate in a demonstrative way would be to send the right message. Sender would want to make sure the receiver comprehends and understands the sender. For example Kinesics: â€Å"refers to the many behaviors of the body†() these would include posture, gestures, and facial expressions. To make a positive gesture one could give the sender two thumbs up letting them know they did a great job. Letting the sender know they understand the message. A negative gestures would be a frown or to raise an eyebrow. This would provide feedback to the sender letting them know you disagree. Effective communication is a two way street for the sender and receiver. Ineffective ways for sender and receiver to communicate would be if the sender was demanding or ordering the receiver for something, and persuading or lecturing them. For example, using words like â€Å"you must†this may make the receiver think you are being demanding and they may resent you. Lecturing the receiver is another negative way to communicate with them. This may cause them to feel like they are wrong. Hepatic is a powerful form of communication. This would include giving the sender a pat on the back letting them knows you understand and everything was great. A native communication result would be a slap in the face. This would lead to many problems. Demonstrative communication between the sender and receiver will be positive if the sender does not overload the receiver with to much information at one time. If the receiver provides active listening or reading, this will allow the receiver to engage in what the sender is trying to get across to them. Demonstrative communication can also be negative if the receiver has a lack of eye contact or crossing of the arms. Things like this tell the sender one may not be interested in their message they are trying to get across. Provide feedback is a part of responding and giving the sender insurances that you are listening and understood what was being said. With demonstrative communication for example, one can respond by providing feedback like, â€Å"What I’m hearing is†¦Ã¢â‚¬ This lets the sender know you are listening to the message.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Advocacy Campaign for Child Welfare
CHAPTER ONE SITUATION ANALYIS To be able to come up with a good child welfare advocacy, the group assessed the external and internal situation. This chapter evaluates the situations and trends in a particular advocacy. It provides the information needed for planning. Background of Child Welfare Child welfare is a government- run service for protecting children and young people who are underage which are still vulnerable to abuses like commercial sexual exploitation, trafficking, child labor, and harmful traditional practice.It is estimated that in our country, about 100,000 children die each year from preventable diseases, more than 2 million school age children are not studying, there were also upwards of 2 million working children and that street children number about 200,000 in 57 cities. UNICEF figures out the number of sexually prostituted children at around 60,000. There are many organizations here in the Philippines that promote child welfare that has one common goal which is to help many children, especially children who are homeless and had been abandoned by their love ones.According to Presidential Decree No. 663 dated December 10, 1974 regarding the Child and Youth Welfare Code Art. 3. Right of the Child clearly states that: All children shall be entitled to the rights herein set forth without distinction as to legitimacy or illegitimacy, sex, social status, religion, political, antecedents, and other factors. (1) Every child is endowed with the dignity and worth of a human being from the moment of his conception, as generally accepted in medical parlance, and has, therefore, the right to be born well. 2) Every child has the right to a wholesome family life that will provide him with love, care and understanding, guidance and counseling, and moral and material security. The dependent or abandoned child shall be provided with the nearest substitute for a home. (3) Every child has the right to a well-rounded development of his personality to the end th at he may become a happy, useful and active member of society. The gifted child shall be given opportunity and encouragement to develop his special talents.The emotionally disturbed or socially maladjusted child shall be treated with sympathy and understanding, and shall be entitled to treatment and competent care. The physically or mentally handicapped child shall be given the treatment, education and care required by his particular condition. (4) Every child has the right to a balanced diet, adequate clothing, sufficient shelter, proper medical attention, and all the basic physical requirements of a healthy and vigorous life. 5) Every child has the right to be brought up in an atmosphere of morality and rectitude for the enrichment and the strengthening of his character. (6) Every child has the right to an education commensurate with his abilities and to the development of his skills for the improvement of his capacity for service to himself and to his fellowmen. (7) Every child h as the right to full opportunities for safe and wholesome recreation and activities, individual as well as social, for the wholesome use of his leisure hours. 8) Every child has the right to protection against exploitation, improper influences, hazards, and other conditions or circumstances prejudicial to his physical, mental, emotional, social and moral development. (9) Every child has the right to live in a community and a society that can offer him an environment free from pernicious influences and conducive to the promotion of his health and the cultivation of his desirable traits and attributes. (10) Every child has the right to the care, assistance, and protection of the State, particularly when his parents or guardians fail or are unable to rovide him with his fundamental needs for growth, development, and improvement. (11) Every child has the right to an efficient and honest government that will deepen his faith in democracy and inspire him with the morality of the const ituted authorities both in their public and private lives. (12) Every child has the right to grow up as a free individual, in an atmosphere of peace, understanding, tolerance, and universal brotherhood, and with the determination to contribute his share in the building of a better world.The Helping Juans group would like to market our advocacy and also to contribute in giving awareness to everyone about child welfare especially the parents simply because we would like to educate them regarding concerns about the welfare of each and every one’s children, meaning, we love our children and they should be provided with all the support, either physically, financially, emotionally, spiritually, and morally.Every child has their own rights and every one of them need to be treated in a right way. But the child welfare in the Philippines is not given that much attention because the kind of governance we have now is corrupt and cannot be dependable all the times because of countless pr oblems that our country is facing and it is sad to say that number of street children are increasing.But if our government will just make up for all their mistakes and give more attention to our real problems especially the lack of funds on every department including DSWD (Department of Social Welfare and Development), it would be a great relief to everybody especially those children who are in an orphan who had been abandoned and just relying to their orphanage. CHAPTER TWO ADVOCACY CAMPAIGN Christmas for Little Juans is an advocacy campaign introduced by Helping Juans, a group composed of nine members from MA101.We made this group for us to help abandoned children even with just simple things, like feeding them, giving them gifts and showing them love especially to this kind of season. These children are often working in very difficult circumstances without enough food to eat and decent place to sleep. The street is their only home. Our advocacy campaign is to raise awareness abou t these children. We want them to be recognized and at the same time to be cared and sheltered. It is our organization's ultimate goal in raising awareness about these kids and also in gathering support for the welfare and benefit of street children in Manila.We are volunteer based and believe that the money our donors give should be used wisely and efficiently as possible. The target participants for our advocacy campaign were the Asia Pacific College community particularly the students of APC. But that doesn’t mean that the campaign is limited only to these people, but instead, they are just mainly the market. APCians, together with the faculty and staff, were encouraged to join to help the group gain funds for their advocacy campaign and help their beneficiary foundation.These participants didn’t regret helping the campaign but instead touched their hearts and realized how important helping the needy people is. The group did not just help others but also helped them selves because by helping other people to the best of their ability, they automatically helped themselves. Helping Juans believed that it is their group’s as well as the entire mankind's obligation to make sure these kids get proper place to live, proper education and proper treatment, so that they can appreciate their lives and look towards the brighter side and maybe, someday they can also make an impact in this world.CHAPTER THREE PARTNER ORGANIZATION The My Father’s House (MFH) is a licensed, nonprofit child caring organization serving the abandoned, neglected and orphaned children. This organization aims to introduce each child to Jesus Christ with the hope that they come to know Him as Lord and Saviour of their lives through the promotion of discipline and obedience under God’s love and principle, provide programs and services to develop self sufficiency and independency, place children in loving stable Christian homes for their protection and security, an d implement holistic programs that will empower children and youth.The organization has a total of 64 students, 10 of which are youth scholar under the Independent Living Program. Others were declared abandoned and voluntarily surrendered by parents. They train these children to observe respect and politeness on their behavior and it is observed that the children have become more accepting of one another and of the authority that the adults have over them. They also implement behavior modification strategies so they would become more open to caregivers and social workers. Children are being adopted by Filipino, American, Spanish and Finnish families.They are open to people who are willing to help and give hands to the children. They prefer clothes, school supplies and food for the children. MFH is located at 135 Ramona Tirona corner Sison St. , BF East Phasi VI, Las Pinas, their location is inside the subdivision and it has a high security which they can have the assurance of the ch ildren's safety. They have places for children to sleep, eat, study and play. They have 3 bed rooms, one room for girls, one room for boys from 5-12 and another for teenagers.They have a kitchen which serves good food and they eat as a family. They have a separate building for studying and well trained teachers for them. They have court, play ground and a pool for the children to enjoy. MFH has several partners like Benny Hinn Ministries and Partners, Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), Inter-Country Adoption Board (ICAB), Association of Child-Caring Agencies in the Philippines (ACCAP), KRAFT Philippines, and Wide Horizons for Children, etc. CHAPTER FOUR OBJECTIVES General Objectives: To be able to raise child welfare awareness in the Asia Pacific College community effectively * To inculcate to the minds of the people the essence of child welfare * To build up empathy for these children * To let the orphans experience God’s loving touch by sharing food, gifts and clothing * To share love and care during the Christmas season CHAPTER FIVE INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS STRATEGIES The group planned to promote â€Å"Christmas for Little Juans†through print ads and through the use of social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook.It was found to be more effective as the target market of this advocacy campaign, the Asia Pacific College community is usually inclined with these media, so the relay of the message of â€Å"Christmas for Little Juans†is effective and efficient. A. Viral Marketing Viral Marketing was executed through the use of Facebook. The group has created a fanpage, â€Å"Christmas for Little Juans,†so that they will be able to disseminate announcements and updates easily. Aside from that, it also helped them also be easy to get feedbacks from its participants. B. AdvertisingPrint advertisements were produced so that it will be posted in the bulletin boards. By doing this so, the APC community was able to be aware of that the group campaigns for. C. Public Relation The group built a good relation with their sponsor companies and because of this, these companies helped them fund the advocacy. In addition, they have also talked and discussed to some professors their advocacy campaign. In return, some professors allowed their students to attend the activities the group has prepared. D. Selling The group sold ballers to introduce the campaign to their target market.These items were sold through the micro blogging sites, Facebook and Twitter to minimize costs since selling these items in the cafeteria costs a lot because the group must pay additional expenditure for occupying a space in the caf. On the other hand, they also held a film showing at room 415. * Ballers The group saw the trend of wearing ballers in school so they have thought of selling this item for a cause. In a baller is a statement that says, â€Å"I support Child Welfare. †It was a good way of introd ucing the campaign since it spoke for what the group campaigns for.The group was able to get it for P35 each and was also able to sell it for P60, making a profit of P25 per baller. * Sponsorships The group sent letters of sponsorships to fund other activities. * Film Showing The group rented Room 415 for film showing. A person will be charged P50 for a movie as an entrance fee. But then, he/she will enjoy free unlimited snacks while watching. b. Culminating Activity * The group wanted to have a culminating activity that will not only benefit the foundation but also give their audience something in return.They’ve came up hand stamps for their culminating activity. APCians were gathered at the cafeteria to post their hand paints on a long cloth. A registration fee of P20 is charged. They got a free button pin that says, â€Å"I SUPPORT CHILD WELFARE. †It’s not only the button pins that they got, but also the extraordinary feeling of supporting a campaign. CHAPTE R SIX TIME TABLE CHAPTER SEVEN EVALUATION A. Audience Response a) Advocacy Our advocacy campaign was to inform not only students and professors but everyone to be aware of today’s children welfare.Nowadays, almost everybody is aware of the poverty of our country is experiencing and one major problem is the lack support of the society to the children on the streets. Our Advocacy targets to influence everyone to be aware of what is going on to these children. Implementing our campaign, we expound the knowledge of our audience of what our advocacy really means and how they could help. The audience responded in a manner that we did not expect. They have been aware of today’s children in our society and as part of their response, knowing that this could help the welfare; they did not hesitate to support every event we shared.They let our campaign sink in not only in their minds but also with their heart to show their care for these children. No doubt that our campaign achie ved not only its proposed objectives but we also hit the hearts of every audience who cares for the children. b) Culminating Activity The title of our culminating activity is â€Å"High-Five For A Cause†. People wondered what we meant by that, even the audio visual presentation is not enough for them. Due to our creative way of dragging their attention, they started to get curious on our boothâ€â€so they went to our area and checked things out.As we explained things to them, we received different types of expression; for some it is just a waste of time and money, but for others they appreciated our concern to the orphan. Now, P20 is not much of a pain in the pocket that is why all we have to do is invite them without too much effort. In addition to this, once they already put their handpaint on the wall they received a button pin meaning that they supported our campaign. Because of this, registration fee was actually a good deal for those who participated. Most of the rea ctions we got are either a ready to participate gesture or eager to get out of that place.As we execute our activity, we observed that people who have seen our campaign is just a waste of money and time for some, like what we have mentioned before. Moreover, some think that putting paint in their hands is a hassle on their part, thinking maybe the paint we use is hard to get rid off. However, for those who were interested, we observed that as they put their handpaintings on the wall it is more likely a fun thing to do for them knowing that something was unique and it was for a cause. B. Budget Utilization Disbursement of Funds for Christmas Party Funds from SponsorshipsFunds from Fund Raising Activities CHAPTER NINE RECOMMENDATIONS For our fund raising Film Showing we could have prepared more chips and more movies to watch. First, the information was not disseminated properly. It was two days before the showing when the group has announced the activity. So that’s why, the gro up didn’t reach their target number of viewers, and that, the participants were so little. They should have posted the print ads ahead of time so that participants were able to be aware of it. There had been a technical problem with the movieâ€â€it was skipping a scene so they had to change the movie.But good thing, the audience still liked the movie and still watched it till the end. The group could have chosen a bigger space like the auditorium but unfortunately they could not afford it. So we decided to hold our event in room 415 which was convenient to other students who have classes so they can easily go to our event after their class. But the group was happy that there are more people who participated and enjoyed their event. Lastly, the film showing could have been a success if the time was extended. Most of the people who bought tickets have classes from 12:45-2:30.It could have been better if the group extended the film up to 5pm. The advocacy campaign, â€Å"Hi -Five for a Cause. †which was held at the APC cafeteria was a success. You could see that every student who would pass by the booth would notice and support the culminating activity. Although, we recommend that the culminating activity should have been widely spread and advertised more so that more people would be able to support. The event lacked noises to advertise the activity. The group could have put up big advertisements like posters and give away fliers earlier.Some of the supporters were not really aware on what they are doing and some of the group members can't explain them thoroughly because of more people coming to their booth but Helping Juans gave them fliers which tell what the advocacy campaign all about. But overall, the culminating activity that we organized was a success for us. CHAPTER TEN DOCUMENTATIONS Unlimited chips for film showing Registration Film viewing Hi-Five For A Cause They support Child Welfare. Almost a hundred supported our campaign. Ball ers @ P60 each
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Historical Review of John Dewey School and Society
As an American psychologist, philosopher, pedagogue, societal critic and political militant influenced the universe of instruction in ways that even he could n't hold dreamed of. His thoughts about instruction and the value of philosophical thought and composing were set Dewey apart from his fellow pedagogues and led to his connexions to the term progressive instruction. He believed that school should stand for society, in its ‘ ends for doing critical believing members of society, every bit good as be run in a democratic mode ; to mock the interior workings of the outer universe. Dewey voiced these positions in his work, School and Society, published in 1889, â€Å" Democracy has to be born anew every coevals, and instruction is its accoucheuse †( John Dewey & A ; Education ) . He denoted his dissatisfaction for schools and their deficiency of advancing personal geographic expedition and growing in their pupils ; repressive in nature, simple and secondary schools were denying pupils of indispensable chances for their personal advancement. Modern twenty-four hours schools like Centennial High School, vocational schools, on-line schools, and other alternate schools encourage the types of indispensable chances that Dewey felt pupils need to win. The traditional environment was non contributing to the instruction of every kid ; Dewey acknowledged the demand for alteration. So he wrote, every bit good as aided in execution, of assorted reforms that he hoped would back up schools as a â€Å" major bureaus for the development of free personalities †( Sidorsky, p. thirty ) . Much like our modern art and executing art categories do for pupils in modern twenty-four hours school scenes. Dewey ‘s dreams ab initio became a world when they opened the University of Chicago ‘s experimental school in 1896. The experimental school was merely one manner Dewey ‘s beliefs gained physical presence in the educational system. His beliefs that â€Å" school should learn pupils how to be problem-solvers by assisting pupils larn how to believe instead than merely larning rote lessons about big sums of information †( John Dewey & A ; Education ) . These types of patterns have come to the surface in current educational practices-like the demand for vocational schools when regular school is n't a realistic option for some pupils. The thought that schools needed to refocus their attending on the pupils ‘ ability to utilize judgement instead than rote-memorization to roll up cognition was his manner to promote kids to develop into grownups who can â€Å" go through judgements pertinently and discriminateingly on the jobs of human life †( Campbell, 1995, p. 215-216 ) . Among his other beliefs about the function of school, Dewey felt that school should promote pupils to larn to populate and work hand in glove with other people. Students need to cognize how to populate and work with the community around them-this is another 1 of Dewey ‘s thoughts that we still see in modern twenty-four hours athleticss, nines, and schoolroom activities-everyone has a sense of belonging and duty to keep a safe and respectful environment for themselves and the people around them. In School and Society Dewey wrote, â€Å" In a complex society, ability to understand and sympathise with the operations and batch of others is a status of common intent which merely instruction can secure. †Dewey ‘s positions of schools as a democratic scene meant that he encouraged pupils to lend to determinations that affect them and their instruction. Students needed to be advocators for their ain instruction, but still be respectful of the community around them, including grownups. In add-on to these concerns for pupil rights, Dewey was determined to see that the rights and academically based liberty of instructors needed to stay integral as good. It comes to no surprise that â€Å" Dewey was a member of the first instructor ‘s brotherhood in New York City, and his involvement in and concern with academic freedom in universities led to his function as a laminitis of the American Association of University Professors †( John Dewey & A ; Education ) . His rank in the brotherhood reaffirmed his thoughts of protecting the instructors and their rights. Even though Dewey passed off, his thoughts live on through a current educational diary, Educational Theory, which cont inues to function as a oasis for duologue about thoughts around instruction that Dewey and his co-workers foremost dissected. Pragmatism: Pragmatism is defined as â€Å" the first autochthonal motion of philosophical idea to develop in the United States †( Sidorsky, 1977, p. twelve ) . Along with other intellectuals, Dewey aided in the development of pragmatism and its ‘ function in education-bringing doctrine into the schoolroom. Cultural critic George Santayana identifies American pragmatism as a signifier of connexion of â€Å" the American experimental and imaginative attitude †with old philosophical thoughts. Dewey ‘s educational beliefs were clearly advanced and ambitious, it is no admiration that his matter-of-fact beliefs ensued. The thoughts make sense-children, like grownups, do things to profit themselves-at school childs may make good on an assignment to acquire good classs and so on. Pragmatism plays many functions, but one basically aspect that it ties into is American spiritual traditions and ideals through its cardinal point of â€Å" human intents. . . derived from their wants and demands †( Sidorsky, pp. xv-xvi ) . Dewey felt that school should function a larger intent than rote memorisation. Harmonizing to historian Morton White, Dewey ‘s matter-of-fact doctrine â€Å" lays the foundation for a more effectual construction for American societal ideals †by c ontracting the infinite between types of knowledge-scientific and others. School is supposed to learn kids to be effectual members of society. Pragmatic and democratic educational positions led to a list of eternal possibilities for Dewey and his pupils ; it was their opportunity to go advanced leaders in their society. In Dewey ‘s head, â€Å" cognition was an interaction of being with environment in which the agent actively intervened to foretell future experience and to command it †( Sidorsky, pp. xxxv-xxxvi ) . Harmonizing to Sidorski, Dewey ‘s matter-of-fact beliefs were, â€Å" a memorial to that period in American civilization which made possible a confident, optimistic vision of the possible application of the methods of the scientific disciplines to the dominant traditions of doctrine and the major establishments of society †( p. lv ) . The connexions between scientific discipline and the remainder of the universe can still be seen in modern twenty-four hours schoolroom, and a batch of this sustainability can be linked back to Dewey. He non merely bucked up pupils to be critical minds, but he showed them the world of the relationships between scientific cognition and the other signifiers of cognition and how they can work together to promote pupil success inside and outside of the schoolroom. He taught pupils to draw the trigger on their ain educational ends and demands. Despite the fitful tendencies in instruction of the 20th century, Dewey maintains the involvements of psychologists, philosophers, pedagogues, societal critics and political militants likewise and continues to see occasional resurgence.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
The Role of Language and Communication in National Transfromation
The relationship between language and communication in the business of information encoding and dissemination cannot be over looked. Despite the fact that the two concepts are different in meaning, the roles they play are complementary in many ways.Language is a process by which information can be carried out from one party to another, while communication refers to the chain of activities that make it possible for information, ideas, emotions and experiences to be conveyed from one party to the other. The process of communication starts with the source that first puts the message information in a code or language before it is sent to the receiver. The major focus of this work is to examine how language and communication agree in achieving effective information delivery for National Transformation. A documentary approach was applied.It was found out that the issue of language and communication is at the core of national transformation in Nigeria. Some variables that are relevant to th is work are examined. These findings led to the conclusion that for Nigeria to move forward in its transformational strides in the 21st century, language and communication must be strengthened at all cost. 1. 0: INTRODUCTION Language plays a very vital role in human society. The language of any human society tells a lot about that society. Therefore, it can be further emphasized that language and communication are inseparable.In any human society, language and communication occupy a very important seat, more than it appears to all. The functions of language and communication in any human community include the following; expression of thoughts, political, administration, education, social, religious, legislation and so on. It is imperative to note that of all the channels of communication, language is the most important. This is because all other means of communication like gestures and signs are only needful in the face-to-face circumstance.Language plays a vital role in this and st ill remains the most effective means of communication. Through language and communication, we can see the heart of a people. This implies that language makes it possible to express feelings, emotions, views, ideas, opinions, perceptions, as well as judgment about people, objects, places, things, information and situations, Obuh and Omenogor (2012). 2. 0: WHAT IS LANGUAGE? Language is a viable implement used by man for the purpose of communication. It is human-specific and this differentiates man from other creatures.Language has contributed enormously to the great transformation of our society politically, religiously, socially and economically. For the sake of this paper, we need a definition of language. There is a plethora of definitions of the concept of language. Sapir (1963) asserts that: â€Å"language is the key to the heart of a people†this means that language is a purely human and non-instinctive type of communication. Moreso, Moulton (1974), sees language as: â₠¬Å"a wonderful and rich vehicle of communication, which is: expression of ideas, wishes, commands, conveyance of truths and lies. He also said that only human beings have the attribute of sending and receiving an unlimited number of messages. This implies that language is a feature common to human beings. Haugen (1974) explains language as: â€Å"a man’s most distinctive and significant type of social behaviour†¦ learned anew by every child. †Language and communication are inseparably linked in the heart of a people. According to Allen and Corder (1973:27), â€Å"language is purely a human and non-instinctive method of communicating ideas, emotions and desires by means of voluntarily produced symbols†.Hall (1980:16) defines language as: â€Å"the institutions where by humans communicate and interact with each other by means of habitually used oral auditory symbols†. Bolinger (1975:14), views language as: â€Å"a system of vocal-auditory communicati on interacting with the experiences of its users, employing conventional signs composed of arbitrarily patterned sound units and assembled according to set rules†. In another development, Essien (1998:2) sees language as: A system of structured arbitrary vocal symbols by means of which human beings make meaning nd communicate with each other in a given community†¦. These definitions recognize the communicative role of language which is specifically used by human beings for the purpose of interaction. By implication, language is in essence a perfect means of expression among every known people. It is important to note that language determines the world-view of a people. It is the connection between language and communication in information delivery for national transformation that is the fulcrum of this discourse.In as much as human beings use language, communication remains its primary target. 2. 1: FUNCTIONS AND CHARACTERISTICS OF LANGUAGE These can be seen as some speci al qualities and role that are common to a typical human language. Human language is used in a number of functions and topmost among which is communication. In the same vein, language is known with the following properties: LANGUAGE IS A LIVING PHENOMENON: This is attributed to a language because language just like other creatures can be ‘born’, ‘grow’, and ‘die’. Creating a language is like giving birth to a language.A language grows when it undergoes a kind of structural and semantic expansion. A language dies when it is no longer used or spoken by any group of people in any part of the world as a means of communication. IT IS ARBITRARY: This implies that there is no logic or reasonable resemblance between words and expressions of a given language and their basic meanings or what they stand for. Example, â€Å"the spoon is in the cup on the table†does not logically look like what it means because of the arbitrariness of each of its co nstituents parts.In the same vein, human language is conventional. This is closely related to the arbitrariness of language, because a language is conventional in the sense that its meaningful usage is based on general opinion, consent, knowledge or acceptability of its various speakers Oluga (2006) EVERY LANGUAGE IS RULE GOVERNED: This means that the acceptable and correct use of a giving language is usually guided at the various linguistic levels by set of an operating rules and principles called ‘Grammar’.Every language has its own grammar which may not be the same with those of other languages and any deviation from such grammatical rules will render language use ungrammatical. IT IS SYMBOLIC: This means that language also involves the use of various symbols which invariably aids comprehension of the meaning of language. However, symbols may or may not be physical. It is not physical if what is meant is the mental image already pictured in the language users’ mind which comes to mind whenever the signifier is mentioned.LANGUAGE IS PURELY HUMAN: The school of thought who advocates these characteristics are those who believe in the incomparability of the human language. To them, language is one of the main distinctive features by which human beings can be identified, hence, it is only the human means of communication that is highly complex and developed and which can explain virtually everything that they identify as language. LANGUAGE IS COMPLEX BUT FLEXIBLE: Language complexity means that language is made up of various, but logical related, constituent parts that can be properly combined to express unlimited ideals.While language flexibility means that language is not an unreasonably rigid source of communication but one that can be modified in various ways to express various ideas. One can even say something and mean the opposite of what one says and yet the intended meaning of one’s message would be understood. LANGUAGE IS EITH ER ACCQUIRED OR LEARNT: Here, human beings are not born with language though the ability to speak language is inherent in them; hence, no child starts to speak a language as soon as he/she is born.A language is either informally acquired from childhood through an unconscious process or formally learnt through a conscious learning process or in a formal learning setting like the language class. However, acquisition of language is peculiar to mother tongue while, learning proper is peculiar to other languages other than the mother tongue. It is also expedient to note that an already acquired language usually influences or impedes learning and competency in the second language usage. From the above, it is obvious that language is an essential part of human beings which they use for communication purpose.Therefore, every nation that wishes to have a meaningful transformation, must take the issue of its language very seriously. Nigeria is a typical example of a country that has not been taken the issue of language very seriously and this is part of the reasons for our backwardness in National Transformation. 2. 2: LANGUAGE AND NATIONAL TRANSFORMATION Transformation has to do with a complete change, usually into something with an improved appearance or usefulness. Transformation implies that there is an improvement of the well-being of the people.Transformation can be seen from two major angles, that is: from human and physical. For human, transformation should be seen in raising the levels of their living standard in terms of good income. Physical transformation is an aspect of transformation that does not necessarily change the living standard of the people like building skyscrapers, modern expressways and so on. Many people are poor because they cannot assume their citizens basic necessities of life. National Transformation is the growth of the nation in terms of unity, education and so on.It involves a coordinated and concentrated transformation of all aspects o f the society, Elugbe (1990) as quoted by Okoye and Okafor (2011). For National Transformation and social changes to take a positive stand, the government should share most of her favourable policies to her target audience through the accessible mediums with acceptable language. The economic transformation of any nation also helps to define its transformational processes. As it is, the process of industrialization entails a background study of the nature of the environment and its suitability for the industry.This cannot be achieved without the use of language to transmit the ideas to the people concerned Unegbu (2011). The unity of a nation has to do with the need for the various ethnic groups in that nation to see themselves as one. It is certain that Nigeria as a nation is a geographical entity that is made up of several different groups ordinarily unrelated. I stand to said that there cannot be real national unity and transformation without a strong and genuine linguistic policy that is geared towards uniting the country 3. 0: WHAT IS COMMUNICATION?Communication is the process of sharing ideas, feelings, thoughts and messages with others. The heart of communication is the dissemination of effective messages to the audience and this may involve writing, speaking, gestures, disposition and facial expressions, among others. Communication has been given several definitions by various scholars. For instance, Little (1965:4) defines communication as: â€Å"a process by which information is passed among individuals and organizations by means of previously agreed symbols†. Lyons (1965:32) views it as â€Å"an intentional transmission of information by means of some established signaling system†.Book, et al (1980:8) sees communication as â€Å"†¦ a transactional symbolic process which allows people to relate and manage their environment by establishing human contact, exchanging information, re-enforcing the attitudes and behaviours of others and changing the attitudes and behaviours of others. By these definitions, communication therefore is a means of touching others through sharing of information in agreed system. 3. 1: FORMS OF COMMUNICATION Forms of communication have been derived for the sake of convenience to simplify the process of communication.Communication is very vital to keep the environment healthy and peaceful. Imagine a world where no one understands one another. Wouldn't it be chaotic? Think about it. Communication of information, messages, opinions, speech and thoughts can be done through different forms of modern communication media, like Internet, Telephone and Mobile. Some of the basic ways of communication are by speaking, singing, sign language, body language, touch and eye contact. These basic ways of communication are used to transfer information and for the sake of this paper it shall be narrowed down into four: ?First is verbal communication, it is essentially the type of communication which uses words. It uses sounds in addition to the language, gestures and body language, while communicating. Verbal communication helps in expressing thoughts, emotions and sentiments. A phone conversation, chat with a friend, an announcement made or a speech delivered are all verbal forms of communication. For most of us, it comes with ease. As children, we learned verbal communication through the sounds around us. We soon develop and start understanding the language which helps us to communicate verbally as we grow older. Another is non-verbal communication. It is a process of communication without using words or sounds. Non-verbal communication uses gestures, body language, facial expressions, eye contact, clothing, hairstyles and every part of the body to communicate with the audience. Dances or a gesture made by a mother to a child, are the perfect examples of non-verbal communication. ?Written communication is another form. This is where you write the words which you want to communicat e. Good written communication is essential for business purposes. Written communication is practiced in many different languages.E-mails, reports, articles and memos are some of the ways of using written communication in business. The written communication can be edited and amended many times before it is communicated to the second party to whom the communication is intended. This is one of the main advantages of using writing as the major means of communication in business activity. Written communication is used not only in business but also for informal communication purposes. Mobile SMS is an example of informal written communication see Daramola (2003). ?Fourthly is oral communication. This is the communication process conducted through spoken words.Oral communication is defined as the effective interpretation, composition, and presentation of information, ideas, and values to a specific audience. In today's world, the emergences of different forms of media have led to the commu nication process through different channels like telephones, tele-conferences, video conferences and what have you. Earlier, face-to-face meetings and speeches were the only forms of communication see also Daramola (2003). 3. 2: CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMUNICATION According to Daramola (2003), the characteristics of communication are as follows: oCommunication is dynamic, not static. It is continuous since there is no beginning and end to it in person’ life oIt is a complete process as it occurs at many levels and reflects many influences. oIt is irreversible. Once any message is sent and received, it produces effect on later messages. oIt is non sequential in that the elements are not rigidly patterned in a linear or circular manner. 3. 3: COMMUNICATION AND NATIONAL TRANSFORMATION National Transformation in Nigeria is a phenomenon that has so many meanings to different people though, all gear towards enhancing the living standard of the masses.Society as a whole cannot survive if the people are not properly informed of the way forward. And communication constitutes one of the instruments that precedes the education and re-education of the people providing changes in the society. Communication is a way of relaying a lot of information to a large segment of people. In communicating with the people, there is the communicator, the message, channel and the audience. As an ingredient for the advancement of the society, communication maintains a constant link between the people and National Transformation.The main purpose of communication is to create awareness to the public. Communication is the live wire for growth and transformation. It does not only eradicate ignorance and apathy, it aids to create awareness about happenings in the society. Lack of communication can lead to a total breakdown of activities in a society. Communication brings about freedom of speech and ideas. It gives everyone the privilege to participate in the formation of public matters. It keeps one abreast about transformational agenda and widens ones wealth of knowledge Unegbu (2011).Nigerian government need to use communication to help socio-economic and political advancement of the country and this will assist to mobilize the people towards the attainment of National Transformation of the country. With the use of communication and language, the government will be able to reach out to her numerous audiences in her policies and programmes. The aim at improving the standard of living of the masses, raising their consciousness towards protection and the defense of the nation for national interest cannot be achieved without proper communication. . 0: RECOMMENDATION The following recommendations may serve in improving the role language and communication plays in National Transformation. 1. Effort should be doubled at the teaching and learning of language and communication to meet international standards. 2. Education policy makers should make language and communication a compulsory course for all disciplines at the high education level in Nigeria. This will assist every graduate (no matter his/her area of specialization) to acquire standard language and communication skills. . The teaching of language and communication should be more intensive. This implies that more hours should be allocated to language and communication class in our schools. 4. Teachers of language and communication should be trained and re-trained to enable them cope with the complexities involved in the teaching of the course. 5. 0: CONCLUSION Communication involves the use of language to pass information, transact, and exchange ideas and expressions of thought. This implies that, language is a fundamental symbol to communication.Language is not a natural instinct; it is acquired or learnt through the effective social stages like the family, peer-group and ethnic group. Man as a social and communicative animal must live, associate and interact with people in the society to ac hieve personal aspirations. All these is greatly enhanced and facilitated by effective communication. This paper has looked at language and communication in Nigerian environment as one of the ways of enhancing National Transformation. The point is that Nigeria as a country should develop language and communication to a level that every user can effectively and adequately handle it.This is in view of the fact that the Nigerians must be prepared for the challenges of international environment since transformation is not just something that is limited to within the boundaries of a given nation-state or country. The life of a nation will be short-circuited and meaningless without language and communication. Sustained communication is therefore made possible through language.
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